🎖Celebrating Dr King 📖
Fides Primum Gradum Accipit Etiam Cum Totum Scalam Videre Potes 👟 Faith Is Taking The First Step Even When You Can't See The Whole Staircase (Dr King)
U2 - Pride (In The Name Of Love)
So you’ll notice some changes to the site this New Year going forward. You know, there are other long-standing and developing websites out there you can use to peruse and feature additional material to your own work. It’s unfortunate that people make a habit of continuing to use Google products and services in exclusive ways, when it has gotten to the point of obvious corruption to really trust.
It’s important while living our daily lives to remember history, and how we got to be where we are now and the sacrifices it took.
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris & Others Honoring Dr King’s Statue
Here Are Some Links On His Legacy
empirestateplaza.ny.gov/nyking Live Presentation, PBS, 1/17/22, 10am
Lhisa Mrklon
Is Dr King’s Dream Fulfilled In Our Time?