🌵 Border Czar & Migrant Crimes 🦅
Somnium Americanum Pertinet Nos Ad Omnes 🌎
The American Dream Belongs To All Of Us 🏝️
(Kamala Harris, Historic 49th Vice President Of The United States Of America)
🎵 American Dream By Jimmy Cliff (1983) The Power And The Glory Album
Throughout this article are sub-topics either directly or indirectly related to Illegal Alien Criminal Activities, or have something to do with it, though Domestic in nature. It’s important to realize that you need to also set up or reinforce Border Walls around your life to protect yourself and your loved ones form invasion and harm fending off physical, emotional or psychological attacks from rabid persons.
Aside from everything else being discussed, one issue that stands out very much as being problematic are The Migrants at The American Border. The issue was never truly addressed under Vice President Kamala Harris who was assigned that Duty, and now President Elect Trump appointed Tom Homan to the task. News of some Migrant Caravans already have self-deported upon hearing that Trump won The 2024 Election. The problem is that too many of these people have already seeped into this Country, unfully documented and advanced to Democrat Sanctuary Cities, all expenses paid. So as it seems, we may have more than common criminals here already still currently engaged in Offenses. There might be Foreign Terrorists here as well connected to Sleeper Cells.
Today is Sunday November 24th 2024, and continuing with the topic, with all the problems we have to deal with already, Americans shouldn’t be worrying about Oddball Illegals roaming The Streets and bent on committing crimes. Laken Riley, a College Student seeking a Profession in The Medical Field as a Nurse, should not have been killed by a Migrant Criminal who was let into this Country, due to the negligence of The U.S. Government under The Biden Administration. There has been some criticism as to who was actually running it because these policies may not have been coming from Joe Biden himself just to be fair. Biden in his younger days as we saw him would not have co-signed on that. The point is an illegal person should not be able to come here and run amuck attacking anything or anyone. The complacent attitude of The Democratic Party shows how misplaced an ideology is, being WOKE! And I attempted to clear up some of this since December 2021 explaining a Moorish Sovereign Citizen Case I was on over 14 years ago where I mentioned it in 1 of 3 reports I’d gave The FBI explaining a type of Black Philosophy, and it was not meant to be taken out of context, mis-interpreted and misused in the fashion as we see now. It had nothing to do with LGBTQ stuff, or committing rampant free crimes. It had more to do with Pro-Black Teachings, educating yourself about The White Man, how he thinks and operates against Colored Folk, studying our true history and so forth, hence staying WOKE because Our people are asleep, atleast some of us still. It does not mean what SOMEONE decided to do with that concept, taking it out of place and making it mainstream for their own political purposes where it now has a ridiculous meaning and value affecting the consciousness of Whites Everywhere in a perverted way because it means all kinds of crazy degenerative things you see in Society now as opposed to its pure meaning among Blacks in their own Local Communities and what that stood for then, and I see that some of them are now slightly confused. It was a bad move for whoever did that. It’s hurting a lot of people. It would have been better to not try and plan anything because it spinned off the wrong way, and completely out of control and I rarely mention this word knowing better because it is so stupid and I encourage people to stop using it and go back to the terms you use to use that describes a problem. A lot of what you are seeing before you stems more from White Guilt. This idea of catering to the lost and degenerate Class and bestow upon them a hurried come-up and them not being civilized enough to accept that the right way. This is idea of absolving your guilt for what you did to their Ancestors except that their Ancestors were more Noble. What you are doing is stupid and unnecessary. It compounds a problem. You’re placing the betterment of your own Society at risk. What did these Illegal Immigrants do to be treated better than your own Homeless Veterans? Why are they so important to you? And the move in certain parts wanting them to vote in our Election is curious. How crazy! They already have certain rights in place on account of you that bothering to do the paperwork to be fully legal might not be that necessary yet. The Powerplay is more in their favor to hold back, and watch you throw more coins and incentives at them. Infact you’re so desperate to displace and replace your own Legal Denizens with Foreign Migrants that they more have the leverage to play you. What you’re doing is unheard of in their Country. You can’t just go there and get those favors. You’re cheapening America. I can see if we needed certain Professionals, Artisans, Engineers, and so forth to do a Visa Program importing people for that, but you have no economic plan to justify letting in un-vetted persons in here. You don’t know who they are. We’ve sunken below the level of a Welfare State because atleast the social funding would have went to Its own People.
Well today is Thursday November 28th 2024, Thanksgiving Day, a very big deal for many. In terms of Current Events, Rap Mogul Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs was hoping to be released by this time and that did not happen, but another famous person has something to celebrate, yes, Jussie Smollet because days prior, his prior legal loss on that hate crime hoax got overturned due to double jeopardy and now reportedly his Legal Team is seeking to get a Judge throw out the entire original conviction. So he’s hopeful and has a lot to be thankful for. Nothing thus far has happened in the interest of R&B Singer R. Kelly nor any other Convicts. Another big news that happened about a day ago is how SDNY AUSA Damian Williams announced his resigning from that position, remember he brought a case against Mayor Adams on account of his Campaign Finances and Turkey. Donald Trump is replacing him with Jay Clayton, Chairman of The U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. Prosecutor Damian Williams, son of Jamaican Immigrants, was appointed by Joe Biden, and is known for securing Convictions against Sam Bankman-Fried, Senator Bob Menendez, and Ghislaine Maxwell, and I’ll through Guo Wengui in there too since he was a part of that excitement when it popped off. The only other Black Prosecutor making history alongside him to serve in The Eastern District of New York was Breon Peace, and Trini Ross at The Western District of New York. The only other “minority” person is a Jewish Woman name Carla Freedman who was the First Woman to head The Syracuse Office in The Northern District of New York. With the current changing of Prosecutors, atleast with Damian Williams, it’s uncertain what will come of his 2 current cases against The Mayor of New York and also Rapper Sean Combs. Ofcourse with the changes of a new Administration coming in, no matter what side of the Political Spectrum you’re on, we’ll lose a favorite here and there as we go, just be thankful of what graces came by and hope for the best. So what are YOU grateful for this year? I guess thousands of odd Illegal Immigrants here are grateful to be able to roam free across a Country with no Borders, and be celebrated as if they were Patriots.
Click the above image to learn a little more about these two Biden Appointees
🦃 Click The Above Image To View The NY Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade In Full 🍷
Today is Tuesday December 3rd 2024, and a couple new things have happened that I can weave into this U.S. Border Migrant Crime Subject Matter in a way, but I’ve held off on reporting on any of them due to one legal case going on in New York I’m following, where the decision is in the hands on The Jury right now and we’ll find out later what The Verdict is. Lately, I’ve been holding off on saying much about certain things due to how My Opinion might be taken out of context to influence certain matters obtusely by Undesirables misreading My Work. You see I HAVE thoughts on that Subway Incident involving The Vigilante Daniel Penny placing a deadly chokehold on that Homeless Street Performer, Jordan Neely. I’ve been watching the irresponsible commentaries from the start of this legal issue several months ago from people who should know better trying to defend 30 year old, Former Marine Daniel Penny, face value based on what could also be interpreted otherwise as misplaced Valor. The correct thing to do on such a sensitive matter is let The System determine what is true, and hold whoever culpable, Accountable but people just want to talk. If my Blogging Activity was not interfered with in late 2021 by a Corrupt Federal Law Enforcement Person I’ve been telling you about since 2022, who is a little too taken by My Work and Brand Identity, I might have contributed earlier by offsetting some of these bigoted views, being the more responsible one. It’s hard being a Do-Gooder with little to no support from our Current Administration. Now some pretty popular Talking Heads out here have already tantamountly decided that Daniel Penny was right to slay a then 26 year old Jordan Neely like that without considering any alternative to that view. Many of them ARE NOT New Yorkers, and have not ridden The Subway or have the Street Knowledge to discern danger or risk the right way. Being a Commuter for many, many years going to and fro across The City, you see Characters like Jordan Neely pop up from time to time either a Homeless Beggar, or a Performer doing a dance or singing for Tips, or someone hops on the train looking for an Audience to rant about their day or something. You either leave that train car and go to another, or stay and tolerate it. What was described when I first heard this matter in The News, was a typical incident, and some Passengers already left the situation. Some Commuters in that scenario would have told Jordan Neely to “Shut The Fuck Up”. If he answered back, an argument would have ensued where some guy, again most likely Black like himself, if not the same Dude, would have cussed him out some more and ended the discussion by saying, “Fuck Outta Here.” And that would have been enough. I’ve seen it happen plenty of times, one way or the other, and in The Streets too. But this White Former Marine from where the hell he came from, riding our Subway System, and probably not aware of the Cultural Mores, decided to really take that “threatening” incident seriously and run up with his trained fighting skills and place a chokehold on what he perceived as a Black Hostile Homeless Guy who was probably a Junkie and Mentally Ill, and kept him locked under a chokehold that killed him and the excuse is that Black Homeless Guy was threatening to kill a Lady. Well, I was not on the train that day to intimate whether the vibe was really threatening on that stop or through the ride or whatever, nor anyone justifying the hearsay LIVE ON TV everyday can say they were there to insist on defending Daniel Penny. Not even the people who were there seems to be coming forward given all this time to tell anything further. You know why? It was an everyday New York thing that should have been handled in the similar everyday fashion and not escalate to what happened. The people defending Daniel Penny are mainly WHITE, and live elsewhere, so they don’t know what they are talking about. And having been occasionally around Martial Artists, studying it myself, and also being in The U.S. Military (Navy) in the past for a time, I know better. Daniel Penny is too trained TO NOT have known better. Even a Wrestler knows that a chokehold like that beyond a certain number of seconds can kill someone. A Fighter can tell another Fighter in the room or on The Streets. So obliviously, Daniel Penny knew he was taking down a lesser competent Dude who did not know how to block his attack in the first place or get out of the hold. It lasted too long for anyone in their right mind to think that Daniel Penny had no intention on trying to knock this guy out cold since he was trying to protect others. He can’t honestly claim that he was not atleast sleeping him off. How could you place a professional chokehold on someone like that in a city where it was National News when Officers did that years ago and killed another famously dead Black Man in Staten Island, that sparked riots and The Black Lives Matter Movement and then it became illegal for Cops to use it, but some still tried after that. How could an informed U.S. Marine like Daniel Penny, be so ignorant to that when as a federally trained person it would make sense that you had some insider intel on where you are going? Maybe like those Cops in those racially biased cases, he harbored some prejudice as well against certain Folk. His only saving grace is IF there WAS in fact a deadly threat posed by Jordan Neely that day and how can he prove that by his own account, when the so-called person or persons who felt threatened is not out there proclaiming that, and the only one who was left there to face The Authorities by himself with a corpse was Daniel Penny. Nobody from that famous train ride is out there co-signing him, praising and thanking him. He ruined a regular train ride experience by injecting himself into a stupid psychosis an everyday Homeless Man was experiencing that he should have just left alone, and mind his own business. Had he been a typical New Yorker, he would have known how to better handle that situation like our Black, Hispanic and Italian Person in that circumstance, and I’ll even add The Irish and The Jew for that matter. You’re supposed to be having your Street Face on, alert and ready at all times, and a Perpetrator knows not to fuck with you. A Hoodlum coming on the train as described in Jordan Neely’s case with him singling out someone to harass could be a result of whatever happened moments prior to lead into that, which The Public is not fully aware of. Bums don’t typically act out for no reason, determining a prior account of events leading to a situation is important. Jordan Neely when he was alive, for his Street Act impersonates Michael Jackson for a living. It is said that he was homeless and disturbed and might have been on drugs too. We don’t know what might have ticked him off that day, but the issue could have been stopped from developing further had he received the proper compassion and care. His Life Matters also. He was a human being who did not get a better chance in life. I appreciated the way his Black Attorneys defended him, fighting for justice. I remained kind of neutral throughout all this as the issue went on for many months because it’s hard to call judgment given the circumstance when you were not there and are just listening to subjective re-telling of it now colored all kinds of ways. So being ignorant in favor of personal prejudices is not right either, but after taking in more info I still find myself leaning more towards the side of Jordan Neely.
I’d like to cover a few other topics going forward, and I’ll come right back to commenting on this one as we go along, when The Verdict comes in. We’ll see if some of the known Talking Heads & Political Pundits that follow My Work will have a change of heart where Jordan Neely is concerned, now that I’ve finally disclosed what I was thinking the whole time. Next up for discussion in no particular order is yes, The newly appointed FBI Director KA$H PATEL, The Drones in New Jersey, more Border Crisis stuff with the new Border Czar Tom Homan, and more news as it develops. See you soon.
So 3 days later, Friday December 6th 2024, The Judge decided to drop the first and most serious charge against Daniel Penny since The Jury could not come up with a Verdict on that. Hmm. See what I mean. It’s a sensitive issue with many in The Public already siding from jump with Daniel Penny based off the first hand news reporting of the case and still siding with that but the so-called Woke Mob is also right why Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg had to take it in account a certain way. Though it’s been known that some of The Passengers came forth earlier after the incident stating that they were scared as Jordan Neely’s tirade went on, notice how no one took out their cellphone to record his craziness if that was really frightful. What they did was immediately take notice of Daniel Penny manhandling Jordan Neely and felt THAT needed to be recorded, all the way through until the threat was already subdued, still capturing Daniel Penny’s unnecessary hold on the neck of an already defeated man. People continue to justify it citing arguments based on speculation. Nothing like that ever happened on The New York Subway before. It was not a Cop that killed him. A Professional Vigilante Group like The Guardian Angels would not have let an incident escalate to such an atrocity, even in the crime heydays with actual Gangbangers. Now Jordan Neely as reported DID get on the train apparently frustrated, angry and making threatening statements that can be interpreted as aggressive with intent to commit violence while he was said to be mentally ill and under the influence of drugs, however, we’re not hearing that he actually attacked anyone or motioned to. Now enter Daniel Penny, who may have been an Hero in all this preventing a speculative attack. Let’s say he WAS right, the problem though is that he caused the death of this alleged would-be Assailant when a skilled Soldier like him could have simply punched Neely out or delivered some bows that was sufficient enough to stop him. That’s the problem. YOU PEOPLE not seeing the flaw and wanting him to be absolved of all blame is callous. Using Sickle Cell Anemia, K2 Drugs in his System and Mental Illness and prior Criminal Arrests as an excuse to justify someone taking the law into his own hands at that moment in the manner in which he did based off what he thought may happen next in the situation, and to continue trying to neutralize a perceived threat when the issue was already over, using a deadly chokehold is questionable. And watching Fox News and other Media Commentators ignore that detail and call for Penny’s Innocent Verdict on all charges is CRAZY! For those who remarked that if he’s found guilty, it will cause people to not care to interfere on another’s behalf. Well what else is new. You are punished either way. Had he stayed out of it, and violence actually ensued, he might have been more justified to help because legally he has proper reason to go further had Neely brandished a weapon targeting someone for injury or actually injure a Passenger, causing Penny to lunge forth protecting him or her. Instead, he assumed a crime might happen, intervened BUT went too far. Had he still been a Marine on Base and Jordan Neely was either another Soldier on Base or some Enemy Spy or whatever doing something wrong being a Berserker, Drunk, acting out, and a fight between him Daniel Penny ensued resulting in his death, then this would be a JAG Case looking into Military Law to determine if he was justified in that action and whether he would remain in The Brig or be released on no fault, or with some consequence like loosing a Stripe or Pay. The only difference is that Military Life is more Civilized compared to Civilian Life. They can quickly tell and wrap up a case. Daniel Penny should know like all other Current and Prior Military People that Civilians are Dumb. It IS a Private Joke. So being out here with them, you have to be informed and tread lightly. What they do out here, is not like how things are on Base. How long ago did Daniel Penny leave The Service, and what was his conduct there and has he had any prior disciplinary incidences or odd behavior, since all of Jordan Neely’s information was brought into judgment? The converse can also be argued that if Daniel Penny is found Not Guilty on all remaining Counts, that too can open door for other Would-Be Vigilantes assuming stuff based off there own prejudices or other and lunge in to “save” someone against a typical Street Conflict of Words. I love entertaining these legal discussions. If the situation were different, and such and such happened where you all were seeing a dead Jordan Neely as The Good Guy, and looking to prosecute Daniel Penny, and I had nothing else to do tying up my time and all my other websites were duly set up, and all other activities squared away in my life, I might hop on a Circuit arguing otherwise against The Pundits, Talking Heads, Commentators and Whomever, saying how can you dismiss this man for being so brave to break the Social Trauma that grips some people in a Crowd witnessing a crime or potential crime and remain transfixed in fright seeing and hearing, but not knowing what to do. They were fortunate to have this Soldier On Board to do a heroic thing. And I get that, understand what I’m doing here. An argument can be made in favor of both Men regardless of Race and Class. What I am pointing out are contrasting views amidst prevailing ones. You’ve got to be Fair. Being a Student still of certain Disciplines I have to point out some things. Daniel Penny would be living swimmingly right now without much of a case being brought had he really done the right thing. Proper New Yorkers out here experiencing oddities through their Commutes and what not, are skilled at diffusing situations as we go about living a Civilian Life. How long had Daniel Penny been leading a Civilian Life, and has he had similar conflicts before? I’m not absolving Jordan Neely of his actions that day. Like other Homeless Persons in some cases, they try to commit crimes or do something wrong or threaten to, in order to get arrested so that they can have a warm place to stay, have a shower and receive regular meals in Jail whether they are actually Mentally Ill or not. The City Agencies that are supposed to address these Homeless Concerns are not ran as efficiently and this has been the case for decades. Mayor Adams is right to make announcements about particular issues plaguing The City to try to address. It’s very hard though. A lot of the right people are kept from being able to make a difference. I realize that although I have a Set Of Fans following My Work overtly and privately supporting my opinions on things, there are also those who I don’t consider Friendly and see as HATERS who don’t like My Influence. And I deliberately held back on this and some other cases to show something. People see what they want to see and either guess right interpreting my meaning, or they missed my point-of-view. I might take the unpopular stance on a Legal Case because I really like the person and I am trying to pose plausible defenses OR I might be the only one competent enough to present an alternative view to the situation that might actually go somewhere. I like arguing, constructively ofcourse. I see Cases out here in need of remedy. In Some when it’s all said and done, I’m either in awe of the Attorney on it, win or lose because he or she thoroughly fought it, exciting my mind and exhilarating hope in The System, OR I’m thinking, gosh, that Lawyer should have said this, that and the other, studying the whole thing if it was a case I liked. So being on this right now, thinking about it, I have to be your Legal Opponent in The Court Of Public Opinion Defending a Talented Deceased Homeless Victim Of Color.
Today is Sunday December 8th 2024, and tomorrow, The Jury might come to a decision on that case. So yesterday, I saw one of The Networks at the forefront I know following my material, do a segment I posted on the clickable photo below showing The Victim, as one of two Fox Commentative Attorneys refute a couple points I made in my last section, and I was thinking NICE. And I’m not referring to Andrew Stoltmann, but more Brian Claypool. I’ve seen this guy and other Lawyers I like before in rotation generally discussing cases and I did not disagree too much on anything in the past they said. And although he is legally correct on the way he explains his points, I’m also a Master at trying to find what’s wrong with an argument until I win or lose or we both come to a stalemate. Yes, a person is kind of legally obligated to report a suspected fear or concern or is expected to “become” the Cop or hero in a potentially Criminal situation, but as a Lawyer, I know YOU know what can go wrong with THAT why maybe he was better off minding his own business or leaving the train, protecting himself, like many others have done numerous times in the past, before he came along and disrupted a tradition. As for The Self-Defense claim, what’s wrong with that PEOPLE is your “Client”, Daniel Penny jumped into action seeing it fit to try to defend Passengers, as he said and it’s duly documented, so who was actually entitled to defending HIMSELF was The Decedent, Jordan Neely, but notice in the footage how he was unable to using only his bare hands, due to Accomplices aiding and abetting his Attacker, with at least one holding both his arms and hands from breaking free, while he was being choked to death, all after the fact when apparently over 95% of The Passengers already left that train car when it reached the Broadway-Lafayette stop.
Today, Monday December 9th 2024 is the day of The Verdict and a reportedly mostly White Jury found Daniel Penny Not Guilty, and ofcourse as you would imagine, this Killer’s Fans are excited. The real Victim here is The Deceased and when you sift through all The Hateful stuff out there, you find The Few who also happen to be White looking at the same incident objectively, and making more responsible commentaries. Anyone knowing better, looking at that footage can see what’s wrong there. I appreciate Jordan Neely’s Crew making the most honest statements Socially Conscious People know and you are not powerless. In Metaphysics, you’ll find that your Vibrations are Righteous, and are lifted UP. Despite feeling hopeless that day, and invoking in a way his own End, The Matter arise where the same Words and School of Thought uttered by those Supporting that Offense, will be used to Judge Them also as Consciousness surrounds. Know that in my past Meditations in The Affairs of this Nation, an Answer I did receive about a decade and a half, and one year ago. The Cosmic Message showed Scripturally The Date, and sort of around The Time when it will all come to an End and I Revealed this in a couple of My Articles last year. They have just a couple and roughly a half Generations left until The Maker ALLOWS something I tried to describe to happen where Profoundly, The Creator Of The Universe made known what he actually thought of Them, Sparing Their Neighbors in a Disaster that only happened HERE. I was not going to Tell that Divine Information, as I kept it for a long time a Secret, but I then REALIZED something and determined THERE IS NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT. Some apparently have taken it seriously to determine Scientifically on their own how something like that could happen, and and although a plausible theory, It was much dire than even that. So I agree that as a People, Our Lives might not matter on this Plane, It was sure interesting to see looking down on It, not a mix of rubble, nor grey Ash, but a thorough blanket of SOOT covering America and I was shocked, as in that future date I was shown in The Vision WHERE I will be on The Earth “Living” that long. And although what I’m describing might be just a Dream, THAT and a few Others like It, felt a little too Real to Me. And I know about the so-called Time Travel Experiments they think they’ve mastered, well, something will go wrong there too, I definitely won’t explain. And though My Writings can be dismissed as Science-Fiction, Fantasy, or THRILLER, genres I enjoy by the way, I don’t recall ever being “wrong” about certain things. I guess The 77th or 78th President by that time since one will rule and the other won’t get a chance to, is tasked with preparing The People for A Defense against an Enemy too Powerful to Defeat, Departure from The Country & trying to get Salvation. This is why several articles backs when I brought this up, I mentioned how it will be necessary to have enough City On The Sea Type Luxury Cruise Ships to house people and have some sort of global contract in place among all Nations honoring your ability to dock into their Shores and accommodate you as traveling by Air will be risky in that day during The War. I am glad to say again as reported in previous Occultic Articles that a good SUM of you Americans will be saved that will relocate to what is now a Rival Nation you are in conflict with, who by then would have expanded It’s Empire acquiring surprising Territories across Europe, who currently are opposed to them. And those Americans who really wanted to be there were so happy to be accommodated, as that expanding Russian Empire in a way became THE NEW AMERICA. What I AM not saying and chose not to, is all that is happening in between, as I concluded that, those details eventually leading up to it is sacred knowledge. I Am only A Guide. Particular Persons on The World Stage right now to fair degree I leave ALONE, only cleverly commenting here and there. And when you are Someone Gifted there is a responsibility you have to Bear, and I try to Manage a Situation. I’m actually much Older than I look, as I don’t Age the same as You People, nor Decay at the same rate as you do. In fact, I’ve never really left my Time Period. And to cut a long story short as many of you have been following My Work, you know that I came under undue federal cyber-attacks by Somebody a little too taken by ME due to my Uniqueness, watching me over 13 years now. And to close out this section finally, returning back to the topic at hand, when I walk around here knowing what I know, it doesn’t feel the same. These cases out here, especially the racially divided ones, don’t bother me as much in the way someone sensitive to it would feel. I know soon, it will all end, as my foot touch the ground. So I share this with you my Black Brothers & Sisters who are hurting right now, our plight will continue, but know that you are made of the same Mysterious Substance in Everything, and We have more of It. You are not Finite to this Earth. Some of you have already “discovered” something. Be not afraid. Embrace It. Your only Power right now is being able to bend Time & Reality. You are more Powerful than you think. The Ancestors left in plain sight what they want you to know. And when you sift through, and sift through and sift through The Past, you might see Someone. I invite you to use your time wisely. Forget about this inferiority Race Thing they are trying to entrap you in, as it is a Lie. YOU ARE BLACK. And Oh My God if only you realized THAT! See you on The Other Side.
I had some difficulty getting the below material posted much earlier, so here it is.
Today is Tuesday December 10th 2024, a day after the verdict, and people are still trying to justify it while others see the fault. No one is criticizing a Hero jumping in to save the day, in many morally-based TV Shows, Cartoons & Movies back in the day when we grew up, there were sound messages being conveyed where it concerned religious values and other philosophies in some decoy way. This idea of NOT being just as bad as who you are condemning. The slightest injustice, puts a spotlight on you and now YOUR judgment of others can be deemed incorrect. When viewing these Broadcasts about the incident, many fail to recognize that Daniel Penny might have gone too far at a certain point. When viewing the known facts of the case and what was said at Trial, Penny’s Military Martial Arts Instructor from when he was in The Service got contacted, and was called to now leave what he was doing and go testify, and the poor man had to admit a chokehold like that should not last beyond 5 seconds, and then the discussion went on to how long it can be using it in The Civilian World. In viewing the video, it became about whether he held it right, and so on. Other information as you can infer got out and is still true, no apology was ever made and no remorse was ever shown. Many in The Media almost chuckle at the lost of the life of a Homeless Man who was in need of care he didn’t receive. When another Passenger who remained told Penny to stop choking him, he might die, Penny failed to. Yet in the Police Station on camera, he claimed he was not trying to kill him. Yes he stayed on The Scene to face to answer for it, but there was a callous attitude and reportedly also a smirk. Jordan Neely’s life was not valued. All kinds of justification is being made based on his unfortunate past, so it was alright for this guy to take his life. It was reported that Jordan Neely had no weapon, but only made loud angry commentaries and motioned his finger like a gun. Then he was attacked from behind by Daniel Penny. He was subdued enough to let go while he still was alive till The Cops came. There are proper procedures to go by. Neely may have had problems, but there are those who speak fondly of him as he was a person who touched people’s lives even for a moment just entertaining them as they Commuted. No one seems to suspect Penny’s sanity that maybe he might have narcissistic psychotic issues that popped out and showed itself that day. Not a kind word, gesture or deed that could have dissolved that issue from escalating further was ever granted by anybody. And as time goes on, more information might get out, revealing Penny’s true nature as the signs are there, and we’ll see who doubles back and cop on their word as you can’t erase it. You’re all IN THE PRESS seeing him as infallible. Michael Jackson’s Man In The Mirror is apt, as you can say Jordan Neely was attacked by a Smooth Criminal, and I had to go there since Neely entertained many. Impersonating The Pop Star and did so well. I’ll also add, that when you see famous televised crime stories like these in your everyday media, also look at signs of what appears to be odd and meaningful even if you don’t get the symbolism. You have a character name Daniel, which is Hebrew for “My Judge” while Jordan means “to flow down” or “descend”. Now the name Neely depending can be interpreted in Irish as “Champion” or “Cloud” It’s Scottish for “Poet”. In Hebrew it means “Horn”, while Penny is just a penny, but in Greek it is derived form Penelope, meaning “Weaver”. So we have the makings of what appears to be something to watch in context to other BIG NEWS STORIES coming out because it might be a message. If we look at it, we get Daniel Penny, My Judge, Weaver, Duck or other bird. And with Jordan Neely, we have A Champion Descending or a Cloud Flowing Down or a Poet. This might make more sense as time goes on since it would be a part of a greater message someone might be sending. For now, in context to the situation which happened that day to make sense of it using the best interpretation, The Michael Jackson impersonator, Jordan Neely “descended” in death by someone who “Judged” him. Another way of looking at this too is how you’d associate Jordan these days with Arabs and Daniel, ofcourse with Jews, where the latter’s Country of Israel might place a political chokehold over Jordanians. And what does an unrelated Subway conflict in New York have to do with World Politics? Well, when you study Secret Societies and such, and see the pantomime of their “games” play out from time to time in The Pubic, their might BE a connection.
So now it’s really time to move on to other hot breaking topics, as they roll in. Stay Tuned.
Today is Wednesday December 11th 2024, and I realize the hot new topic out here everyone is talking about, and I have been following that from it’s inception and a lot of material is surfacing and I’m ofcourse referring to that United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson being murdered by who they now are identifying as 26 year old Luiggi Mangione, but before I get into all that stuff as the case develops, I have to touch on our New Border Czar Tom Homan as he is making the rounds in The Press discussing that issue and trying to develop a plan for it. The task of trying to do Mass Deportations, while trying to deal with Migrant Criminal Gangs like Venezuela’s Tren De Arragua, is an undertaking and that problem will be ongoing. Not too far back our VP Kamala Harris, appeared in The Media speaking for the first time since her lost and some are still teasing that she was drunk. You see how social favor shifts in just a few weeks with Democrats now warming up ever more so to Trump. What will be useful is if Kamala identifies a Place, and what I mean is a Cause or Purpose. What makes sense is addressing Urban Issues, Black Panther Style if she still wants a future in Politics. She might not be the type, but it’s needed. Barack Obama is being criticized for rebuking The American People voting for Trump and what they are seeing is The Magic and The Wonder, of yesteryears he displayed fainting, and people were not seeing Kamala having that quality. She has something though, which still works. The VOID you Democrats are trying to fill as you feel betrayed by your people can be filled with The People seeing very significant positive results in their life happen getting them to the next level, instead much of those Billions of dollars got wasted on stupid campaign stuff and you lost. Asking anybody for more money to support you is crazy. The Public continues to make fun of Joe Biden when he was caught sleeping at a Press Conference in Angola, Africa. His Pardon of his son Hunter Biden was expected. Though Biden from the start, said that he would not involve himself in anybody’s legal cases for ethical reasons given his Position as President trying to respect The Process by remaining neutral instead of granting favors to people in legal jams, and some saw this as a way of separating the values of his Administration from Trump’s at the time. That made sense in theory, BUT he had his own issue brewing at the time that did not go as well as hoped WHY it became necessary to change his stance and seem like a LIAR now as his Haters in The Media like to tease. A couple days ago they showed an image of his wife Jill Biden seeming enamored by Donald Trump as they sat at the historic re-opening of Notre Dame Cathedral, and now that photo is featured in a new Trump Ad, for a Cologne called ‘Fight, Fight, Fight’, A Fragrance Your Enemies Can’t Resist, and ofcourse that Event Scene makes a cool commercial. The Perfume is available and you can get yours on the clickable image.
Hey People, I had a little difficulty getting to post the below material earlier.
Hey Folks, remember that throughout this article, these series of topics by some manner co-relate. Being a Border Czar in your everyday life has to do with guarding your territory from Perpetrators seeking to cross into YOUR personal domain where their intentions might not be good and these Societal Migrant Crimes exist, it’s not just in a political sense, so stay vigilant and defend your Borders.
Now getting back to some topics, Today Thursday is December 12th 2024, and this Luigi Mangione guy is HOT in The News, and I’ll get to him soon. I was going to close these discussions talking about one final topic at the end but seeing that murdered United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson’s case, going about the internet, I must end with that. Let’s begin with finishing off the remaining 9 topics. CERN doing high-tech pseudo scientific experiments trying to tap into The Spirit World apparently with some success. You don’t need those devices to do it though. It’s nice to see Science trying to further Its goals at identifying non-organic Entities living in another Realm. Russia, Flexing It’s Power showboating missiles a couple weeks back, I think is letting you know that the dormancy between the current warring nations is getting boring now and action is needed because you’re wasting their time. The Mysterious Drones flying over New Jersey and other parts of The Country might more be the property of The United States of America doing It’s own reconnaissance. Moving right along on, Tren De Aragua has made quite a name for themselves, coming from a Working Class origin to now being an expanding Gang, taking over from M.S. 13 it seems. An alternative view of things is to determine why a great Country would break down Its Own security to let in violent people to run amuck and take advantage of them. Is it a Psyop so you can now make certain laws and do certain things? Many grew up in respective decades when if they saw certain things like this happening in the extreme as it is Today, you would wonder if they plan on implementing Marshall Law, Curfews, Roadblocks, ID Checking, Lockdowns, Imprisonment, Torture, you know. Wanting to do that with you, their Citizens. People are noticing that much effort is not being put into capturing these Illegals acquiring occupancy and setting up shop and running gangfare in a neighborhood near you. Some say these Democratic Policies are backed by a guy name George Soros, and Others. Well why would they be doing that? You should look at where any of these antics happened in the recent years. Something like it did in Canada. As for other parts in The World like HAITI, it’s suspicious because they and other Third World nations should not be having these issues unless so-called First & Second World Countries are involved. Powerful Nations sometimes can’t see their own weaknesses and in the past have been defeated. The makings of what looks like Rebel Groups engaged in an Uprising, are usually put down in cases where there are only a few, but other factions succeed somehow. Kari Lake recently losing to Ruben Gallego for that Arizona Senate seat made The Women on The View happy. Before that Kari Lake did not win against Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs in Maricopa county and her Appeals failed, BUT since Trump’s Win, she got considered to be Mexico Ambassador, but snagged a powerful new job as Head of the Voice of America. Goof for her. As for that case with The Sheriff in Kentucky who killed The Judge, in Letcher County, hearing the first account of it was shocking at the time as The News broke a few months back. What came to mind was wondering what case he was on that someone felt they needed to take him out. It turns out that it’s not that. It’s something more scandalous being played out in The Press as more details are known. It’s a Scandal involving women charged with crimes having to perform sexual favors servicing someone of The Sheriff’s Staff at the time using The Judges Chambers where the Female Prisoner succumbed to doing it to gain something, like money, no jail time, or other benefit. As certain women are being interviewed, more details on how the scheme worked is getting out. The official account is District Judge Kevin Mullins, who’s 54 was shot by Sheriff Shawn “Mickey” Stines. who’s 43 on September 19th 2024 just before 3pm. The backstory on what happened had to do with a woman name Sabrina Adkins who filed a lawsuit against a Bailiff, Deputy Ben Fields in 2022, who at the time was trained by Sheriff Stines and her suit accuses him of not properly training Fields since he took advantage of her and was fired from his job shortly after. It is uncertain whether Judge Mullins, who worked in the 47th Judicial District was aware of those things happening in his Chambers or not. In the first news reports they said that The Sheriff shot the Judge even though they know each other for years and are friendly with one another, he chose to kill him after having lunch together, due to an argument because he saw his daughter’s phone number on his cellphone. This account of events was the story The Sheriff told at the time, as we saw him on camera being interviewed while in Custody when asked by The Court of anything valuable he owned and he seemed cocky as he remarked something to the effect of owning some goats and some chickens, showing you what he thinks of The Court System, but it looks more like the details of that woman’s case is what really motivated the shooting. That Former Deputy Ben Fields was Sentenced to 6 months in jail and 6 years probation. The Kentucky Police Department are still conducting Investigations surrounding that case, and because of what happened, The Letcher County Courthouse is closed until further notice. And you know me, I must point out the wordplay in Letcher County, because there is a word that describes what happened there, and it’s called Lecher, as in lecherous, you know, a hyper over indulgent person engaged in excessive offensive sexual desire. And segueing to what else is in The News, due to a Netflix docu-series, with new details emerging, it sparked renewed interest in The Cold Case of JonBenet Ramsey is being re-investigated, but despite new speculations, there’s still apparently no definitive proof to solve that, and if there is, and it’s solid enough, and they just have not moved forward yet, we might see more excitement on that soon. Looking back on that old material in a wider sense where it might be plausible, I wondered if there may be another angle to it where it might involve something private and illegal her Parents were doing, like owing a Criminal some money or favor and they failed to pay up, and not to implicate themselves on that activity, they made it about not knowing what happened to their daughter that night or by whom and so it became a closed circuit on whether it was them or their neighbor, the maid or friend and a bowl of pineapples she happen to ate that night. When the right questions and probing is done about the rape and murder of that innocent Toddler Beauty Queen, we might learn the truth. Heading back to our Current News, after Trump’s glorious win, he was considering Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz for The Position of Attorney General of The United States of America, to replace Merrick Garland. This was exciting news as Matt resigned from his old post for that, until The Feds deflated hopes by resurrecting allegations of him having sex with a 17 year old at a Party where allegedly there were drugs also present, and the account was based off one female’s word claiming she looked over and saw him with her friend. And though he had been plagued by that and other accusations during his time as Florida’s Representative, he fought well against them and remained effective at doing his job as a Republican looking out for the best interests of The American People, and because of that, they got scared of him now rising to an even higher position like that to ferret out issues corrupt Democrats might be doing against The Public, knowing how good he is. So now someone name Pam Bondi is Trump’s new Pick for that Position. Matt however landed a job as an Anchor on One America News with his own show. And lastly, Attorney Kashyap Patel being appointed as our new FBI Director. Some Haters in Politics came out with their opinions not seeing him as a right pick, including The FBI themselves. Trump must know why he’s choosing him. I don’t know much of him to say yay or nay. Some FBI Whistleblowers made it known that they approve of him. The hashtags are #KA$HONLY & #ONLYKA$H. Yesterday, the then current FBI Director, Christopher Wray handed in his resignation letter. We’ll see how this turns out. I’m not making too much commentaries on the persons Trump are appointing since he has his reasons. We know that he regrets to have chosen Christopher Wray the first time around. The FBI needs serious reform. It’s long overdue and I’m available to offer some input. I’ve already reached out to specific persons in context to My Case. Listening to that Rumble Podcast 2 FBI Whistleblowers are doing called American Radicals, they offer some solutions to the problem. I don’t always agree with how they view certain hot topics out here, and I hear why they got Suspended from listening to their logic and seeing why The FBI found fault with wanting them on certain cases after expressing such and such a viewpoint. And I am honest enough with people to let them know what I think. Their argument would have looked much better had they left it alone after their Testimony in Congress which had some gravity to it. Now we see them mouthing off making questionable and offensive and ignorant comments on sensitive mainstream topics and I rebuke them on that knowing better. What I care about is some more solid information about that Agency and how it operates as I followed their show which yielded what I suspected in context to my own situation, and I pat myself on the back not knowing that stuff before but was intuitive enough to guess why for several years I was able to instinctively counter that Agent bothering me, and outsmarting him until he got desperate as Ya’ll know. And I make commentaries like, “I’m an Agent too” because in a way, I got informally trained since all the way back in Middle School seriously taking in some stuff out of my league and grade level I had access to. Plus in life, I found myself around The Type to learn a lot. Infact I have some insight on certain things like knowing when to stop investigating a case and leave something alone. How to approach and talk to Ethnic People. Knowing what you did or said wrong why the person no longer trust you or the situation. Knowing how to read a Black Person. Understanding Cultures. Being able to tell whether a case will go somewhere or nowhere. And I can go on with these simple examples, but my point is apparently a lot of their Agents are clueless about how to handle particular cases out in The Field and it is not hard spotting them Undercover. Before my incident with that Agent in question (P.C.K) I had a more positive memory of The FBI many years ago from watching their numerous Case Files on TV so THAT is the real impression I had of them which I filed away in my head. I’m impressed by how a person can out this clue or that clue together and solve a cold case or current one by just being smart. I enjoy watching the process and being a SCORPIO that shit appeals to US! We are most likely to become Detectives, Lawyers and such on one side of the spectrum while being Creative as well being Someone in The Arts and that is certainly the case with ME! That Agent (PCK) being a CAPRICORN in the way he behaves is not surprising. We are Zodiac Signs that are supposed to get along and I never had an issue that ever turned out this way before in my life with them either. So I am seeing him as a really bad person. And it turns out that my Amateur Psychological Profile of him being able to determine this or that about him is right. And I am doing all this shit WITHOUT formal training. You know WHY? Because I’m Special. You can imagine what kind of cases I can be placed on. How I think. The only difference between me and him is being an Empath, so I am more interested in solving a proper case, not trying to make a case out of nothing becoming and annoying Handler, following someone for years trying to harass and torment an innocent person. My Federal Paycheck would reflect Someone that solved a Missing Person Case, I put this clue and that together to figure out some code The Joker or The Riddler did and stopped a crime, or I figured who the real Killer was on this other case and I was the only Agent who was wise enough to. I’m not trying to be a Narcissistic Agent using my job to wait for cases that come in over the IC3 Wire to determine who I can take advantage of that might be in a vulnerable situation and try to make something seem like a valid enough case to keep using as my side hustle to try to get sex from someone, try to take their business or something. There are cases out here with Former FBI Agents with too much backdoor access to a person’s life that they end up crossing a line either partaking in a criminal hustle they know about or on a lesser scale realizing that they “discovered” a person they like and they developed an unusual emotional co-dependency on him or her that may or may not be healthy. Some of these cases range from being what you’d consider mentally-ill to whatever the lesser degree you want to say. I’ve had first hand accounts of persons being too interested in me to a fault. If I was somebody name Chris from that Agency who learned about me from my submitting a complaint, I would have known how to handle that case. The FBI has some faulty procedures they’ve been using set in stone that they may not want to ever change and that’s a problem because whoever designed that based it off some dark areas of Human Psychology. The New Incumbent would need to do an Overall. Studying some of these Agents out here, yielded new information for me. I study the ways and humanity of Criminals too, and both groups are similar. The fine line is that grey area I guess. I’ve educated myself into recognizing certain things and another thing too are Agents out there under-estimating a situation or person and worse, trusting their Employer. These are the corrupt things to think about. As questionable as a job might be WHY would this or that Agent still be involved in it and swimmingly too? It’s the same answer as a Worker on a Corporate Job. They are doing something immoral to keep their job or some favor that benefits their Team or one Person there in Charge. It’s usually more that than The Worker being a Good Employee. With ALL THAT ACCESS to information on random Americans, it’s worse than your argument against TIK TOK because some Agent would more likely cross a line mis-using the data. You’re acting like you don’t have a rampant problem here. A Corrupt Agent would know your policies. He or She might be a Financier too using some backdoor program to illegally profit off another because the technology is connected to other Sources. A Financial Scheme of some sort a group of Corrupt Agents might be profiting from, taking advantage of unsuspecting persons online who have businesses or investments. It’s a Criminal’s Paradise with a goldmine of private information. Who’s really doing the checks & balances? If the corruption is from the very Top, they must have Fall Guys as well. So now you, the New Incumbent must do an internal investigation using your training against your own FBI Agents and make sure that you are above blame, but will The Public feel like they can trust this agency again?
That’s A Wrap. Check Back Soon For The Next Segment On That Healthcare CEO Killer
Today is Friday December 13th 2024, and thus begins our last topic for discussion, ongoing just for a few days though since I have to do a Christmas New Year Article, but I’ll post updates on this one. Luigi Nicholas Mangione, skyrockets to Fame for being a real life Murderer who targeted, stalked and killed United Healthcare CEO, Brian Thompson. It was uncertain who The Suspect was in the first reports and the motive. Now we know, , but let’s back track to 9 days on Wednesday December 4th 2024, when The Public was awaiting the verdict of another big case mentioned earlier and I did not post for 2 days, and in between time this happened. And ofcourse I intended to deal with the topic later, and here we are. Like you, I was speculating what the shooting might be related to and the obvious would be Healthcare. It might be a former Patient disgruntled about something and decided to go and do that, and because his face got captured on camera, it’s just a matter of time before gets caught. So it became counting the days until then. I expected it might happen sooner though to cover it and wrap a segment up, but The Uknown Suspect at the time, managed to still be At Large a couple more days despite leaving clues behind, which seemed like a throw off with the monopoly money, or careless with the disposed bottle of water. He had his face covered and uncovered at times. So was he trying to get caught or what?
While awaiting his potential capture, it generated interest where some Top Profilers, Former Agents and such went on Shows with their expertise and being amusing, talking about what mistakes he made and what an Amateur Shooter he is. And he should not have done that or made this move and so on, and it sounded like they were giving a blueprint on how to commit crimes like this, and I was thinking, ‘shut up’. And so a couple more days passed and then as you know, a McDonald’s Employee in Altoona, PA already inundated with The News Reports saw a guy come up to the counter and suspected it was him but took the order and began making moves. A guy with his friend while eating looked over and joked about whether it could be him based on how he looked and began thinking it might really be him, then they took their concern to The McDonald’s Employee who informed them of the same suspicion and took action. So that’s how he was caught when Cops took him in, at first referring to him as a Person of Interest. Everything then got validated and he’s charged with the shooting. And we him all over The Media, learning more about him and why he did what he did. So now a terrible crime where many people fell in line sympathizing with The Murder Victim and expect to see justice, has shifted where a lot of people are seeing that different now after looking at that X-Ray of what is believed to be Luigi’s lower back spine with crab-like screws. He suffers from debilitating pain. He injured himself while surfing, breaking his back and needed surgery.
So when people heard this and saw his Ivy League background, and began thinking about their own health issues, suddenly this Young Man became a Cause Celeb, or whatever term you prefer. People are using Vigilante. His calculated cold blooded murder of someone prominent in that Health Industry, is now being “romanticized” by a lot of people who have done endearing memes, copycat looks, posting positive stuff concerning him, hating on that McDonald’s, rating them low and seeing that Employee as a Snitch. There are calls to Free Luigi, and so forth. Now look, I’m kind of feeling this too and I’ll explain later. Because I know better, I’m still observing something called the difference between right & wrong why on face value I still see a crime here like The Prosecutors, however, on face value A LOT of things jumped out at me at first, as far as the way I view things from an Esoteric Perspective. His name, the way he looks, his arrogance, a certain Atlantean vibe going on, the context of everything, I have to digress to incorporate some of that in here because the way he is being portrayed by The System handling the procedure, it shows. But before I go there, I have to mention it might also be a Psyop given similarities with the Jordan Neely Case in context to Daniel Penny’s actions eventually killing that Homeless Man in a chokehold, though he posed no further threat. Someone with a lot of power might be orchestrating all of this for a purpose and none of these people are dead, especially if you follow Conspiracy Theories where certain clues link up and match what you’re saying. These events are all being treated as real life happenings though, but to entertain a few things, when looking at his spine X-ray, I mentioned a crab before and if you do Yoga, trying to raise your Kundalini, an inorganic object like that in your lower Chakra might inhibit, your ability to. You know what else might be problematic? Well, let’s say you’re an Other Worldly Being, who can Morph into being Human, because you are a Merman or something, and you lead a fairly normal life, and only a Select few humans on The Planet know about these Other Persons here living among us and cater to THEM. Well what if maybe a group of them have an agenda against them and when an opportunity presents itself, they get to work. So now that Amphibian Man, has issues using his power. When you look at Luigi’s pose in that blue top and jeans, it’s reminiscent of a fantastical Atlantean, and also him in that blue suicide vest mugshot. Is it a coincidence that only HE has gotten that kind of display compared to other past Prisoners. What makes him different? Luigi is Italian for Louis which mean a famed warrior, and Nicholas means victory of the People, and Mangione, means a glutton or big eater. So remember on that name decoding clues earlier with those 2 on that Homeless Subway Killing Case. Now Brian means high, strong or noble, and Earl, can mean a warrior but is a Nobleman ranking above a Viscount and below a Marquess Thompson means on of Thomas, where Thomas means twin. So we’re seeing a picture here. A message of some sort, similar to the last as they compare both criminal cases. Now a VIGILANTE is a person who takes law enforcement into his or her own hands instead of relying on The Officials. An as more themes play out, we’ll see whether an actual occult connection exists between the 2 legal cases with Whoever orchestrated it. On face value, the imagery of this coded message where applicable, looks like something to do with Lucifer fighting Archangel Michael on that spiritual level, where on the more mundane one there might be a guy who looks like the twin of somebody in history’s past, who’s a noble warrior with a big appetite as well, who happens to be a hero battling a prevailing Authority. Now as you look at this, keep in mind the concept of an Anti-hero because both legal cases are a matter of perception where not everyone agrees which one of the 2, Daniel Penny or Luigi Mangione is an actual Hero. Both cases are flawed and seem contrived to set up this scenario, and let’s not forget The Victims, Jordan Neely and Brian Thompson. This may be a stretch with what I am presenting here, but it appears to be significant. Going back to the details of this case though and Luigi’s spinal injury while learning to Surf, that is an issue when you make the mistake of arching up your body too high while lying on a surfboard. And when I look at that X-Ray of his back, what comes to mind are The Basque People, as they are said to have an extra vertebrae on their backbone and I am thinking about the whole general region his Ancestry is from, though Italian and in an Atlantean sense too. The way it looks to me suggest that he may have an extra Vertebrae. Some are not sure whether the X-ray is infact his and also stating that he did not look to be in pain at any time during the crime and while on the run and after his capture, and antics on camera as Cops hold him. His family secured Attorney Thomas Dickey, and he is out there defending him. There are also questions on whether it is actually the same guy, but The Prosecutors confirmed it is. We’ll see how this case fairs, but for now, let’s go back to the realm of fantasy, remember back in July, I posted an article entitled ‘America In Missouri’, showing you France’s Louis IX Header Image where it looked like he was surfing, coming through a Gateway, and that was deliberate to communicate a few things if you are an avid Follower of My Work, you know and in that article I communicated some other stuff. Well, if you are into that kind of Arcane thinking, you see the parallels. I had a Muse I began watching and talking about and first wrote an article about on August 27th 2019. And as he went through his own Trials, it sparked a 70+ page Story I wrote Marvel-izing his Legal Matters while trying to add other Esoteric Concepts to the tale as well, also in a DC Comics way and it has had it’s affects. From time to time I’ve referred to it because some of the things you might see or notice happening out here in a grander sense, resemble this foreshadow of a prophecy. I write fluently what comes out of me. If it seems weird or you don’t understand why I do things a certain way, later on, it may all seem relevant. I know what I mean and what I am portraying. The Energy during that came from a positive, peaceful, fun-loving, place, as many of My Works. I notice who it inspires and have referenced that on occasion, as it brings a smile to my face. And now stands before us, by Someone’s own interpretation, a dark character playing out through The Press, drawing in others to his Psychosis and gaining their sympathy as they are out there raising money for him and see him as their MUSE against a corrupt Healthcare System.
Today is Tuesday, December 17th 2024, and I’d like to concentrate more on this topic even though a couple of things broke out in The News like 15 year old Natalie “Samantha” Rupnow, shot and killed another Student and a Teacher at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin, then killed herself. The Authorities are looking into her Social Media and so far the information known to The Press is something about her glorifying Mass Shooters. America launched an attack on Yemen the other day and Russian General Igor Kirillov was killed in a bomb that went off in Moscow from a targeted attack by Ukraine since he used Chemical Warfare on the battlefield against them. Oh, and outgoing President Biden is Auctioning off the material at The Border meant to be used to build The Wall, as a last minute strategy against Trump. So now back this Luigi Mangione, what’s going on in the case is that his family was also able to secure a Top Attorney in New York name Karen Friedman Agnifilo, who is also married to Attorney Marc Agnifilo, who represents Sean “Diddy” Combs in his case. New York Prosecutors are trying to extradite Luigi Mangione back to New York and there are procedures Governor Kathy Hochul is employing to expedite that as he is being held in Pennsylvania. As argument appears with facial features that look different during the course of the crime, and it might not be him, well, that’s why The Prosecutors gathered his specimen to link him to the crime, and now they feel they have a case. So the water bottle he left, his prints, him on camera throughout, the only discrepancy so far is a time difference they can’t explain with Mangione being between here and there in such a short period of time, and now it becomes an argument of a possible Setup. I can say that depending on One’s natural features a times during the course of a photo session if you Model or Act, your face can change if you have that kind of genetics where it seems like you are another person, and so some Talent Agencies would be interested in working with a Client having that unique quality. I know from experience. So just walking down The Street, I might appear to be East Indian, Hispanic, Native American, Dark-Skinned Asian, or some Mixed Black Person, or an African due to My Being Caribbean. It’s Spiritual too, and I almost want to squeeze in heavily tanned White Woman in there too since my skin tone like ZARTAN in G.I. JOE can vary between dark and light and by some artifice, I could appear Caucasian. I’ve had experiences with some people wondering about my Heritage. In Luigi’s case right now, he looks Italian & Hispanic depending on which photo. It’s called Ethnic Ambiguity when you see that in people. From listening to what available recordings there are of Luigi Mangione’s VOICE, I can hear what sounds like The Same Person in his life before the crime. He does not seem to be trying to change how he sounds or speaks. Being an Talented Person in The Arts, I can do this. You’d be surprised at my range. I can fake accents too. If called upon to play a Character in some Show, I wouldn’t have a problem being consistent with that. So back to Luigi, The Prosecutors know what they are doing when they are NOW escalating the charges to say that Mangione had terroristic intent, so they can move faster in securing him back to NY for Trial. Now that sounds contrived compared to what they said before. You see if the process in trying to extradite him can be delayed long enough, he can potentially get away with Murder you see, since Prosecutors have a set time limit to bring a case. It has happened before as quiet as it’s kept, with Murder cases here where they caught the person, had some proof, but could not move forward with a case due to the timeliness of bringing forth the charge. During my Case Studies in the past, I came across stuff like that anyone can research and find. The City don’t want people to know about failures like that. So I guess they might succeed in getting Luigi back to stand Trial since they are serious about doing it on time. There have been talks about what his Defense might be and what popped out first days ago was a Schizophrenia Defense and I thought then that it would not be a good move so early out in the gate. I had the pleasure of seeing a Former FBI Lady interviewed yesterday where that came up, and sure enough my instincts were right again since she pretty much said it was not the best defense, and stopped short of stating what would be. Well, I have some thoughts on that (Smile) but ahh, the nature of his crime and all pose Moral Dilemma for me even though he is CUTE and all. If I were his Lawyer, I would not go in there using that Mentally Ill shit. There are other plausible defenses. Don’t get me started. It’s tricky trying to get somebody off a Murder Rap where in The Prosecutors eyes, they have valid evidence that he or she did it and here comes YOU with some argument creating Reasonable Doubt. This HAS happened before in many States where the person got off Not Guilty. You need a Good Lawyer. Am I going to tell you what I would use? He got caught on Camera, well, I see you’re accusing My Client of this Crime and looking at that I conclusively say it is him. I’d need to authenticate this video. So Prosecutors come back saying The Science shows it’s him because look at the diameter and radius of his eyes and the angle he stands here and the shadows match him, and I will have to say, hold on, this is coming from your department though, I will need Experts called in to determine whether what you are stating as facts to re-determine it for themselves to see if you might be off by a diameter. And I will continue with bullshit like that because I am trying to waste time so they can’t bring a case or prove it in such and such a time. And depending on how GOOD that Prosecutor is, he might find a way to obstruct my technique and so ahm, I must move on to my next line of defense, which is, okay so My Client was in The City that day, in these scenes here he appeared to be having an outing in New York leaving The Hostel, having coffee, smiling, and he’s covering his face here because he has a slight flu and it’s cold, and you can see that he’s riding his bike to Central Park. It is not unusual for another young man to be wearing a similar outfit and backpack cruising the streets. As you can see here in Exhibit H with this camera footage that day, 3 People look the same here. So now The Prosecutors try debunking that and now tell The Court, The City is trying to solve a Murder Case by looking at random footage of people around the area at the time similar clothing and seized upon My Client using AI Technology meshing together what looks like a Murder. Prosecutors are OUTRAGED at this line of defense, so now another Expert is called in to determine whether AI Technology can use Commuter Footage of People and shape up a crime. And ofcourse I’m looking at stretching that out while in between time I’m still trying to see if any prosecutorial wrongdoing happened during the process to accuse them of to release My Client, drop the charges and such. So now after a couple of weeks, The AI Expert says yes and no because although that could happen, in this case The Client kind of admitted to doing the crime since he got out of that Police Vehicle making comments justifying his criminal deed and then they go play that for The Jurors, and I’m Poker-Faced thinking in my head, he shouldn’t have said anything. Trying to look for the Prosecutor’s fuck up in handling this case is hard enough and your Parents paid me all this money to get your fucking ass out of trouble and you Mom already made negative commentaries in California concerning you and all that makes my job even harder. I have to work on getting some stuff thrown out of the case. So I get up and remind The Court that People LOVE Luigi Mangione. They are seeing him as a good man. Look at his Ivy League Background and his aspiration to be an Engineer. You see, I would need to distract people from the heinousness of the crime while hoping for s break through because things tend to happen in Society that may work in favor of a Client as time goes on, like someone else committed a worse crime days form now, or this guy or gal got acquitted on this previous case a year ago, so now I can parlay that. Understand people that this is just a scenarial legal exercise, and no way, shape or form a recommendation for legal defense. I’m just having fun. So ofcourse The Prosecutors remind The Court how cold-blooded and deadly this crime was, pre-meditated, and such, and I have to get up and say I’d like to show The Court some stuff about The Decedent. What he was into and this and that and how The Health Industry does wicked things to Patients and so forth and this ofcourse muddy’s the minds of Jurors as they could relate although are supposed to be objective. So now they have something in their heads BUT a crime was committed. So now I’ll try to get the more serious charge dropped by using My Client’s Medical History and what he was prescribed and whether that DRUG affected his perception of reality and argue how he is not responsible for what he did while under that influence since The Doctor should have known better. Then I’ll try to bring in this known case and that one concerning some older person who was prescribed it and this happened and The Hospital had no right to put him on that. So now The Judge is feeling my argument and I see a couple sympathetic Jurors. So we rest for the day since The Prosecutor can’t saw shit about that otherwise he’ll look insensitive. Now after filing this motion and that, he’s released from Custody since The Prison conditions are adding to his debilitation and now he’s under House Arrest at some undisclosed location. Prosecutors are furious and want him back in jail. So now their ruthlessness comes out the next day and I’m going look, you’ve caused this man undue duress. They storm up in anger reminding The Court that he killed someone and stop seeing him as some Vigilante. And I’m thinking yeah, you have a sound argument, but I’m not throwing My Client under the bus. It’s not my job to agree with you in that. So I pose some Greek-like Philosophical Argument like To Be or Not To Be, that is the question and portray this scenario like a crime happened to him instead and draw people into that paradigm from his perspective. The Prosecutors pop up arguing how sick that is, and I go well this pain medication he was on distorted his view on life. He was incapable of seeing otherwise what was right from what was wrong. So now Jurors are realizing that maybe it was NOT a coherent pre-meditated murder and maybe more a lesser charge, and are rethinking other stuff presented in the case. So now the closing arguments begin with them recounting all that stuff and I make another impassionate argument and leave it for The Jurors to decide. And you Folk ARE The Jurors.
Hey People, I had a hard time on this platform after logging in and trying to post what I’d written earlier on time for you to read, so here it is in it’s entirety.
Today is Thursday December 19th 2024, and as you know Luigi Mangione is back in New York and he faced a Judge. His Attorney after the Proceedings before The Press thanked his Supporters and offered no further comments. And I’ve been digesting the latest run down on that, but before we get into anything, let me touch on a couple other News Topics. The Mass Rape Case in France with Gisele Pelicot resulted in all 51 men that her husband invited to sexually assault her while she was heavily drugged on sedatives over the course of 10 years, were sentenced to varying prison terms. This other case, many years back concerning a Black Female Stripper accusing Duke Lacrosse Players at the College, of Raping her, turned out to be false and this came out in an interview where she is now serving time for the heinous murder of her husband. There are other stuff in The News as you know, but we’ll leave it there. Now back to Luigi. So he waived The Extradition Process due to his Legal Team perceiving the questioning as not being favorable to his case. He was transported to The City with Armed Cops flanked on both sides shielding him as he walked shackled, incoming on our Streets. My last segment playfully showcased a typical case procedure if I were on his Defense Team, and I caught a Lawyer earlier being interviewed about such a defense I posed and he remarked somewhat favorable, but it will still land him a Manslaughter Conviction and this is probable if there was not a Jury Nullification finding him Not Guilty despite all that evidence. So now I’ll regale you on being a Prosecutor on his case. So far these legal discussions you’ll see or read about concerning him either confirm such and such or disagree on such and such, and for me, this is just an exercise from my perspective on handling a case like this if I were an Attorney on it for entertainment purposes ofcourse. So I’m The Prosecutor in this scenario this time as opposed to my last section. I already KNOW that I have a solid case to have pursued the charges and upgrade it to what I needed to say to speed up the process in returning him back to New York. I got his backpack, his manifesto, his bodily sample, his images, him on camera committing the crime, and so forth. I CANNOT BE STOPPED. I am going to win this shit because he’s guilt. And now his Attorney is trying to pose arguments otherwise. I’ve already thought about potential ways they might try to defend him, including what lies they might tell, and I am ready for it. So I’m all muscled up, confident that I won The Pre-Trial phase of the case, and am now entering The Courtroom at Trial, and out comes what? Instead of trying to say this and that argument about pain meds and psychological effects, or still try to argue that it’s not him, or encourage him to plead guilty and through himself at the mercy of The Court, they decided instead to be all out BRAZEN with The Truth, stating how Brian Thompson deserved to die for his wickedness, explaining why Luigi is a Hero to The People and entered Exhibit E, a picture someone painted calling him Saint Luigi. I can’t believe this. I look at The Defense Team like, are you mad? I was considering dropping The Terrorist Charge if they argued to haggle it down since I know it’s a over-reach on my part but after listening to this insanity, I changed my mind and now have to quickly do damage control reminding The Jury that he’s a Killer, he fashioned his own undocumented weapon, came across State Lines to stalk and murder this Executive in cold blood. I see some Jurors brought back to reality and am satiated. The Defense goes again, this time talking about the concept of The Greater Good versus The Concept of The Lesser Evil, I object, but The Judge let it proceed, The Defense is saying how United Healthcare has quotas and how many people are denied coverage and care and this CEO had blood on his hands and did not care. I see another Defense Lawyer haul in some suitcase they open with all kinds of Insurance Claims and my mouth drops and my eyes pop, I OBJECT, You Honor, this is outrageous. The Decedent’s Family is grieving the loss of their Loved One and this Defendant is not sorry. Insurance Claims have nothing to do with this, I move to strike it from The Record. And I hear The Defense bawl out, I OBJECT, this is relevant. His Attorney starts to read someone else’s case recounting all kinds of sad details and alleged insensitivity on the part of United Healthcare and goes on reading other stuff till The Judge stops it, asking, state what that has to do with The Defendant? And They answer, well, he’s a Vigilante now beloved by many Communities across America for standing up for them. The Judge pauses, looks at The Defense Team and says, since The Defendant does not know any of those people personally or know of their cases since their medical Records are confidential, him fighting for their injustice is invalid so I’ll discount it from The Record. And I smirk. So I get up and marinate The Jury with a beautiful picture of the life of Brian Thompson, a Husband, Father, CEO, how important he was, what a good life he led, how he’s being missed and some crazy person got it into his head to take his life. Someone he does not know or had any relation to. The Defense yells, I OBJECT! The Prosecution has no right to refer to my Client as Crazy. I open my briefcase and pull out some Psychological Profile describing what a Schizophrene is as some are perceiving him to be, and I use Testimony his Mom gave The Feds wondering where he is. I OBJECT, yell The Defense. His Mom mis-stated and retracted her statement. I remind The Jury that The Defendant’s Mom secured US as his Counsel. The Judge then declares, Sustained. I am not pleased and so I press, What normal thinking person would hop an e-bike around The City. Pose behind a car until he saw Brian Thompson pass by then shoot him in the back before a female Bystander? How did he know where to find Brian Thompson in the first place? Who are his Connections? Then The Defense argues, My Client acted on his own reconnaissance. He appointed himself as The Defender Of The People and then they call some Person to The Stand. In walks this Guy who sees Mangione as a Hero and starts talking all kinds of lofty stuff about him. I cross examine asking, so it is okay with you that he killed someone shooting him from behind because he is defending your right to free medical coverage? The Witness pauses and says, I wouldn’t do it, it’s wrong but someone had to. To which I said no more questions Your Honor, and returned back to my seat. The Defense then calls some Girl to The Stand and she begins talking about how attractive Luigi is and swoons looking at him. I get up asking in cross-examination, if he ahh was some ugly looking Dude out there who was fairly healthy with no prior back injury and he heard all these Medical MalPractice Cases and decided to take The Law into his own hands to defend The People, and decided to randomly go assassinate a CEO of a Healthcare Organ-ization, would you care, and I remind you young Lady, you are under Oath. She gulps as her face changes from cheerful to worried, and she finally answers, NO. I briefly look at The Judge and turn to The Jury and back again saying No Further Questions Your Honor. And The Judge informs her, and she steps down. I have a confident smile on my face, so now The Defense pops up stating arguments on this idea of a Citizen exercising his right to seek self justice since he was injured by The Medical Field at The Hands of Professionals who deliberately knew they botched a procedure injuring his spinal nerve, and how he tried to legally address this issue the right way and was ignored, and how this affected his worth as a person, his quality of life, and the way in which he saw Society and how The System treats people. He was wealthy and could pay for the care, but The Industry in general leeches and leeches off the Finances of people with no real interest in curing them. He was wealthy enough to keep paying, but imagine One less fortunate than he who also needed a similar surgery and couldn’t afford to pay. That’s who he is fighting for. Here are examples of many people appreciative of this brave murder of a person who benefited off that systemic injustice. And as I listen to The Defense sterilize this heinous crime, I OBJECT, stating I’m sorry, if you are in pain and take issue with a botched surgery, you make a case of it, sue, inform The Media, launch a Boycott or something, you don’t take it into your hands to go find an Employee of a Company you have or don’t have a grievance with and kill him or her. The Jurors are confused now since both The Prosecution and Defense Team make valid points. And as the case goes on and draws to a close, The Judge makes his Rules for The Jury to decide and they go Deliberate amongst themselves. They come back undecided asking for this, that and the other to review again. The Defense gives them all the lovely, beautiful photos and artwork showing Luigi in a fine light, while mine being The Prosecutor are the mugshots, all the video stills, any negative grimacing hostile photos of him that depicts him in a bad light. So I’m expecting this to wrap up now, but The Jury are asking for testimonial material to review again from The Defense, and some paperwork from my side. And I’m wondering what the fuck are you Jurors thinking, this is a No Brainer, I hope Ya’ll are not tryna do a jury nullification. And as I sit and wait hoping for justice for Brian Thompson’s Family, I see out of the corner of my eye The Defense Team hoping for a Victory from YOU JURORS.
I have further thoughts on this topic where ethics & likability are concerned, and I’ll share my observations on something I noticed. Luigi’s case IS interesting and like you I’m observing it, but there is another angle I suspect is going on. Just look at it. He’s handsome though, and oh my his federal entourage when brought back to The City. Is it all just a distraction, or is it more, like a really good Psyop, and he’s just an Actor. ha ha.
Today is Monday December 23rd 2024, and the gravity of that Luigi Mangione case as you know got to an extreme point where they are considering a Death Penalty for him after adding that Federal murder charge if he manages to beat the State murder one. They really want to convict him and it looks like they want to kill him based off the desperateness of those 2 charges compared to the lesser ones. And no matter what anybody thinks, what scenario or Conspiracy Theory this falls under, it’s still BAD. It would be a miracle if he beats what they are trying to do because his situation looks like, you know, a possible Illuminati Game and Someone’s Sacrifice. And sometimes The People around you in a situation like that can be other Cult Members in on it. For all we know, there are Forces out here who look for persons they can use, program, and set up for things like you’re a Puppet for their Aim. Or Maybe, YOU’RE in on it also, and this is just a Ceremonial Act since there is a BIGGER purpose at hand. There are signs of this when looking at that case. Another thing too is that we cannot trust what we are being told in The Media since their News is censored and controlled why almost only the information they want out there is mainly covered on their Networks, while YOUR real and true information gets ignored till it is too valid and powerful to keep hidden, especially if Foreign Sources find that curious and are interested in you. So anyway, this Luigi Thing might be something more than what we are seeing and are being told. Before we even learned his name and found out who he was, some people were speculating whether it had to do with The Financial World and Investments as more information gets out, their theories might still be holding up bringing Former Democratic House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi into it. Some other Youtubers have made the connection that United Healthcare is tied to our current New York Police Commissioner Tisch, the same last name as New York University’s Tisch Hall and all other people and connections surrounding that, leading back to Brian Thompson, including McDonald’s, as they are financially supported by them. People doing their Homework are seeing the ties with BlackRock, and find this whole thing suspicious. And what I’ll add to that also, is my observation days ago when The Media went around trying to find Classmates to talk to and one of them happened to be a Guy who looked and sound familiar to me though he appeared to be trying to change his appearance to fool people. Remember 5 months ago with that First Trump Assassination Attempt with Thomas Matthew Crooks, when they found some guy, a slim brunette, and he might be Jewish too, when interviewed, he was making commentaries about how The Shooter was in School. Now fast forward 5 months later, isn’t that the same Guy, looking blond now with a shaved face, or is it his brother? I saw a video where he’s identified as Corey Wey. Listen to his voice, his mannerism in the video and how he speaks. It’s the same way even though these 2 events are supposed to be unrelated. Just an observation. Cases like Luigi’s being presented to Us in that manner with a spectacle around it should alert you to something else. In many ways, his case kind of reminds me of another Italian I like who’s 27 years older than Mangione, though this one differs in an inverted way since 6 years ago back in 2018 when he popped on The Scene. I just had to say it because the similarities can’t be ignored. The Media has not made that connection yet. And while Luigi exclusively goes through his version of IT, we are all watching his experience in reverse compared to Avenatti’s in terms of likability and lawfare. And will Somebody either in it, or not also be smart enough (like I was) to figure out something and relate it, and outsmart The Game Master at his own GAME! And WHO is He? And what is his game? He might be Someone real important in The FBI, or Somebody truly powerful operating at The Highest Levels among us, pretending to be God playing us for His Amusement. I had an uncanny suspicion for many years sensing Someone important reading My Work, but I was not thinking it was this other person doing that I know about and exposed already. I was more seeing another type of Person doing that, and still is. What’s getting my attention also is this guy’s name, Luigi Nicholas Mangione. Well, it reminds me of my name, Lhisa Ungelis Mrklon. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. I read the spiritualism behind it a certain way. How they symbolically interplay. Saint Nick by the way is another name for Santa Claus, who in some Circles liken to be The Devil, even though Saint Nick was a real historic Fat White Guy in Europe who DID make Toys for Kids. And now people are referring to Mangione as St. Luigi. Just saying LU, is also short for Lucifer. And me? Well, I’m Somebody’s MUSE obviously for years now, I just did not realize it until several years ago when I noticed signs of it, but kept it a secret to Myself, till The Person decided to get my attention, by one poignant act at first concerning books I was featuring on my Sidebar at the time, which led to an unfortunate event with somebody days later. Fast Forward through a series of Current Events to where we are now, is it still a coincidence? When I come across stuff, and get an inkling, then decide to reveal what I know or suspect, I don’t do it to be offensive or mess up something, it’s just that I am receptive to The Divine World to pick up on Energies and it is My Duty to present It either in an Obvious Way, or cunning fashion, and sometimes I integrate both methods. When I see certain parallels of people and events in context to The Occult, and what we know certain Secret Societies do, I can’t help but notice. Am I a part of it, in a way, but no. I must remain outside of all that, even though I too arrived at the same conclusion as far as your beliefs go, while yours happened being in a Group, mine occurred independently. You see SATAN is not exclusive to you. Like GOD, He gets around to who he wants to. When YOU, a Person either Christian, or Other Faith seem to have that Je Ne Sais Quoia, Juju, Kizmet, Chi, whatever, that means He or She might be A Chosen One for God or Satan and in RARE CASES, both Entities since they are fighting over The Person since She or He fits a Divine Profile to use. This happened to a couple people in The Bible and other Scriptures not admitted. Either God or Satan succeed in attracting A Person winning Him or Her over, or converting Her or Him, and Consecrating The Relationship. Now you’ve all seen the wackiness of how I have been reacted to by That Establishment just for writing a Blog. Hmm. Like I am not in touch, when I AM, and you should be celebrating Me. Only I can Present such A Thing, with the Grace & Vanity The Concept truly deserves. You cheapening and warping It, do it Dishonor, and that’s way It fails you. I AM THE EMBODIMENT of It. Trust In Me.
So now we head into Christmas Eve Tomorrow and then CHRISTMAS & CHANUKAH falls on the same day this year. We’ll continue to see what comes of this case as a Court appearance was scheduled for Luigi on December 30th, which is now re-scheduled to occur in January 18th 2025, and the numerology is not surprising. This IS a Ritual. Follow it. Try to figure what it means. What will become of LUIGI, and Will He Escape like a Hero or Villain, depending; and is Brian Thompson really dead why we’re not seeing the rest of that video where he was killed, or was all this expected and he wore a bulletproof vest that day, only to be revealed at a later time in Court when he appears as his own Witness? Ye Luciferians, what do you see about this whole thing being “Pagans” knowing what you know? Hmm, Atlantean stuff? Who are you rooting for? THEY might have went overboard in trying to make this case too confounding causing heavy judgment against Luigi Mangione, to be fair on that, but his likability even after that still shined through. When we return after a few days going into The New Year, I’ll share some other defense theories I think may have played a role in his ordeal like MK Ultra since that’s not too farfetched a theory. I wouldn’t rule out a possible demonic possession either.
Who was Brian Thompson, what was his his life like? Was he Christian?
What do you think he symbolizes?
Today Is CHRISTMAS and also HANUKKAH, Falling On The Same Day
This Year. I Wish Everyone Well.
Today is Sunday December 29th 2024, and just a few days after, more terrible stuff is happening in The News. About a five days before there was a case of a Homeless Woman set on fire at the terminal stop of The F Train on Stillwell Avenue, Comey Island and the crime was done by an Illegal from Guatemala name Sabastian Zapeta-Calil aged 33; here’s more on him. The Brooklyn DA is still trying to identify The Woman. And now, a copycat crime happened, this time with a Man set on fire at Penn Station, 34th Street and more details are coming in on that; click here to learn what’s known so far.
Also in The News for a while now is Rapper Jay-Z sucked into that P Diddy thing with him and alleged rape allegations at these Wild Parties. I ignore certain cases until there is something to comment on as I know you all are following it as well. I appreciate an aggressive Attorney going after somebody trying to destroy their Client. The Judge in that case sided with the alleged Victim making the accusations, due to him finding the language and hostility of The Rapper’s Lawyers insensitive. Well, in their defense, I get that energy. When someone is bringing a case against you, making strong allegations and a serious investigation was done to where that is affecting your life moving forward, you are entitled to know by our Constitution who your Accuser is. You have a right to know well before it reaches that stage. Though their language and behavior might be heavy handed, can it be argued that The Judge might be showing bias in favor of The Accuser? What about Mr Carter’s Due Process? Even if it were true, the integrity of the whole case needs to be adhered to when seeking justice, otherwise you risk something going wrong later on like a mistrial or a conviction being overturned, and none of that serves The Victim well.
It’s New Years Eve, and as I close, continuing over to the next article I already started for Christmas doing a feature this time on Eric Trump as my annual third installment, the celebration into New Years Day and onward to his Birthday on January 6th 2025, discussing those issues will take place, until my new article. Understand that I still have existing typos in this and my other past articles I have yet to correct as I move along beginning new topics, and I know that I have NOT upgraded any new Picturesque Galleries on those as of yet due to a busy life, and also determining how I’m going to fashion my websites around one another a certain way as intended looking at other platforms, why I’m not doing too much on either of them until I am satisfied moving forward that their performance are a good fit for my Projects. So anyway, back to some Current Events, Jimmy Carter, our 39th President died the other day at age 100, and this in many ways is fortuitous looking at it in the right perspectives. We have so much so longer to go at least a couple generations from now according to my interpretations, and having yet another Soul of The White House seeing things through as there are many overlooking the Fate and Well-Being of The Empire from The Other Side. As far as Trump’s recent interest again in wanting to buy Greenland and recognizing that The Panama Canal should probably be owned by America, I have thoughts on that I’ll visit in 2025, but for now, I’ll say that his actions before being formally inaugurated again as President shows why he’s The Right Man for the job because he’s thinking about a few things I’ve been intimating in my Writings and have already connected some dots. As for Russia, if Ukraine wanted to be “free” It’s Leader should have left it alone as a Neutral State diplomatically interacting and negotiating between European, Russian, Chinese, American and/or Other International Interests and not have “chosen” a side by getting involved in NATO, which led to an adverse reaction from Russia, knowing full well how that would impact them, since everything was fine before. As for POTUS 46, Joe Biden executing several controversial Pardons before leaving Office, well, people are looking to be FREE, no matter how bad the crime. Evidently, he’s still be mad at the results of The 2024 Elections to be exercising his Right like that freeing all kinds of Criminals to make a point in light of his own legal matter with his son Hunter Biden. The Media is saying that he’s delusional for thinking he could have beaten Trump. Well, we can’t really say that as a fact since Biden’s Political Team had his back the whole time that they might have been able to still pull that off a second time somehow. Just think, had he won it and had health complications to step down from power and let KAMALA lead, that would have been better. Your Conservative Democrat Girl Lhisa Mrklon has MANY ideas, and could have been a Major Asset to you, but although grateful for a few policies you made benefiting The People, certain graces were not made I would see fit in my favor that would have made a BIG difference where YOUR INTERESTS were concerned why Trump looked more like the person to be supporting more and more and more. To continue being fair to you, there are moves your Party should be making to regain power in the future, I hinted at some of that here and in previous articles as that and other issues will continue into 2025, mine and everybody elses. Now back to discussing Luigi Mangione, I like the catchy tunes his Followers everywhere are singing, protesting for his release as they croon like Kids, free luigi and then that strong urban solo voice with indignation shouts FREE LUIGI, and they croon free luigi, as a Musician I can hear the musicality and what instruments I would use to play the melody. And this is true for an alternate version of the song where it would sound different using the same words for another popular chant, or somehow combine the two into one Anthem. His Movement is going places. Both sides of that legal fight have to be careful. Though the evidence might be there and strong enough, The Prosecutors might still lose that case somehow. If his Defense Attorney elects to make this argument instead of that one, it might also jeopardize his chances. Some Youtubers are already posing sound Reasonable Doubt just based off what is known already. It is interesting that Mark Geragos’ Daughter is at the same Law Firm as Mangione’s Attorney. This case promises to be exciting in context to other Cases as Mangione is also held at the same Brooklyn Prison on the 18th Floor housing Sam Bankman-Fried, Sean Combs, and Other Popular People. Good Luck to them. Maybe the truth behind everything will get out. One thing for you Occultists to look out for are the Spiritually Ritual Connections. They ARE there. The names of people, the dates, their age, what they did, where they lived, places they went, what they are about, things they did, what they look like, ALL in context to Myths, Folklore, Ancient Deities, etc. And I don’t do this to expose this stuff with adverse intent because I hold back certain things. I think and feel that just enough info is out here that you should be able to connect the dots on your own. You have a right to know something according to The Laws of the Universe. A lot of it is hidden in Movies, TV Shows, News Broadcasts, Art, Music, and Spectacles you see happening out here, and so forth. It’s not a Coincidence. What you dismiss as nonsense will later make sense to you even if you don’t appreciate The Source its coming from. Pay attention to The Bible and other Ancient Texts. Something has happened before why The God Of The Universe can say ‘I know The End From The Beginning’, and keep teasing you by stating that throughout His Book and using Messengers of all kinds to remind you, like their isn’t anything you can do to stop It. What is HE talking about and really to Whom? . . . . . . . I write some co-related articles in a creepy way for a reasons. Happy New Year, and I’ll See You On The Other Side.
As Mentioned Twice Before, The Sub-Topics Featured Within This Article Has Something To Do With The Theme Of Border Travel & Some Type Of Crime Being Committed, And Outside Of That Paradigm, I Remind My Readers To Be Mindful Of Your Own Personal Borders Around Yourself And Your Families, As Migrants Exit In All Forms Trying To Trespass Over With Malicious Intent To Inflict Some Serious Damage Into The Otherwise Peaceful Atmosphere Of Your Life, And You Must Stand And Fight Off These Problems From Occurring In The First Place By Being Vigilant And Prepared. Be The Border Czar Of Your Life, Protecting Your Best Interests And Ruthless Against Those Trying To Harm It.
Lhisa Mrklon
The Foreigner
WELL . . . . . . . WELL . . . . . . . WELL . . . . . . .
As it turns out, Just hours after entering the new year, this festive moment could not last free a full day from The Madness of Others. I made a short mention of it on my Xmas With Eric Article, but I’ll detail more here soon with other Updates.