Exit Biden 👈👮♂️👉 Enter Trump
I’d set the above header image earlier to feature the current VP Kamala Harris amid the sentiments expressed the previous day and my suspicions were right given the tone of Trump’s Re-Inauguration where solemness was expressed facially and in body language because as you know, it is MLK Day and had certain political events through The Election Process had not happened, History could have played out in favor of Kamala Harris being our First Black Woman President crowned on this day. So as a gesture, I presented an image where her Poll numbers succeeded Trump’s in the early stages. Remember, after Joe Biden was forced out of Running following the First Assassination Attempt on Trump, she only had about 107 days to swiftly run a Campaign and was doing amazingly well from the start. The truth is, given all we know, due to Democratic Meddling more so than her Republican Haters, her greater chances of Winning got hurt by all that stifling negativity and her ultimately losing was not entirely her fault, despite any criticism. Her Political Party was quick to turn on her after that, though she had a right to run for the Post. So I did The Diplomatic Thing and showed her first in this Header as a matter of Honor on this Day. It does not subtract away from Mr. Trump, as he indeed ran the better Campaign and deserved to win given all what happened with him, and in The Spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, may he continue on his God-Given Journey to lead The Country into a Better State, that’s Its Citizens can be ‘Free At Last’ from Bondage.
👩👧👦👨👩👧👦 Mensura De Societatis Invenitur In Quomodo Infirmissimos Et Inops Cives Tractant 💵🪙 The Measure Of A Society Is Found In How They Treat Their Weakest And Most Helpless Citizens (Jimmy Carter, The 39th President of The United States Of America, 1977 - 1981)
🎵 Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood Perform John Lennon’s “Imagine” (1971)
I preface by paying respects to our dearly deceased 39th President, Jimmy carter, who died on Wednesday December 29th 2024, after aging a Century. This marks yet another turning stone in our young American History moving forward that I’ll leave you to reflect on. I followed this sad event throughout the day to be posting real late like this. Here is some footage of The Burial Ceremony.
Today is Friday January 10th 2025, Happy New Year, though marred already by some disturbing events. The Fires that are plaguing certain parts of California are reminiscent of The Canada Wild Fires that happened in 2023 with lighting and smoke effects reaching our East Coast. Both imagery are not that different. Some have speculated that there is more to it, like a Hollywood coverup of some kind involving PizzaGate where Political Sex Scandals are tied in, on account of Sean “P Diddy” Combs being indicted and held in his own issues, as well as fears surrounding that of Others involved in his Circles who may be indicted next, and we saw allegations against Jay-Z being brought. If there is more to this why the fires were being set on the properties of certain Stars connected to so and so in specific areas, as some suspect, the truth might get out. For now, they are still calling it a natural disaster with reportedly 10,000 structures lost and about 18 persons died thus far. Some are looking at the destruction and are likening it also to the war overseas in Israel and other parts, where the sky is concerned as there appears to be eerie serpentine wisps that go by through the dark fiery night, like an unknown weapon or UFO. Governor Gavin Newson is being blamed for all this Destruction for cutting a little over $100 Million in the Fire Prevention Budget, leaving his Denizens vulnerable. So now it will cost even more to try and rebuild those areas.
Today is Saturday January 11th 2025, and coming right off of yesterday, Society is now blaming Kristin Crowley, The Fire Chief of Los Angeles for the poor handling of The Rampant Fires that destroyed vast areas of California Neighborhoods Including: Pacific Palisades, Eaton, Hurst, Kenneth and other areas in Lidia, Archer, Woodley & Sunset, which were successfully subdued. It looks like a War Zone where Important Landmarks were destroyed as well as one Historic Black Neighborhood in Eaton called Altadena. You can see the before and after images of these places. People are Homeless, Scavenging and looting. The First Fire, happened in Pacific Palisades Last Tuesday at 10:30am, according to the California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection. California has been receiving Aid to combat the flames from other States including Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Washington, New Mexico, as well as help from Mexico and Canada. One state in particular, Arizona twice now has not received Public Credit. So where is FEMA, The Federal Emergency Management Agency? Well, they’d put out a Statement here with an available Relief Program. As far as The Conspiracy Theories goes wondering what is really happening in California, it is important to note that the period where Natural Wildfires are expected to occur is in June & July and sometimes extends another 3 months depending on The Climate. So these fires occurring now in Cooler Temperatures is odd. It’s either a Judgment from God, sending a message to Hollywood, or Man Made Fires deliberately set to displace people in that region and destroy those territories perhaps in somebody’s War Effort either entirely Domestic or a Foreign Coalition for a Global Agenda.
Today is Friday January 17th 2025, and we are just 3 days away from Trump’s Inauguration. The Latest Additions to play a role in The Trump Administration are Actors Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson & Jon Voight Elected to Serve as Special Envoys in The State of California to help bring back Hollywood to Its Glory Years since Biden’s Woke Era, where They lost a lot of business and respectability in the last few years, and the Apocalyptic Wild Fires destroying many buildings in some areas added to their issues. Also in The News are growing criticism of New York’s Mayor Adams going to Mar-a-Lago to dine with President Elect and his son Eric Trump, as an agenda to seek a pardon while he’s battling Corruption Charges, when The Public already knows how much he cares about this City to have stood up for It voicing his concerns against The Biden Administration about the criminal activities of Illegal Immigrants and the lack of finances to sustain these bus load drop offs them lining the corners of Shelters. Since he made that dominant move, these federal charges cropped up. Mayor Adams have been treated unfairly since he rose to that Position being true to The People, so him having the possibility of a Pardon on The Table is something he is duly entitled to. Another top trending News Topic is how The FBI’s DEI Office is now closed as President Elect Trump is about to be Sworn in again. Well, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion doesn’t mean incompetence as that unfortunately became the meaning in The Eyes of some viewing It in Public when things are not going so well with those Local Hires. Someone like Myself, a Competent Person of Color most likely would not have been offered the same opportunity at the time even though that Agency knew of me from Jump. Now that I got a chance to learn even more stuff due to all the negative news out here, I was lucky not to have been considered, to end up administratively trapped in that mess too years later with these now numerous Former Whistleblowing Agents out here. Unfortunately, I’ve been tactfully sharing in these articles since July 2023, My Own bad experience as well as a Former Volunteer Confidential Informant working on a similar case as described in some of their On Air Shows. With the high expectations of Kash Patel, the new Appointed FBI Director, many Agents are hoping that he will suddenly reform the whole Bureau like Magic by the time the next day comes and being a person who assesses things with fairness, I can say that these people may be wishing for too much too soon. The Former FBI Director Christopher Wray re-surfaced about 5 days ago since his resignation, giving an Exit Interview To 60 Minutes talking about Terrorism Cyber Threats & Securing The Inauguration. And I’ll close this section off by remarking about how treacherously cold the weather is why Trump will be holding his Inauguration Indoors. They are calling it The Polar Vortex sweeping across certain States, affecting about 300 Million People. Those of You dealing with it also, get inside, eat, stay safe and keep warm like you’re a Pet.
I experienced some difficulty after logging in trying to post this information on time earlier, but here it is.
Today is Saturday January 18th 2025, and we are just 2 says away from Trump’s Inauguration. So a few Politicians & Media Personalities are still talking about Michelle Obama not wanting to attend, and their feelings about that are a positively consensus. The Former First Lady also declined to attend the funeral of the late Jimmy Carter for the same reported reason of not wanting to sit near Trump, but is that all true though because BIG EVENTS like this where Dignitaries and other Important People who are invited, are expected to show up despite your differences with another person. But some graces have to be given since VP Kamala Harris attended Carter’s Funeral, but her diplomacy in tolerating the difficulty of being there amid the hostility now directed at her for losing to Trump, was still negatively remarked on. You can’t win either way in this situation with some Republicans.
Again, I Experienced Some Technical Issues Posting The Below Content In A Timely Way After Logging In.
Today is Sunday January 19th 2025, and we are just 2 day away from Trump’s Inauguration. Well, tomorrow will be Dr. King’s Day and obviously why particular Democrats are still so mad at VP Kamala Harris for losing the 2024 Elections because that would have been truly Historic. Just imagine if all had went well with their planning. What went wrong was this over zealous, maniacal interest in really trying to hurt Trump from ever coming back to Power, that it backfired, and as a result, he deserved to win. They can’t blame Kamala because THEY messed up. Drawing away from her ad scorning her in Public as if she were the Sole Orchestrator of their Scheme, further shows how disloyal and weak The Democratic Party is. What would be in Order is if she herself disassociates from THEM and try to map out a political course of action going forward. Due to early Party Meddling in what would have worked out otherwise for her, it became a missed opportunity. What she can concentrate on are the interests for The People that Dr. King would have like rooting out Corruption in The Judicial System and overturning Wrongful Convictions. Another useful Dr. King move for her is to try and implement some policies on The State Level that can have far improving effects on the Lives of many people regardless of race, gender, and creed, like addressing Housing and Employment issues. So Kamala, act like a President and go forth using your Seasoned Skillset functioning in some Office impacting Lives in a meaningful way with the Campaign Ideas you had, and show people that you yourself are not done with Herstory.
Ofcourse Biden gave this Farewell Speech On Martin Luther King’s actual Birthday Anniversary on January 15th, which we Celebrate the 20th this year.
Today is THE BIG DAY Monday January 20th 2025, TRUMP’S RE-INAUGURATION since POTUS 45 to now POTUS 47 and it was beautiful. And like I mentioned at the top of this article today, updating the header image, featuring different ones until I set the main picture, I briefly stated that I decided to show VP Kamala Harris first due to what I sensed were sentiments that would show this day given the historic energy. Had everything went well for The Democrats, it would have been perfect swearing in Kamala Harris as our First Black Woman President on Dr. Martin Luther King Day. The Republicans if given the task would have done a better job making that happen with their Black Candidate because Democrats are too unstable, I’m sorry but I have to tell you. And my move in no way undercuts Donald Trump’s glory as it was a mere diplomatic gesture to honor what could have been, had there been no weird meddling in The Elections. This further proves that Trump deserved to win given all he had to deal with running the better Campaign, and I am proud of him.
Today is Tuesday January 21st 2025, the final day of my article entry concerning this topic and my previous associated post you can read here.
Well, well. Today is February 5th 2025, and this is the 15th day since my last section post, and 28 days since the original posting of this article. Remember that this topic also coincides with my last prior article on Christmas, showcasing Eric Trump. And now we’re into Black History Month, with Valentines Day 9 days from now. Though I am often offset these days by a plague of problems originating from a controlled shadowy government system enabling their Minions still in censorship campaigns against me, though we have Trump in Office now, who some Democratic Factions are still opposing. Despite that, I continue my endeavor to bring you enriching content for your mind, heart & soul.
And continuing, I’ll now formally address the democratic fiasco with our now Former President Joe Biden AGAIN since some people in Power have aggressively moved to block Trump’s Executive Orders. Remember Ya’ll treated Old Joe a certain way as if it was his fault, to come together to remove him from running again, while he sat and watched his VP try to win The Presidency so late in the game. Ol’ Joe certainly looked and sounded like a together Old Man when he made Public Statements though. That whole Presentation of him faining his health and well-being was sort of working with your Production Crew around him, but the secret got out. Did you really think you could keep hiding it? And who was responsible for seeing after his Health, making sure that he can recover? Like a daily Talk Show or Sitcom or Drama Series, where a Production Team is responsible to suit up The Stars and look after their needs and so on, Ya’ll might have been able to spoof up a believable Campaign for him where he looked fit and up to the job, not only for US but The World as well. It was kind of working before. So many People’s Rights depended on that Bullshit. Now you’re fighting TRUMP!
Today is Thursday February 6th 2025, and though Biden has transitioned out of Power over 2 Weeks now, some people on The Left are panicking daily about losing their Rights, while others on The Right are so happy about regaining their Rights. Biden did a lot of good for some people depending on what Group you’re in. I have noticed a lot of his Work answering a few things I said on here over the years in his own way. Such moves were done in a timely manner too. I get it. I don’t always get a chance to Update certain things in my Articles, but The Public viewing my stuff would notice such response in context though. His generosity goes way back, like the time he came into Office and among the notable first things he did was address the legitimacy of disenfranchised groups regarded as Sovereign Indian Nationalities. The move was important to them, but not Everyone got The Memo since they still supported Trump throughout your Reign cursing you for past remarks wrong doings towards Black Men in your Senate years causing certain Bills to come into Law. These Guys also dislike Obama. So you can’t please Everyone even though you made Amends for it. Later on in your Presidency, I wrote some article talking about My Brand and the question of Government Protections here, citing Sovereign Indigenous Groups and their handling of certain Business issues compared to this Corporate Government, and you then apparently agreed making the Political move to grant THEM the right to run and govern their own Indian Affairs on their Territories since I made the point that they would not be dealing with bizarre Trademark issues given that they would procure better discipline and respect among their Societies. I appreciated the subtle things you did and said throughout your Term where applicable and my grievance had more to do with coming under a massive and unfair Big Tech Attack by Shadowy Forces within Big Brother simply because I Am Smart and Talented to be able to reach some of the most Politically Influential Powers operating in Our System, and I say that humbly. It was all jealousy. And the foolish thing about that was had I not been targeted like that, it most likely would have faired better for The Democrats in conjunction with doing all or most of The Right Things from the start. Fulfilling this legal move or that, might have made all the right differences for everyone. I was taken by some unpopular cases I wrote about where favor was shown for one but not another, and that eventually caught up to affecting You and Hunter Biden on account of that Burisma Case by the same Agency. Concessions were made for you though with The Parties involved. And then one sentiment with those in need led to another as they needed some kind of legal help from the Top and at the time I cared more about covering Michael Avenatti’s Case, and though some Prosecutors left due to the change in Administration, what seemed like a glint of hope, quickly faded. And one issue begot another where the failure of one led to the compromise of the initial Sweetheart Deal you could have had in your situation. The System used you, though you sat at The Top. Co-signing going after Trump like that did little to enhance you. The back and forth between you two was entertaining to The Public for a while until shit got real. You were both legally vulnerable. And to cut a long story short as you know the outcome already, the tit for tat between you two continued with you taking away Border Wall material hampering Trump’s Political Plans. I like an open Field as well, but something should be done to re-enforce barriers between Nations. And as for your Pardons, not too many are happy with them. I think once they are granted, they should be left alone as opposed to the new Incumbent wanting to overturn them. Such a thing is almost always going to be controversial. Too bad because of the way certain Political Winds Blow, not everyone deserving was chosen for a Pardon by you. Trump granted It to some Alleged Insurrectionists. You get to sit back like you did the first time before you won, and watch a Trump Presidency again Biden, and think comparatively about each term, till new Democratic Candidates try to run for 2028.
Today is Friday February 7th 2025, and to comment on the fallout of what happened with Vivek Ramaswamy while in D.O.G.E still at the time with Elon Musk, that angered some, well he has foreign sensibilities like the rest of us in touch with Non-American Cultural Lifestyles. We are fluent with what we think to say but some protocols should be observed. You need to play The Game in some instances where you keep what you know to yourself and work in mysterious ways at trying to reach an Agenda. In his case, being among these People, I guess something or someone either turned him on to say that or ticked him off to mention that. Not all Americans are Lazy. And to add to that, Americans are often seen as Dumb by a lot of Foreigners. I would share anecdotes, but I’ll spare you. Remember that before jumping on the Trump Bandwagon, Elon said a similar thing in Talk Show interviews about Americans not working as hard. Ofcourse, these commentaries can be interpreted in gradients in terms of a person’s ambitions and career dedication more so than lambasting a whole collection of them. At a sensitive time such as this, Americans would be thin-skinned as they are trying to manage their Political situation. So seeing someone Ethnically Foreign like Vivek & Elon, empowered in their Government criticizing them like that, to the ultra sensitive, it’s like an open wound doused with an abrasive liquid they interpret as harmful when their liquidity of thought was more meant as Pep Talk. And as he worked in The Department of Government Efficiency, which he helped founded wit Elon, Vivek eventually left with many speculating about what caused it, and now he has reportedly moved onward with a bid to compete as a Candidate running to become The Governor of Ohio. There are also talks about Trump wanting him to fill our now Vice President JD Vance’s former Senate Seat in Ohio.
Today is Friday February 14th 2025, VALENTINE’S DAY, I wish everyone well and obviously for the occasion I posted the clickable above banner of FLOTUS & POTUS. Oh, and incidentally it just happens to be 45 days if you count from Friday January 31st to this day for symbolic purposes. Coincidence? Yeah, it’s me timing everything up again.
Today is Monday February 17th 2025, PRESIDENT’S DAY, and you can click the above banner for more info. Though the Federal Holiday typically honors Washington & Lincoln, over time it has come to mean All Presidents celebrated, Serving The American People.
Today is Friday, February 21st 2025, and it is 45 days since the publishing of this article, symbolic to Trump being in Power the first time as our 45th President. And to now comment on some of The Current Events in The Press and on The Airwaves, look, Trump Appointed his own Version of DEI Hiring with a Selection of what appears to be Odd Characters to Democrats to help with his efforts to try and lead this Country. As a result, like how it was 8 years ago, a series of Liberal Lawsuits have been filed to obstruct his Political Reforms. I expect A LOT of crazy things to go on with THEIR efforts. Some of these Cases are in fact Valid, but the Others are frivolous.
Now, in the Case of New York Mayor Eric Adams, that legal matter was brought into his life by way of his Fellow Democrats. This uproar about him supposedly making a deal with Trump to toss the case if he follows through with helping to Mass Deport Illegal Immigrants, is a disturbing argument. Well before Trump regained The Presidency, and was entangled in his own Legal Drama, Adams voiced concern about Safety & Well-Being of Legal New Yorkers already here and struggling to benefit from the Resources they are more entitled to. This is a Mayor who knows that The City cannot sustain the ongoing influx of these Un-Vetted Foreign People who don’t belong here. There are a lot of crime cases too involving them. So why are his Fellow Democrats craving a Quid Quo Pro Legal Case against him to Matter for what? Are they stupid? Have they looked at a Map of New York City, lately in comparison to some of these global Countries combined with millions of their people at The American Border? So now the Lawsuit alleging him doing favors for The Turkish Embassy in exchange for a Flight Upgrade and nice Hotel Suite is postponed, due to Trump’s DOJ request to Dismiss The Charges not being honored since Several Prosecutors left their Jobs, citing Ethics, trying to draw Solidarity with Democrats Against Trump Rulership, as if They Themselves were not in League with similar Politics from The Opposing Party.
Today is Sunday February 23rd, 2025 and
Lhisa Mrklon