👽 Alien Math: 3 Lucious Lyons 🦁 Equals 1 Terrence Howard 👨🏽
👿 Plateae Non Potuerunt Me Cladem. Morbus Non Potuit Me Occidere. Etiam Deus Non Potest Occide Me. Dies Veniet Cum Lucius Leo Sunt Reversus Veni.
🎤 The Streets Couldn't Defeat Me. Disease Couldn't Kill Me. Even God Can't Kill Me. The Day Will Come When Lucious Lyon Will Return. (Dwight Walker)
As I watched the TV Show ‘Empire’, even participating in the Nationwide Music Contest they had for The Winner to have a coveted Walk On Episode being a possible New Artist to sign with Empire. The whole time throughout The Series, I was thinking to Myself, hmm, when are they going to drop the above Rock Track in it somehow since it’s perfect for this, and it never happened though it would have been great.
Ofcourse for my intent and purposes of using this song in my mind would boast a different set of lyrics.
I will be taking on 2 left over topics from last year that I deliberately did not cover, so that I can address it here at this time since the sequence lineup of what I was discussing at the time as new issues popped up did not account to introduce this into the conversation, and now that there is a window at this time to give this unusual math and science the attention it deserves, I can entertain it.
Today is Monday January 27th 2025, and before I get into the scientific mind of Mr. Terrence Howard, I just want to post below the short video of Elon Musk’s Starship Rocket Booster, back in mid October 2024 in South Texas, that went up into The Atmosphere, then came back down and re-aligned Itself back in place on Its own Launcher. It’s feat of Human Achievement. A Spectacular Show. Growing up being a Space Kid with ambitions to be an Astronaut in the Fantasy of my mind with the Space Books all around my room and fantasy artwork of space stories and such, to this day, seeing stuff like that brings a smile to my face. Like how COOL was that!? I had to contain myself and save the topic to fix into this one along with other related Space stuff about Aliens, UFOs and the speculations about that and draw it all into a context concerning some of the mathematical thinking of Mr. Howard, juxtaposed to my own. You can also click the above image to read the Fox News coverage of it.
✖️ So Continuing With The Below Argument At Hand Concerning Terrence Howard, Re-Evaluating Math
So today is Monday February 3rd 2025, and continuing this discussion, this is not a piece discouraging any scientific or mathematical perceptions of One, Terrence Dashon Howard but an examination of some of the things he says. If you are unfamiliar with how his discussions on these Online Talk Shows were ridiculed by Some last year, you should take the time to study some of the videos out there with him talking about Frequencies, Mathematical Stuff and so on. It is all interesting. I took an interest in it because he was having a very intellectual discussion that was going above the heads of a lot of People. It’s high Science & Mathematics. He was addressing some of the Mis-Education we were taught in School based on the current “new” Science and the kind of Math our Ancient Ancestors actually knew. Some things that are often ignored by those who studied the science and math and should know better, but chose to not teach it. I was always very good in Math & Science among other Subjects in Grade School & Middle School and also in my Freshman & Sophomore years in High School. I had Teachers who knew how to teach a Subject correctly. Things started getting dicey when it came to studying Physics, Trigonometry, & Calculus with the Teachers involved in my Junior & Senior years. It challenged what I instinctively knew was the right answer being taught the way I was by them, doing The Formula this way or that. It racked my Brain because as they are teaching, I actually listen and think about The Problem before solving it. And I had better Teachers before. It’s a Miracle how I survived that Phase in High School because maintaining a High GPA in that Scholastic Program I was in was important. I did much better in all my other Courses. Depending on The Quiz or Test that day, I either performed well or not. And guess what? I was not the only one struggling. It became enough of a concern to The School to call that Teacher in to find out what the issue was. And anyone from My Era in High School who might happen to read this would remember all those Teachers, ha ha. Well, the course was easy for THEM knowing all that stuff already, but we were just learning. In the case of that Math Teacher, she was an Asian Woman excited about The Subject when she taught it and was giving us hard College-Level Material as a way of her style of Pedagogy theorizing that she was somehow doing us a favor by introducing that as opposed to our actual grade-level textbook material, claiming if we learn to do harder equations, we can solve easier ones, however, that notion was premature from the start since we had not grasped how to do the basic and intermediate problems in The Sequence that well through rote yet to take all that complex stuff on, so The Head Master of our School told her though what she’s doing is admirable and appreciated, she should tone it down a bit. And this worked for a while until we went further along the course where all that Advance stuff came into play again. Now Logic is built into Math as well to be thinking about the problem a certain way. Just coming out of another Class talking about Scientific stuff, well those Principles would apply and integrate with all that other mathematical theory as it was meant to and The Teachers were supposed to be coordinating all that stuff where it made sense. There were cases in Class based off re-evaluating a Problem, the Teacher decided to accept another Answer and all of a sudden, So and So’s Failure, including my own, just made Passing due to some error of thinking while presenting that math problem in the first place, and this applicable way of doing the Math instead, led to this or that plausible answer. Come to find out, The Teacher brought in some Paperwork from The Regents or other Standard Statewide Test that happened before with some other Kids, at the time where they corrected the Grades and made a big deal out of it to be Circulating it around The City Schools, and so people got their grades bumped up, and this brings me back to Terrence Howard for a bit, when he says stuff like 1+1 can equal 3, and questioning the square root of 1 being 1, and why does 1 times 1 equal 1 when it should be 2 and The Calculator proves it conversely. He believes a LIE was told a long time ago to make certain math unquestionable for a reason. It’s either that or just an ERROR that was made a long time ago which was never corrected. We just accept what we’re being told and memorize what the answer should be to pass an Exam, but it doesn’t mean that The Formula is right. These are things I picked up on in School over 30 years ago, and when you are a Student stressing about what Scientific Project you’re going to do for Westinghouse, keeping your grades up to go to MIT, or other Top College, like I did, because you are so consumed with High Tech Stuff, dreaming about working for NASA and being a Space Explorer, your mind might realize what’s wrong with The Curriculum and perhaps you might be too advanced to be in the situation you’re in. So I and a few Others who thought and felt the same, did what we needed to do. We eventually got out of The Gateway Program and took advantage of a very similar Competitive Schedule where we could still be in Touch with certain Top-Level Classes and also remain in contact with our Former Classmates, which was offered through The Humanities Program. So we were THERE without being there with a better Flexibility. The Time on how that felt made a tremendous difference. We were better able to teach Ourselves “the correct” Science & Math. We continued arguing back and forth with The Teacher about what The Answer should be and why is this and that so. A lot of what Terrence is talking about came up in discussion in these Courses back in The Day and Some Teachers did address it by briefly explaining this and that historical mathematician’s theory in context to what our government accepts as Standard, with the caveat of choosing the answer THEY want you to choose. A few Kids were able to afford the $400 an hour to go for Special Tutoring somewhere because their Parents were willing to pay a Mathematician to teach them The Secret Math Techniques to uncover any answer based off Numerology without having to go through the procedure of solving the actual math problem, and those Kids were suddenly doing a little too well in School, while Other Struggling Kids like Myself took to our Bedrooms studying, or watched some City Public Access Television Program on The Subject, or went to The Library, taking out books, studied some Math Videos, and so on and trying to do the problem “the right way”. So finally The Big Examination Day came and the nervousness was there because ofcourse we want to Pass. Now we already done took past examinations in Class to expect similar formatted problems and to our surprise, this test was even harder. I sat there taking the shit with multiple #2 Pencils, a Sharpener, and a Scientific Calculator at my Station, very immersed into trying to solve each equation as accurate and as fast as possible for the allotted time of that Section. The whole time I was thinking, I hope I chose the right answer because this other one looks correct too and I already did the math twice, damn near 3 times to make sure. So moving on to the next Sections proved to be hard too with the Logic Questions and Fancy Diagrams, and Theories. I came out of there hoping I passed. So as Class resumed the following days with us going through The Hallways wondering how well we did, the moment of truth arrived and in Our Class, we’re looking at each other like, here comes The Teacher, because it was a reflection on her as well, and our eyes fixated on her as she came in because we’re trying to read her body language like did we pass or not. She sat, set up her stuff, there’s a smile on her face and she finally told us that WE ALL PASSED. It was just a matter of who got what Score and she began calling out this Student and that One telling him or her how well he or she did. And ofcourse, we already knew all the Top Math Whiz in Class we expected to be all the way up there in the 90s damn near 100. Throughout that Semester, I was NOT doing well in that Subject and only had mainly Myself to rely on, so I was content just hearing something like 69 the most when my name got called. I didn’t care as much because in every other Subject, my Score was in the high 80s and super high 90s and I was already good to apply to Top-Tier Colleges. Science was easier for me than Math and so I was already mentally prepared to hear her say atleast a 65 because that Test was pretty hard, and Our Teacher said herself she expected some people to fail really bad like many of them did in some Other Classes. So she got around to calling my name, and I heard 82, and was shocked. I said WHAT?! Are you sure that’s me? She said yes and called me up to see it and the detailed info of where I scored the highest and the section I messed up on, and she congratulated me, and my Classmates were happy for me as well. Scoring so high on that out of the blue brought up my Final Class Grade for that Subject to be in The 80s. I was so excited and then came off of that vibe realizing that it could have easily been an 85, 88, 90, 92, or 94 instead had I not second guessed something on a few of those equations if that was why after working out another plausible answer. My faith in doing math got validated again. That Moment in my life kind of resemble the Old School Movie back in The Late 80s called Stand And Deliver, starring Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillips & Others which was True Story about some failed Ethnic Urban High School Students not doing well in Class and this Math Teacher educates them about their Culture, as Math was in their Mayan Blood to know how to do, and those Kids eventually did exceptionally well Scoring among The Highest Percentile Nationwide. I was so proud of myself and couldn’t wait to go home and tell my Family, for actually working very hard at it to have achieved something above just Passing. So back to Terrence, he’s not wrong. Just using a regular or Scientific Calculator shows where he is actually correct, minus any programming error because a Computer Programmer can make an equation equal what it does not. As some years went by and I was practically finished earning My Bachelors Degree in College, I later heard some News Report about Statewide Exams catching an error in their equations and so forth to alert people who Tested during that period that their Score was this many points higher and it brought back old memories due to them now saying they’ll accept this also correct answer, even though it should have be this one. And to be honest with you, though I am good enough to say I know Math & Science to be actively involved on some Project, to this day like any other Area I might be Sketchily Proficient in, I never really confidentially say I’m an Expert since I expect Someone else to be more skilled than me unless that Person is either lacking or not Present because I’m still learning. Math is supposed to be actual and not so much debatable. From my thinking, solving an unknown equation to end up with this result makes sense until you re-evaluate the logic to get this other credible answer instead, like when they tell you 2 positives agree to make another positive and yes that’s true, well then 2 negatives should make a negative, right? It however equals a positive. So why does a positive and a negative equal a positive? I look at it in terms of theoretical Religious Philosophy and sometimes in terms of actual Objects like when you teach a Child about 5 Oranges minus 3 equals how many? Well, as you get involved in more complicated thinking, I measure certain equations sometimes with a right or wrong argument on something. Like do 2 wrongs make a right? A Male (-) and a Female (+) can produce a Child (+ -) and in terms of Math that’s 2 Solitary Integers producing A Third, not Itself to be equal to One. You see when you look at it that way, something is OFF about The Math because we’re being taught that One multiplied by Itself is still One but when added to Itself, it’s Two, and my Answer to some of Terrence’s questions is the idea of One being intrinsically charged as both a positive and negative Integer to explain both the Science and Math at the same time why it is still One despite The Paradox. As far as The Science is concerned, I’ll touch on that later as I share some of his views as well.
📚 https://www.nysed.gov/state-assessment/history-new-york-state-assessments
Today is Thursday February 6th 2025, and to discuss the Science, well, like the Math in the beginning stages, I was really good at that. Ofcourse as One advance studying complicated aspects of these Subjects, it gets more and more challenging. Your brain either wraps around these concepts or not. I’ll venture to say that as Beings, we are instinctively wired to excel in knowing the right answers to things already. The problem is how something is taught or re-taught. The Teacher they present to you might not be the best one for The Class, and he or her may get defensive. A Student is Teachable, he or she might lack a sensibility to learning something due to misinformation, confusion, or other problem. In 8th Grade Earth Science Class, signs of misinterpretations happened due to incoherent teaching, but I best processed the information on my own time studying privately. During that period, The Math seemed easier because I had a Skilled Teacher. This dillydally between the 2 Subjects weighed more on how a Lesson was delivered going forward from Junior High to High School. Mind you, not all Teachers care about your Education. I cared though. The ones who took the time to explain this, that or the other, in any Subject were excited about Teaching. I was Smart enough to become a paid Tutor to Kids while in High School and later in life developed Professionally to Teach K-12 and at The College Level for a time in troubled Schools where Administrators did not seem to like certain Kids or Teachers like me helping them to learn, and that became an issue. I excelled mainly in English Language Literature, World History, Music, Art, Psychology, Sociology, Journalism, Computers, Gym and other Athletics, rounded off by a Satisfactory command of Math & Science, and semi-mastering a Foreign Language, throughout my Education. I took also this or that Elective here and there and so I had some Acting, Film, Theatre, Dance, Criminology and Finance Course Learning as well. I have a right & left brain perception of things. I lean more towards The Creative Arts, but can handle Technical Things. It became about THAT! Was I going to pursue a Masters of Arts OR a Master in Science when applying to College, which set of Course Program did I like better when viewing The Curriculum and would I stick with it? Well I was a Space Cadet since Grade School. I loved all the Cartoons and Film on it and as I grew, I fell in love with The Real Life Alien Stuff, the UFO Space Craft, The Abduction Stories, The Crop Circles, Chupacabra, The Loch Ness Monster, The Yeti and so on. You couldn’t tell me anything. I already knew it or heard something like it. I already came into Some Classes having Advanced Knowledge. When it was Biology, talking about DNA, I raised my hand telling the right answer. When it was Chemistry, I knew some of the stuff already. When it was Physics, as hard as that was, I engaged the Teacher making points where he remarked, I’ll teach that in about 3 weeks. It became about which Kid was actually there to learn, and which Ones could care less since Our Classes were sometimes mixed among other Specialized & Non-Specialized Programs different Kids were taking at the time. And if the Teacher was talking about time, energy, velocity, light, speed, frequency and such, in context to Space or a Vacuum for example, depending on the Formula or Hypothesis, my mind followed it. I was already making the connections to possibly opening dimensions as I remarked back then. You see, when Writing these Articles a certain way to You, my Audience, I like to incorporate Popular Culture from Back In The Day, like TV Shows, Movies and Cartoons I grew up watching due to the fact that so much detail and hidden information are buried in them, that you have to have an Occult Mind to see it. The Masterminds behind them were Teachers, relating very profound stuff. You don’t see much of it in Today’s Time the right way. So getting back to Terrence Howard with what he’s putting out here interpreting Science, as you can see when you click these Banners. These things were known in My Day as such arguments would come up still from prior Generations. Should we be measuring straight lines as Absolutes when interpreting The World around us where Curves are more the Reality. Since Ancient Times, working around a particular Number to form our Calendar Days, Build Structures, and so forth is easier done 2-Dimensionally, but my Answer to Howard as to The Flat Paperwork or Wall Sculps they did trying to convey The Universe, which is too massive, is for you to take a look at how The Ancient People showed their Knowledge of the Repetitive Spirally Vastness of Space, it’s depth and so forth by depicting The Left & The Right, as The Egyptians did telling History. Notice how I write these Blogs in a deliberate Symmetrical Way for instance depending on how One might read it in forward date order, or backward date order. I put things in here a certain way for certain minds. You see my stronger points might be The Arts, but I have a Numeric and Scientific side to me as well to appeal to both Persons either Left or Right Brain. What I see in Terrence Dashon Howard and Others like him I’ve met over The Years, or came to know is what is true about Myself. Life sometimes takes us in other Directions. You might have studied this, that and the other, but you became an Actor. You’ll see a quote out there where he said, “I just wanted to be a Scientist” well, a lot of People wanted to be certain things but ended up doing this instead over the Course of Life, but it doesn’t mean you lost interest in what Appeals to you. In my case, I had a solid list of Prospective Professions I might find Myself in and I am currently engaged in most of them in some form. I just have an unusual Career morphing these interests in a way to work with room for more. Terrence branched off from Acting a bit to Publicly Speak about re-examining these Sciences and Mathematics because he has been studying these things still privately. Well, guess what kind of things the Scope of My Mind studies?
Today is Sunday February 9th 2025, and more on Mr. Terrence Howard but first a question, since Math is involved in calculating the number of days for our Calendar, which Culture has the right one? Today’s White Man currently uses The Gregorian Calendar and before that it was The Julian Calendar, where we’re missing about 10 days unaccounted for. Ancient Cultures mapped out the date and time to the most exact to the best of their knowledge, still accounting for any left over days. The Sumerians, The Egyptians, The Dogons, Ancient East Indians, Native Americans, The Olmecs, The Mayans, The Aztecs, and so on. Some Scholars who wish to be honest with you might say that we ARE NOT in the real year right now due to mis-calculating lost time why some might say we are actually in the year 8000 something or 27,000 something depending on what Moon, Star, or Sun The Culture used to make The Calendar. So how can you interpret Prophecy? Remember God said that HE will destroy The World by Fire next time, instead of using Water, in reference to His Coming and remarked you will not know The Hour. Well that means we would still have some way of discerning an actual date & some idea of the time. This is why MATH & SCIENCE is important. Some Artistic Keys to the Universe can be measured. There are Universal Languages should you meet an Alien or Spirit reaching out to communicate with Us. Within these Frequencies are sounds you can interpret and measure. The leave visible marks too you can see and calculate. They have specific properties and abilities. They are Inter-Dimensional, and shockingly, They know who you are. The Bible and other Ancient Scriptures speak of this, and what is described by the sensibilities of these people seem primitive, child-like or simple, but thinking about it and reading it again, hearing it described and perhaps seeing examples of it gives further insight. I read a lot of Strange Books growing up and one of my favorites were The Man, Myth & Magic Collection filled wit odd but true stories. You see many similar stuff now on Youtube and other Places. You either believe the stuff or not. The point is A LOT is hidden from us, and we are continuously being distracted. Some of you might already be experiencing strange phenomena or paradoxes in your life that are Supernatural. I certainly have Tales to tell which I still keep private, still only choosing to relate what makes sense for now. I know I’ve chosen on occasion to leave certain Venues due to The Vibes I picked up on, while other times tuning into stuff, I was able to tell certain things about Somebody I met they did not share with me, or on other occasion dream of places I’ve never been to or Identity of someone I never met that existed before cross Continent and be right when I got a chance to take the dream seriously and research it. I am also a Remote Viewer in a Psychic Sense, able to see People and Events outside of my Immediate Domicile. Do You Believe Me? Well, a few other People have similar abilities you can test who have already made that known Publicly over time. You can tell who actually is from who is not too. The CIA is interested in these people also. Russia has long used Psychics. China, has Its Special People too, they just don’t emphasize it for you to hear. India, ofcourse have their Extraordinarily Gifted People hidden away living under special circumstances. America and just about everywhere else, has that one Someone or a Few Persons with Unusual Abilities either living quietly somewhere or moving about openly. It depends on Him or Her, and what The Power is. Some of them from certain parts were spoken about on Youtube man years ago, and now you barely hear the slightest story on them as if they fell off The Scene. Many more People should have some kind of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) but failed to develop it further going through life. I can tell you this, as you move about your life and encounter certain things, some people and places may strike you a certain way even if the person is downplaying their Powers, or a Place happens to be disguised a certain way to hide Its Energies. And what does all this have to do with Math & Science in context to Terrence Howard? Well when he popped up the other year with his Scientific & Mathematical Observations studying that in context to Ancient Cultures as well, It was a vastly different World then where these Other-Worldly Beings openly interacted with Us on Our Plain. They were depicted coming through Dimensional Portals talking to People here. It was a thing. They call them Aliens & Demons. God Himself speaks of them in his Books. The Egyptians depicted the different Dimensional Beings in these accessible Gateways you can travel to, perhaps bending time and space. They had thorough knowledge of this and left some existing clues. You either believe this stuff or not. Science & Math can measure if such a thing is possible. If you just think about It for a moment, you realize, in theory the whole Scope of the Equilibrium of Time & Space in Its continuous form, the length, width, and breadth of It as described by The Maker, Is as He says when reading your Bible correctly, for Our allotted Time Period is Finite for the Simulation we currently occupy, BUT The Real World we live in as Spiritual Beings, is Eternal. What I hear Terrence Howard is trying to grasp in these Public Discussions is some scientific connection back to what we would call Spiritual in explaining All This. You simply cannot explain a scientific answer to these anomalies of Intelligent Design WITHOUT mentions a Supreme Creator at some point. It is also The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican Friar and Catholic Priest in the 1200s A.D. It’s Common Sense, and long before him, The Philosophy of Ancient Peoples referred to as PAGANS who attributed ALL THIS to some Creator God who Designed It. You can click on the above and subsequent Banner Images to hear another Talk Show or Speech of Terrence Dashon Howard re-interpreting our Present Math & Science Teachings.
Today is Friday February 14th 2025, VALENTINE’S DAY, and the focus for such occasion will be on The Love Lucious shared with Cookie. Ofcourse I’m referring to the character Terrence Howard played on the TV Show EMPIRE where he starred with Taraji P. Henson. I actually miss the show since Jussie Smollet’s Chicago Incident that made Major News where he was accused of a Fake Hate Crime Hoax back in January 2019, and thus began the clock tick till The Series finally ended in 2020 after five years. Those years were still better TV Time because such television programs offered an escape and insight into alternative lifestyles. They served a purpose because look where we’re at right now. That distraction was better than what The People behind The Political Warmongering Machine is trying to do. It’s not only way more noticeable but also ineffective. Empire was also competing with & against other notable shows at the time. When you remove particular programs form TV or Cable without adequately replacing them with another satisfying Series, then People have time to look up, go about, get antsy, start debating, start getting restless, take up some political agenda and so on. The People that The Government, it doesn’t matter WHO is in Power are fighting, and are afraid of, will find in their Idle Time the mind to consider being thoughtful on The Matters that concern them and become disobedient. Now back to Empire’s Love Story, as almost all these Subliminal Tales are about something Occultic no matter how bastardized the story, in this case given the symbolism, Lucious Lyon (Lucifer) has a Wife name Cookie ( ha ha ha ) that go through all kinds of Trials but Triumph in The End to make a long story very short. When I view these shows or movies, some of the arcane stuff is true and somewhat lost to history, what offends Me are the inaccuracies. If you’ve been consistently following me this long as some of you have from way back, you’ll notice in a particular year, I decided to really go all out and PRESENT a Being name LUCIFER using my Social Media Accounts with a purpose. It differed in many ways with how I was doing it compared to other Satanic Accounts Online And what makes me stand out more is that I Am a Black Female doing it, which seemed odd to some ignorant of the fact that a good collection of Black Folk secretly like Lucifer and can be seen or heard expressing that at some point in Colonial History and way before any Slave Trade if you really study some of these Archaic Cultures. What I Am doing is trying to correct fallacies in open time. It’s like a person who loves Jesus, deciding to be HIM or atleast represent Him online with profound insight to present Him right to The World. Only a handful of these types of Spiritual Accounts actually do the job while the others are just well, whatever. I have A LOT to say and show despite certain Opposition against me, and take a wild guess why I AM more so targeted than anybody else? Something about My Presentation however overt or subtle is profoundly TRUE and is endorsed by The Devil Himself, and we only follow and take interest in The Real Persons that God is using on this Planet Earth in Counter. I have made Myself very clear in the past, enough for sharp wit people to discern on their own from My Work what should cross their mind. I Am sorry if THAT never occurred to you. More on this at a later time in my articles. So I Am pleased with some of these Portrayals, but disappointed with certain things You People are trying to do politically which are ill-thought of, hurried, and corrupt. Now you have to back-paddle most of it due to mis-interpretations of The Scripture. And I can say so with full Authority being Someone’s Valentine. Ha Ha Ha. Now back to Lucious & Cookie in ‘Empire’, there are elements of Terrence Howard’s discussions in that as science & math were needed to make their Music and build it into the Corporation it became. Remember, Lucious suffered an unfortunate accident in The Series where the Creator of Show Lee Daniels incorporated some of Terrence’s philosophies you see and hear about now into that character. That whole thing about seeing Colors in Music, what tone frequency it is and so forth, is a true science. Music is mathematical, I should not need to tell you that. The input Terrence had on The Show had it continued would have been invaluable. They were using it in part trying to drop all kinds of Science in there where relevant among the ghetto-ness of The Show, which is what you do. I know that some Socially Conscious Black Commentators did not like The Show preferring something more like The Cosby Show, but the Era we’re in called more for the kind of urban corrupt stuff to be shown like the TV Show Gotham. You need to learn all that too. These people also di not like Scandal, and that too had a lot to offer showing you what really goes on. And there were many more Shows. The new “television programs” are happening in real life in The News watching certain the lives of certain people whether The Justice System is playing a game with them or other Strange stuff concerning them. This is where we are at now, and it takes an analytical mind to see the social science in that and equate one problem to another to figure out an Unknown LIKE you’re doing math.
Today is Sunday February 16th 2025, and this articles concludes on the 24th day since its publication. This was a leftover topic mixed with the other UFO Alien Stuff to discuss also in One issue. We are also in Black History Month to showcase a few things first before wrapping all this up with Terrence’s Empirical Math.
I had to feature The Astronauts this year as explained in my prior pertinent segment in context to me.
So anyway, as for Aliens, the Evidence is overwhelming that they Exist, going back from Ancient to Modern Times. There are however, documented false incidences and Tall Tales. Be certain that you ARE dealing with One per chance you come across Them. I personally since Childhood had my prejudices and was Wise to because if I came across such an Event and experienced a coveted chance aboard a Spaceship, I’d decided to keep it a Secret from The Government for valid reasons. If I were to Present it, a lot of my re-telling would be shrouded in some Story or Drawing or other Artform that only a Wise Person might get it. And how do I feel NOW, kind of the same, but depending on The Circumstance, I just might not think it is necessary to hide anymore, likewise with Inter-Dimensional stuff. Humans should have been further developed by now. You’ve had so much time. I would not easily dismiss these strange encounters some people are reporting like seeing what appear to be interdimensional creatures come and go through here, or Starships flying with odd lights, or whatever. These videos and the person complaining can be quickly analyzed to see if it is a fraud. Governments around the The World should be coming out of this LIE that Aliens and their Flying Saucers don’t exist, when they do. It IS time to spring all this stuff on The People in some way so you don’t have to explain the worst. Some of the most Curious Ones are out here revealing some Truth already, let them. Give them more information to report on for you. When the Time comes, it will be no surprise. The People will be already prepped.
As for Terrence’s Empirical Science, we saw glimpses of his thought process in prior years, working on His Life’s Project to Humanity as those who are touched by certain things would have to bestow. In terms of Biblical Prophecy in context to this, I must say that somewhere in the calculations an ERROR was made or will be made in terms of Finances in your Global Plans. The New World Leader, either deliberately or by accident would have mis-calculated something when it comes to Money as our new Global Economic Plan. Everything will go just fine, UNTIL. When it all falls apart, many will be scrambling for cover to try to make a new life for themselves, as their whole life savings and self-worth go POOF!
Today is Friday, February 21st 2025, and I’m close to closing this article, and for anyone wondering, in My Local Queens High School, which was JAMAICA HIGH, the Students that performed really well academically were from The Humanities Program, with some being former Gateway Students like Myself graduating in the Top Percentile. After bouncing around to a couple different Colleges far from where I lived, experiencing life in those Country Areas, I relocated back to settling into the right Urban College to earn my Bachelors Degrees where I regularly made The Dean’s List and graduated at the Top of My Class. Now when you click the above banner image to see Terrence’s little argument against Gravity being a factor in the Creation of Planets, I debate his theory because it gives no thought to Magnetism being a factor. Space is already a Void, yet we see sparks of Light Energy being held together by something. I know some people tried to debunk his perceptions of things, notably Neil deGrasse Tyson, and even then, I also disagreed with him. We don’t really know for sure what’s out There. This is why studying The Realities around Us became a Science. A Clue is Written in The Biblical Texts that What is Above is Below. So I concur that what is Outside must also be Within. There are definite signs of that. A Being that can see ALL REALITIES, even the slightest Glimpse of IT, knows what Terence Howard is trying to figure out, decode and Map. From the Infinite to The Finite, well, we might only need to look within Our Atmosphere to perhaps guess the rest. Some of this work has already been done by The Ancient Ones which have survived still for Millenia after Millenia, after Millenia.
Today is Sunday February 23rd, 2025 and
Sine & Cosine,
Lisa Angela Markland
Lhisa Ungelis Mrklon