😳 Topics For June 2024 😱
Mihi Vindicta Erit Succesu 🤵 My Revenge Will Be Success
(Donald J. Trump, POTUS 45)
🎶Judas Priest ~ Breaking The Law
So I chose this track because these nineteen topics collectively, more or less and by some stretch have that in common.
Update Concerning Saturday July 13 2024, Assassination Attempt On Trump
So Trump’s sentencing that was set for July 11 2024, did not come through since he had a legal victory concerning his immunity rights as a former President why it got deferred to a later date. So now 2 days later, while at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania where he was expected to name his VP, a 20 year old Shooter name Thomas Matthew Crooks showed up on the roof a building across where Trump was speaking and fired off some rounds off his high powered rifle where a bullet grazed Trump’s right ear as he turned his head, miraculously saving his life. The Secret Service covered Trump while other Police spotted started going after The Shooter. As Trump left The Stage with blood trickling, he made it a point to raise his fist signaling to his Audience that he was okay, inspiring them to keep up the brave fight.
So for this month, like last year I’ll showcase 19 topics that was not covered earlier and out of them all, one will be chosen as the winner. Now Andrew Tate won the prior year here, and for a while, his legal problem looked to be subsiding, but it escalated a few weeks ago, so keep watching that. With the slew of topics to discuss this year, I have no shortage of opinions to regale you on. First up . . . . . . .
So you saw what happened to Donald Trump. He was found guilty on all 34 Counts. His case was Tried in The Southern District of New York, where the likelihood of him getting a fair Trial as a Political Juggernaut was slim. Now the outbursts of some people in Trump’s Circle is to refer to the American Political Justice System as a Banana Republic, and I’m telling you to stop calling it that because a Third World Nation would not have done that to Trump. You’re discussing a stereotype of underprivileged nations across the globe trying to help their regions to survive and compete against the whims of other more powerful and stable Countries taking advantage of them. You can look at how Mexico, The Caribbean, Central & South America, Africa, The Middle East, Asia, and some parts of Europe solve problems, and what they are currently doing or ever did, looked better than what happened to Trump in that Courtroom. Planned from the start. What you have been watching since he left Office was staged attempts to make sure he can’t come back, while the Leader of your current Political Party in Office also has questionable legal circumstances. For Joe Biden to come out saying how great the legal system is here and how it is just, and the cornerstone of the Country, in the face of what happened is ludicrous. No one is above The Law, but there are people who still are, and way more guilty than Trump. The activities of prominent people in The Democratic Party were long exposed, yet none of them are in the same kind of legal trouble as Trump. His private problem is trivial compared to their wantonness. A Banana Republic would not have done that. They are way more sophisticated. I would call America a First Rate Sub-Class Culture with all the slackness that goes on here. You no longer are the proper Model of The World to follow and this is another proof among the many misses under POTUS 46 with The Border Crisis, Afghanistan, Ukraine, the continual mass re-distribution of our wealth, taking from our Communities to give excessive Foreign Aid to another World Leader who provoked a war with Russia, to now trying to tell another World Leader, Netanyahu to not fight to defend Israel when they are your Ally due to fears of The Middle East becoming unstable. Well, there is a thing called cause and effect. When you lost Afghanistan, and are now trying to half-ass help Taiwan, against China who has a political legal right to the place, and your Enemies across the globe is seeing your actions and thinking about it, well, you have a Wounded Wing, America. Ofcourse some Middle Eastern Rival is going to want to take their slingshot, place a good stone in it (Missile) and strike at your heart (Israel) in The Middle East. Their People are here seeing the foolishness and realizing it’s time to strike. They never did this under Trump, yet you want him out of Power indefinitely like anybody fears you. What’s going on people is The Person or Persons actually running this Country does so through Proxy. So keeping Joe Biden and his Constituents in Power for another 4 years is pivotal, that’s why in the beginning stages of his Presidency, he kept saying things like ‘they won’t allow me to do this’ and other terminology letting you know that HE is not the one making certain decisions. So blaming him like that is in error, however it looks bad on him. The Programs he instituted under Covid-19 that should have been available to The American People long before any Pandemic situation, have now dried up so that Single Mom and her Child for example living in odd rural or urban places still without certain resources have to travel out somewhere just to use a Public Wifi. When the commercials a couple years back were on television showing the problem in Middle America and not them alone, he got on TV making commentary about it and enacted The Affordable Connectivity Program among his other Care Packages for Vulnerable American People. Now that dried up because Ukraine’s President needed more money on top of the excess they got a couple months ago. So Americans living at or below the poverty level out here complaining, are now dealing with the same problems they had prior to Covid-19 as they are still struggling to recoup their lives from the effects of that. With the many once vibrant and thriving businesses closing across The Country, where are the opportunities for The Working Class? Where are the business incentive programs an Entrepreneur can partake in to build and expand to be able to offer Jobs? America is wearing thin. Canada, Mexico and other Places shouldn’t be doing better than you. I can go on, but I have other topics to cover.
America’s pussy hole is wide open at The Border, available to any Foreign Rogue willing to entertain her drunk mentally ill wanton ass, going amongst them looking for company when she is already saddled up with somebody in the heart of the land, faithfully going to work each day and tending the home but can’t legally do anything to change it since currently the law only recognizes her right to that questionable lifestyle. What we’re looking at is a relatively young Country enveloped in some wayward ideas, and is now experiencing an identity crisis. You see America as a young child ran away from home being a vagrant in the streets not wanting the care and tutelage of her rich British Parents, and so they sent some people after her. The Kid began talking about strict rules, abuse, and wanting independence and freedom and so forth to these Authorities, and began fighting with them. Her Parents fought back legally and with arms, but the young Kid got her way, escaping as other nations watched and agreed that she should have her freedom, much to the grudge of her British Folk. Eventually through her rebellion, America got what she was entitled to since 1776, and began building her life and making a name for herself in the World being a leader in the industrial age, civil rights and diplomacy. And for a good while she carried herself distinguished with strength and pride, gracefully sporting her many successes, making friends and also attracting enemies jealous of her power and accomplishments. And as time went on, some of the corrupt and bizarre ideas of a few people in the global community began to take hold in her mind where she began questioning her own identity. Though she was still sound of mind through her sexy rock n roll partying heavy with alcohol and drug years back in the late 1950s to around the year 2000, where she entered rehab for a decade and came out fine for a while and doing well, but these days her soberness is more a problem. The idea of you now wanting to be a guy, and you got rid of your beautiful buxom blond image and your feminine voice for a hoarser sound, and mannish look, and now you’ve taken up these concepts of questioning gender, and attempting to remove them from your lexicon. You’re hanging out with weirdos and neglecting your responsibilities. You’re now spending your wealth on overseas causes that don’t benefit you, and you now identify with Vagrants moving about your cities looting your stores, trashing the place, and defecating on your property and you’re fine with that, because you’re suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, having been mentally hijacked by some strange people ministering some shit to you and you’re perplexed by the ideology of this sub-group of people guilt tripping you and pilfering any doe they can rip off of you because you done conquered The Known World already with your military might, that the only shink in your American Armor was a weak mind.
It’s now Thursday June 6, 2024. I’m sorry to title this segment that way, but it’s true. And I was not going to say anything about my visions, but last night I saw Senator Marco Rubio on the news talking about the continued Migrant influx at The Border into this Country and how it’s just a matter of time until a terrorist attack happens, and I had to agree given my powers. Almost 2 weeks ago during my meditations I saw a quick glimpse into the near future of what looked like a terror attack. I only saw where, and how, and kind of what time of day it will take place, but not a specific date or hour, and I won’t say much either, as it was successful but something about the intended agenda of it, did not really give me cause to make a big deal over it. If it happens, it further confirms my Seership. I have an Occult Policy I live by and I was not going to say anything and just let it pass, but once Someone or Something pops up touching on a Subject Matter, then The Universe made a Chess move I must respectfully acknowledge given my Spiritual Code of Conduct with The Higher Forces to dutifully impart to you my knowledge for your benefit despite certain mundane conflicts affecting me, which The Universe will eventually remedy. As you all know in previous articles, since 2022 I have been battling malicious cyber-attacks on my quality of life by a Hater I met in January 2011 over-reacting to the beautiful and radiant things he’s seeing me do just because he’s an average-looking narcissistic government agent with unbridled access to things, and I fear for the well-being of this Country because terrorist attacks and other kinds of stuff can happen when poor decisions are being made at the very Top, not knowing Who is Who. You have a federal agency that is staffed with a good percentage of the wrong kinds of people working in it abusing their authority, mis-identifying law-abiding persons to harass, based off their prejudice or in some cases, unrequited love why he or she is hating on a person, trying to hurt their livelihood. And some more of this got exposed the other year by 3 FBI Whistleblowers testifying to Congress. I’m not the only psychic out here, but I might be the one to pay the most attention to. The ones working within the government if any, might also be accurate, but we’ll see. I know NYC’s Top Cop Officer Caban, was asking The Public for help the other day concerning any possible terrorist issue, stating a popular refrain, ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ and several years back I made a video entitled, ‘If You See Something Say Nothing’ and I will have to find a lot of my old stuff to re-upload elsewhere other than Youtube since my 2022/2023 issues as all that content on there was fine for about a good 13+ years without a problem until FBI Man decided to peek his interest into my life so obsessively like an immature boy in High School bothering a nice girl, so I deleted my material which was creatively showing a decade old story captured in time, and other subtle or overt things I was trying to portray, which I’m explaining now when you the audience could have inferred certain things on your own following my Social Media without my stating it. So anyway, the gist of what I was saying given my own private experience with that law enforcement agency, was maybe just letting something happen and not caring too much might be the way to go, and I know that’s easy for some people, but Empaths like myself have trouble accepting a lifestyle like that when we know better. What The Feds cause to happen sometimes through their unnecessary aggressive tactics in how they go about policing certain communities, is turn people off where they no longer trust The System or the Society they live in why he or she no longer make reports, finding other ways to handle a situation, and can walk away. And the missing link for a Cop solving his case is that person deliberately unavailable and /or uncooperative and justly so. And I’ll argue a step further, some Potential Criminal Types can look at these situations and read a System well to know enough that they can take advantage of something and commit an Offense quietly or brazenly without fear of persecution, because of the nature of the legal system being corrupt that even the Ones in it who swore to serve and protect have become Criminals themselves operating in it with a license to target innocent people. So how can your Country be taken seriously Policing other Nations of The World that may have a slightly more just System? The American Justice System appears to be more controlled by greedy Social Media Giants making Back Office deals with Persons in Law Enforcement illegally building their wealth by covertly utilizing the identity, property and influence of particular unconsenting persons they take advantage of, avariciously using sales funnels and other cyber-tools bilking a person’s right to earn their own income off their own enterprise. In the face of corruption, there are systems of justice higher than the ones of Man where it affects your very Soul and far reaching generations forth, that the immoral activity you engage in this lifetime, is not worth the spiritual damage you incur along the way as the judgment can be profound enough to subtract something very materially significant to you, or it might impair your genetic code and karmic blessings in this same or another life, or it may very well wipe out your bloodline in a way where the expunction barely leaves a spec of any history of you or your linage.
Well it’s sad that the whole thing as reflected to us happened. At the beginning of the onset of the incident as high profile as it was, looked like a scheme. the way my conspiracy mind works because most things are political and not by chance given certain earmarks of it, but it played out to where it looked like what they were saying, and so I went along with that when I reported on it, but always kept a side mind for what seemed off to me because I don’t know why an incident like that should play off unless it was a covert way to do something they thought was inconspicuous. So as she talked and talked about the experience with Robin Roberts, it kind of confirmed another underline theory I had at the time as it was going on, but sometimes you don’t say those things at the same time it’s happening due to the judicial sensitivity of the matter and in her case, the international concerns at the time because it was during the start of Russia’s war with Ukraine, so you go along with the public mantra ‘Bring Brittney Home’ and the niceties and so forth and leave the conspiracy theories alone til such a better time to tell. And now with the rest of information made to the public, whatever you and I were speculating might be so. Brittney Griner went from being like Colin Kaepernick, protesting the American Flag and the Countries Values against factual and perceived historical racism, to now embracing American soil, standing and saluting the flag and so forth due to an unfortunate incident at a Russian Airport, when prior, she had no problems and thought fondly of Russia and her experience there. Any of the 2 conspiracy theories can work you know, whichever one you prefer. Brittney said her wife always packed her bags and was careful, but this time due to giving her the perfect Valentines Day, she did not want to bother her with that and packed her own travel bags herself forgetting to check each compartment. And her answer to people who question that is ‘Have you ever just forgot something like leaving your car keys in the car?’ It may be even more questionable saying that as people would perceive it as being careless than a plausible explanation for all that happening, but conspiracy-wise, you have to give some answer I guess. If she got discreetly setup to teach her a lesson to appreciate America, then it would more confirm he previous disdain having done that to her. And with the other conspiracy theory, sending her over there in the guise of being there as a known athlete due to some ploy having to do with meeting some Official for American Diplomatic purposes and then having that play out, was how I imagined that. Did her incident have nothing to do with either theory? Perhaps. So what about the trade that happened to get Brittney returned home and Whelan being left back still, while Russia now has there Top Arms Dealer back? What political purpose did all this serve?
Natural born Women and Men should be competing against one another respectively in Sporting Events. Trans-Men and Trans-Women are supposed to be competing in their own Sports Games against one another.
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We’re in the middle of 2024 with the Arab versus Jew conflict re-awakened since last year where any side could win. Though Israel has America and their powerful Allies, Palestine has the rest of The Middle East and Countries adverse to America. I’m not on any particular side for spiritual and ideological reasons but that doesn’t stop me from sharing perspectives. The linage of both Peoples knew of my divinity in the distant past worshiping The Goddess before Monotheism took hold advancing Yahweh / Allah / Jehovah and His respective other names as the Sole Deity displacing the long standing Sovereignty of Devils prior to Christianity. Since then, the region has become unstable. So I can make an argument for either group having exclusive right to the land. Regarding this topic, I have thoughts I’m keeping to Myself as I know better and am paying attention. So I’ll state to The Arabs, if you want to be heard, stop calling it Palestine, and refer to the Property as Ishmael.
Awhh. Things were going so well till they became divided over one topic, Israel. Well there are all kinds of interesting things that happen watching certain Media Personalities when particular things come into play given the moment, and who is influenced by whom. And I am referring to things happening behind the scenes that might not be readily known to the public. People should never be made to compromise their core belief system for a dollar. If you don’t from the start perceive what may affect you going forward before taking a job, it can sometimes become a disastrous issue later on. The things that should not matter when taking a job, MATTERS sometimes. Your race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, creed and so forth. If you don’t hold the same or similar core beliefs of someone running an operation, that may be an issue because it’s what their whole thing is about. Likewise if an Employer, has an issue with your Faith or perceived Beliefs in general, you might not get hired. And although there are laws about discrimination, people still practice it. They can hide behind other excuses for firing you. Sometimes your Society claims they respect you and your rights but prove otherwise. And making certain moves on your part, that may seem adverse to them is justified.
Many Black Democrats are supporting Donald Trump because his policies right now in many ways are better for The Country. Voters of all sizes, colors and walks of life have lived under both President Biden for 4 years and Former President Trump For 4 years to get a feel of who they prefer the most. The only other option, is one Independent Candidate name Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., whose policies are a fit for any Voter undecided about Biden or Trump, and may prefer a brand new person in The Oval Office.
In his own legal matter concerning phone hacking, Prince Harry traveled back to England on his own to sit in a Courtroom battling his case against intrusions in his life, and he won his suit. And recently, just a few days ago, he won a partial appeal to get the Royal Security he is entitled to. So amidst all the speculation and hate, this man managed to succeed in getting somewhere legally with his situation. And I’m glad he did it on his own. He needed to. With all the things working against him, Meghan Markle was right to stay put in America and not let his Haters make a Spectacle of her being there. They were on The News complaining about why she isn’t there to support him. Well, that would be nice, but given The Royal Climate, would it had fair well?
🚢 🏌️🏌️♂️🏌️♀️⛳ 🏞️ ⛲🌱 🏨🛎️ 🛍️ 🪙💸💷💶💴💹💰🧧 ⛵🏝️🏊 🏒 🏇
So now it’s Sunday June 9th 2024 and it so happens to be The Puerto Rican Day Parade you can read about here . So for the start of the month I already decided that Donald Trump was The Winner given his troubles, and then I posted 9 topics already with 10 remaining. So below is the video I did on it June 1st 2024 along with the 2 outakes on Youtube, which I posted today on my Ferrelux Community Site on Substack. Stay tuned at the end of all my posted topics where I disclose WHY I chose Trump for The Win.
Here’s The Link To My Short Podcast
And now it’s Friday June 14th 2024. Hunter Biden might have been able to escape being found guilty and convicted on all 3 charges, had he just ran for President either sober or semi-sober. It all could have been prevented too had his Father got involved early in the legal stages of it, rather than being honorable where the law is concerned. When he first took Office, Joe Biden said publicly that he would not get involved in peoples’ legal cases and let The Judicial System play out the way it might in those peoples cases we were all eyeing. Well, on its own, that philosophy would have worked if there weren’t any seedy issues including his own. And a sweetheart deal would have worked, but it went sideways in his case. Remember, we don’t know what may be going on behind the scenes. With Trump being convicted, and his case came after Hunter Biden’s issues, how can The Powers That Be, validate letting Hunter Biden be free? What could have worked had they put some thought on it earlier well before it exasperated to this, was start working on him campaigning for President despite all that shit since his father was coming into question. Are you really going to push Joe Biden for another 4 years? Does he really want the job? Or would it had served his purpose better to use Hunter and let him lead since Beau did not get a chance to? Again, we’re not sure what’s happening behind closed doors. When last I wrote about Hunter Biden a while back, I was cute with it playing on his name, Hunter in a story-like manner given how he would dodge his legal problems and get out of the woods. Well, he was supposed to succeed without tripping up. There were a couple of scenarios in my mind that would fair well. It was mainly put out there as an allegory or metaphor however you took it. His father particularly would help. I’ll have to go back to that article and add an update and post the link here. Anyway, the politics is a mess here. Many peoples’ convictions could have been avoided from the get-go. When you are in power, The Leader, The Advisor, or Whoever need to be seeing well beyond the scope to infer possibilities from this move or that move. Even if a mis-judgment occurs, you’ve got to be able to think of a counter-plan to quickly move to correct something. Sure, it’s fun seeing someone’s demise until you too end up in a mis-step and begin going down that slippery slope, and then what? When it starts affecting the people at the very top, Democrats may think it looks good, and in another time period maybe, but it looks more like a weak empire. Like something is wrong. So when you get rid of the lot of Candidates you would expect to be in the Circle, Who is fit to lead?
So now it’s Wednesday, June 19th 2024, known as Juneteenth in America and I’ve written below on 3 more topics.
I hate when someone does something in their own cute way and it gets somewhere and then somebody else brings their own bad vibes into it and mess something up for everybody. By this I mean Myself and Someone taking note appearing to be inspired by my activities and perhaps the work of others also. How long have you seen me doing subtle an overt occult stuff with this Work and other things I do, also incorporating Latin into it whenever I choose? For ages, right? Well the idea would appeal to those of a certain Class and interest, . . . not to be exploited by Someone perverting the concept. Well, the people behind DEI is making a mockery of God in a way. By Itself, radiating the right energy, I would have no problem with Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, but I Overstand what is happening here. While the idea seems lofty and “Good” there is also some people who think they are Enlightened trying to Present The Devil in a mainstream kind of way using ordinary concepts in everyday life as a cloak. And because the time draws near for an Appearance as the Biblical Prophecies states, THEY have to find a way to create the right atmosphere and a Person like me, can see that and am Calling it out because that’s not how HE would do things. First of all, on a Christian level, the concept would be great if it actually represented Us All, but the practice is more meant for recruiting some people that The Almighty clearly does not approve of, yet you are using One of his Holy Names. On the Satanic side, HE IS The God Of This World to invoke, but you’re using mere Mortals who believe in other things aside from His exclusive glory as if they are a Party to Him. I’ve always said, leave the Satanism, Luciferan, Devil Worship stuff to the actual Believers and let Us present something. I pointed out in prior articles from June 2023 onward my recent struggles with Someone and his Team acting a fool over my work. Can you guess why? Part of it has to do with this same thing. When you have a Well of Ideas and are presenting it in a sound manner and it looks good to somebody, it might attract a flawed soul it was not meant for who has their own agenda, and he or she might start bugging over it wanting to use the concept in a twisted way it was not meant for, and you the audience need to recognize that. You can always tell a True Creator and the depth of their work from a Trickster, Fraud, Copycat or Other. Now this DEI thing in Politics is so sad the way they went about it because it is the same Government that opted to persecute Catholics yet you’re using what a Priest might say when addressing GOD. And I’ve generally criticized Christians before in the past for not being more vocal about these types of attacks on the Faith, and I have no problem exposing it for my reasons. Certain things will start to make sense to you about ME when The Time comes.
This is disturbing. So now a new one showed up yesterday in The News talking about the poor safety practices at Boeing when building their airplanes. Prior Whistle-Blowers exercising their civic duty are presumed to have been killed for it. Now in June 2023 when I started doing this whole 19 topics thing, one of them was the Missing Submersible where The Designer of that Vessel took short cuts on safety, yet The Boeing Engineers don’t take stock on that. Would you fly on a plane with a faulty build? People are on them everyday. The proper safety standards have to be adhered to. When I think about ‘Dumbing Down A Society’, it goes all across the board for me. That means The Engineers are not how they used to be or are no longer required to be that technical anymore. Hmm, so this compromises our well-being for profits. In an effort to experiment on using lighter material and so forth, it’s fine if it works without risking the safety of others. If there’s new and sound technology that has been thoroughly tested and found to be safe to use, then the public should be made knowledgeable of it, but Mankind with all the visitations from Extra-Terrestrials so far to our planet has not mastered the science and technology of Aliens to compete. So till then, keep using the bucket you build in the same manner, which still works.
I did an article a while back on the condition in Haiti. I also took the time to do 4 videos in multiple relevant languages on it. At the time, I did reach some people I noticed who appeared to be influenced by it on the different Social Media Sites. And I have been following the issue since. I have a lot to say, but I rather retain what I think for now. I’m aware of grander things at play and what might actually be happening as things unfold, and I don’t want to say. I see the moves this and that Country is making. And I see the sentiments too. For my People, I trust you will know and because We Are One, no matter where we were all scattered in The New World, you will not be forgotten.
Now it’s Sunday June 23 2024. So I’ll post what I wrote about the following 2 topics.
So after many years, New York saw its second Black Mayor since Dinkins and certain rogue elements in The Government can’t leave it alone. They are desperately trying to find a way to undercut his excellence. When you look at everything aside from race, what you find is if you don’t seem to share a great deal in the liberal ideology we’re forced to live under in America by our current Administration, then they start trying to find legal fault with you. The things they are attacking him on are stuff given their resources they would have known about BEFORE he got elected. It seems like they let things slide, only to use it against a person later. The point of The People electing a State Official is to get what they voted for. So if he does not appear to be like the rest and has sounder judgment, then we trust him to execute proper leadership like the stand he made against wanting any further unvetted illegal Migrants here when our Sanctuary City lacks the space and resources to maintain them. Also, him making the global rounds traveling to Israel & Turkey politically reaching out to those Communities with relative Ancestry living in The Big Apple is inspiring to see. You trying to criminalize his diplomatic activities like he’s taking illegal money or doing strange deals is odd given that White Politicians also travel to places like that, yet you don’t question that. Going and raiding his Campaign Manager’s place, handling his Administration in disrespectful ways that resemble slavery, shows anyone of Color with bright ideas who want to contribute to Society to perhaps consider retaining their gifts and Consult instead with another Nation who would care for it to accommodate him or her. It’s not unusual for other Countries to have talented persons in it offering valuable insight and service, making their nation shine.
You’re going to find all kinds of comical and negative stuff out there on this Lady, accused of being unqualified for the job and mis-using the City’s Money for her own personal gain. She is under investigation and is being treated like a Clown in The Media mainly by Youtuber’s who don’t know her personally, basing their attacks on her off what people who worked close to her in that Illinois area has to say to The Press. She’s perceived as a ghetto type with lavish taste spending out all the city’s money on herself and her crew. She was able to successfully obtain a Female Lawyer to help her with her case against Federal Agents. I’ve refrained from making any great comments on this as it took off because people deserve a fair chance. I notice Black Men are more at the forefront in bashing her compared to White Males where the language and imagery is concerned. For a young lady being cyber-bullied in this manner, she is handling her situation well, even appearing on Roland Martin’s Show months back to explain herself. We’ll see how this all turns out. What was running through my mind watching the videos on the onset of it going forward, was how this incident could be made into a TV Movie, except the lead character most likely would be a nice looking Blond White Female driving her pink car like Barbie, doing the whole Queen Of The Prom routine, in her White World and it all depends on how they decide to write the script to see if she gets busted or not cashing in like that, controlling The Town, and evading Law Enforcement, and fighting the one or two people in the village that hates her, and going around putting up Billboards of herself and her name on events and charities, continuing to do what she is doing, ignoring the seriousness of the investigations against her, and handling the federal agents like they’re stupid and get some Attorney on them. Then write an ordinance preventing anyone else from challenging her position in another Election. Give herself another raise. Have some meeting and pretend to care about the people’s problems and solve maybe one or two issues. Invite some people of the town to a Festival where she gets up on stage and announce how great she is and what she did for the city. Get some shit published in The Media where she’s hailed as a Super Mayor. And as she picks up some nice designer outfits to wear and looks at her entitled self in the mirror, thinking about how fabulous she is and how the town would be tripping if they did not have her as Mayor. She returns to her Office to sign some shit, then call it a day and drive the fuck off. If the ratings turn out great, then I guess they’ll be a sequel. And I’m being facetious with this, cause maybe Tiffany’s situation is not as slanderous as many make it out to be. Whatever the facts are, the truth of the situation will play out some more for us to gain a better perspective. Till then, the bantering of these people commenting on her case is entertaining, but they should remember that it may not all be factual and stop putting stuff out there and give The Sister a chance to have a fair trial if it comes to that.
And now it’s Thursday June 27th 2024. Although Julian Assange being free, would be a story to cover here in this month, it deserves a better context to do in July, so I’ll continue with my topic line-up.
This distraction sure entertained the public for a short while. It had been quietly brewing until it reached my feed to attract my attention. I don’t pay much attention to either Rapper but a New School Rap Battle was interesting to listen to. I’m a staunch Old School Person that grew up on all that stuff back in the day to still have a prejudice in favor of my Era, so I was listening to it in that context too. Their diss tracks to one another were amusing. At times I favored Drake, then favored Kendrick Lamar. The video commentaries of certain online personalities were fun too. And I was being fair too, determining who out-dissed who. I noticed a lot of the dark-skinned Brothers favored Kendrick Lamar, and aptly so. I was more concerned about who’s storytelling and sound made an impact to my ear. And for a while I was feeling Drake, but after listening to Kendrick Lamar’s comebacks, I thought hmm, he’s definitely bringing it. And like DJ Vlad, before he got dissed by the backlash of The Black Community over The Woman Princeton Professor, I too was thinking that Kendrick Lamar did not really need all that over-the-top jazz beat on his track since his diss stood strong on its own. Drake used a simple beat that had a dark rolling up on ya momentum and I was in the moment with him listening to his rap. DJ Vlad being in the mix of our culture commenting like anybody else is expected, especially if he favored Drake, being part Jewish. When that all took a turn was his online conflict on the space against the Black Female Professor on X, where he was criticized for using his Jewish White Privilege to try to get her fired from Princeton, and The Community came down hard on him. What was said and done on that issue in itself showed a window into how someone elses’ turmoil can jump off onto the bystanders entertained by it to lead to exposing other underlining issues in our communities. And so, the 2 Rappers can be proud regardless of skin-tone and class, that they were able to tap into the conscience of either respective communities, and unwittingly effect a discussion on something outside of their own personal squabbles.
Today is Friday June 28th 2024. Potus 45 won yesterday’s debate against Potus 46. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., should have been able to partake in it also but due to the biased political issues affecting his Presidential Campaign, he was unable to qualify for Their Set Standards. Hopefully in September, we get to see him.
The Hotel video was terrible. Can the Superstar come back from that? It’s nearly impossible. I now have a better idea as to why his talent show The Four, was not renewed when it was on the air a few years ago competing with The Voice and American Idol. It made no sense at the time given its major success. When The People behind the scenes know what they know about a person, certain things that would not readily get to us, then something like this getting out helps clear that up. When a tape like that exist of him doing that to Cassie, with people knowing about it and the rest of the gossip in The Hollywood Circle, paying thousands and thousands of dollars for it to be removed and kept a secret did not work in his case. It should have been destroyed and forgotten about to truly hide their secret. Sometimes not trying to cover-up something is better. The Nigger shit in his case, if it got out, depending on how it hit our sensibilities, may not have had the same impact at that time. Their Audience is aware of domestic violence and estranged romantic issues going awry to care much about it, not because it’s normal and okay to happen, but more the nature of certain wayward lifestyles to sometimes expect that sort of thing. When you know there are certain sketchy or bad things out there on you, the arrogance of doing ignorant and questionable things undermine whatever above and beyond protection someone provided to shield you from. Ofcourse a person should lead their lives in a natural way, but exercising caution in certain areas should be crucial. What did not exactly get out to reach our ears is what exactly happened before with them in the room to have sparked that anger for her to be running out into the hallway trying to escape, before he ran up on her by the elevator where he’s only dressed in a towel, cuffed her face, and violently throwing her to the floor and as she laid helpless, he followed up with a kick in her lower back. What was their argument about to have led to that?
And Now It’s Saturday June 29th 2024, And Here Are The Last Two Topics
So as part of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) effort, Claudine Gay was hired as Harvard’s First Black Woman President and the controversy over that came from a Hearing with her and other Campus Leaders, among them a Caucasian Woman, handling on-going Anti-Semitism where they made professional statements not to the liking of The Jewish Community about The Rights Of Palestinian Protesters and not condemning them. And as a result, there was a re-evaluation of her credentials and an attack on her right to that job. Here’s the thing, I would not have applied for or wanted that job no matter how qualified I happen to be. Just being a Teacher, no matter the grade as I once was from K-12 and College-Level Teaching, comes with unexpected issues you should not have to deal with and maybe you should turn your talent towards other things. And her case is yet another example of the problems. You can’t be a real person. Even running your own privately-held operation can be an issue these days in America, because there is a narcissistic Cabal working behind the scenes in our Society that notice certain people and target them out of the blue trying to manage, curb, control or destroy them. And I’m one of these persons being cyber-stalked and interfered with and I remain resistant in my own Space. So imagine Claudine Gay and Others who move in their Circles. An argument arose about her credibility as to whether she can speak and write well and I thought what kind of garbage is that. You gave her a job! And adding to the controversy was an Elder Black Woman who’s a Scholar they said she allegedly copied her material from. So now they are wondering if she plagiarized everything in her life. Whatever the case for any person, I imagine that a well educated man or woman would be able to sit somewhere and write something eloquently enough on their own to present. It’s certainly not a problem for me. My artistic talents were well-known since Grade School that I was one of The Kids whose work was regularly featured in our School Magazine. And this continued in Middle School, and in High School where my Journalism Training happened officially, writing for various local newspapers including a well-known one in New York, and also doing college-level work at that time and credited for it before graduating, and on to College where my writings along with other courses superseded expectations for a Black Person. So when I see a Colored Person out there doing their meteoric climb, and I hear this stuff about is he or she qualified, it’s racist to me given the hoops and hurdles you need to go through to get to that level. You have to be qualified. No one is going to just pass you along in life like that. You need to be competent at least on a basic hiring level if they are that desperate to hire you, and even then, you need to be growing in your Profession. I’ve applied to Positions in the past where I was told that I was over-qualified. I personally did not think so given what was required for the job, so that told me something was wrong. What happens too is that they are trying to fulfill a 1 or 2 Black Hire quota to do some entry-level job to show The Government for whatever Benefit that Employer was collecting. In most cases, these organizations do not really want Blacks there and it’s obvious still to this day. If you dress well, carry yourself well, are articulate, educated, noble, capable of doing something, and so on, that too can be perceived in a negative way to some since they prefer the stereotype, and if you have any backbone and dignity, you don’t keep that job.
Alright, so I close on this last topic being the 19th one. Now what do I mean by the title of this segment? It’s a loaded topic with me covering different parts of it, and for me, that was the best way to term it. Now if you’ve been following my articles, then you know about my condition and drawing your attention back to some stuff I wrote around this time last year and thereafter, I can now reveal other speculations I’ve been hiding since 2 well-known federal personnel I’ve been quietly observing have made public appearances speaking on timely issues not directly related, but with the various topics I’ve been writing on, and my commenting on certain Youtube Videos, I see a connection as I’m also being observed by Someone. Coincidence? So I can now entertain an argument, and enough time has passed. During the thick of my cyber problems, a couple of other views came to mind, but the more dominant ones took the cake. When you are a Federal Investigative Bureau and you made a mistake on judging something or someone, and later on, the person or nature of a thing develops into being the sort of Operation you would use for something, it might stir in you a lapse of sensibility to realize a better approach to The Subject to resolve a Matter to now have a right to communicate and access him or her if they allow themselves and resources to be utilized for a greater good. And as I sat and listened sometimes to this former FBI Agent Steve Friend and his Co-Host Garrett O’Boyle on their American Radicals Podcast on Rumble, stuff I already know and suspect came to ear. And what I was trying to decipher was whether something in particular looked like something to me. And from this subject matter or that, a part of it got confirmed for me. Oh, and what happened to the 3rd Whistle-Blower, Marcus Allen The Black Guy, why he’s not on there? Well, I wondered that too, and apparently from some report out there with The Guy who handled their Matter, his case worked out where he’s back with The FBI. And at the onset of their issue was another subtext lurking about in The News. And the way my mind works sometimes, is to notice seemingly un-related Matters, and think about this and that, timing, and maybe something matches up. And just in case if that were so, I never mentioned what I thought as I spewed out my own complaints because whether I would be aware or not of something, someone in MY position should be behaving indignant, and my performance regardless was real. And if it was that, I personally would not be using ME if I was The Agent In Charge of The Matter given particular things already played out unfavorable to The Agency. And I would not under-estimate The IQ of Criminals. Simply using an Old School approach would have been smarter. In fact The Subject or Target should not suspect a thing, and just let it go on. But the problem is that thing called Anxiety, over-playing your hand being anxious trying to effect a result. A seasoned person would pick up on that and sometimes even a dense Criminal if you trigger suspicion. Just one false move could blow that operation. It’s cute trying to use this person or that with or without their knowledge because their Set-Up might be ideal enough in lieu of your own Agent, but who is Playing God here? When you hear reports about Big Tech and Hollywood, The Sex Industry, moving Minors across State Lines, this Powerful Person and so forth, and you yourself have a problem that might play into it, well things become complicated. I was cognizant of all that too as I picked up on the Vibe. The problem is pervasive and how did you plan to catch The Criminals if they have their own Inside Person? Any Covert Operation you try may not be recognizable at first until it dawns on him or her that something might be suspicious. You’re dealing with Professionals. I realize my Blog gets around, and is widely read. Some Media Outlets are influenced by my articles and other Work, to sometimes do their News Stories a certain way as I’ve noticed. And I have to be honest and remain creative with how I do stuff. Deviating from that is a dis-service. And I’ve always had a Foreign Appeal. China and other parts took interest in me and my work a very long time ago when this site was just a collection of webpages I strung up and promoted widely. And thinking back on all that brings back good memories. It is also a reason why I recently in a prior year complemented Tik Tok for being a great Innovation created by Ethnics as many of our Work is often sabotaged. Trying to pin sex-traficking and other cyber-crimes on a Chinese Company based in Singapore where deprived Americans are doing well on The App and like it, is crazy. These kind of attacks on Tik Tok are nothing more than the narcissistic small population of Big Tech Elites trying to hijack that Idea for themselves and take over The Market and they already began making Copycat moves. I felt the need to expose that in context to my own issues by doing 4 Videos in different languages on my Bytedance Tik Tok article in April 2023 to reach Asians far and wide on what I thought, and circulate it. The American Sex Trafficking Issue enjoyed by Hollywood Moguls, Politicians, Federal Employees, and so forth is more a Domestic Problem than a Foreign one. And finally you turned your attention to Hacker Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook. Now I had no problem with him or Google’s Services. I had been using them for many many years without issues until some FBI Guy got in the picture and won’t let go of the past, finding particular Personalities and their colorful Constitutionally Protected Work, interesting to follow. And if you’re using The Resources of these Tech People asking for favors, investigating them also while in need of their service is dumb. You would figure that Federal Agencies should have their own Private Global Servers independent of Google and Mark Monitor managed and maintained by your own federally-approved Tech Guy, and I hope to God that his name ain’t Chris or Peter. A proper, sound Agent should not be taking a bizarre and covert interest in a lovely young lady living somewhere to be all up in her business. And on that high-level criminal sex industry, have you people even gotten ANYWHERE on that case in terms of exposing these rich and powerful people, and completely shutting down their Pedophile Operation? Sound Bites of it keeps getting out. With the Illegal Migrants coming in from The Border, making their way to our cities, you don’t know who is among us. Whatever deals you’re making with Mexico is not solving that. They are sending you their Shit and what are you getting in return? No one in Mexico or any other Nation should be using may Ferrelux Trade Name in any form and I am not a Party to it nor do I approve. Whatever that FBI Guy is doing out there, I never consented to and his actions are questionable. He messed up with me several years ago. All he had to do was leave that Sovereign Citizen case alone when it resolved Itself, but he felt he needed to make a drastic threatening move, indigenous to his narcissistic ways by using the June birth date of the aboriginal person in question, roughly around Father’s Day as the Marker for his bestial racist attack in 2013 at my domicile, based off his own White Primal anger, with a pocket full of money and claiming to be drunk, guising a more debased instinct and while married to a Shrink. It was documented with the local precinct when the 2 Cops arrived questioning “The Person”. The impact of it erased any open door or answered phone call in the future. Because it was completely unnecessary. All you had to do was leave it alone rather than seethe and/or consult a more experienced Agent that would have immediately recognized your wrong doing and closed the file. Since that time, I did not see or feel a need to report any incidents I have came across, sensed or know about to The Authorities even in matters that concerned me as I found better ways to resolve those issues protecting myself and others from unscrupulous Law Enforcement on account of my poor experience. And now we’re here in 2024. And if the present covert Florida Sex Trade case issue is what I was imagining also as a possibility for my site’s Brand being used without my consent and blessing, with that Black Whistle-Blower Guy, then that scenario trying to fish out powerful people at the Top for arrest if it were an Operation, is interesting. If something was handled right several years ago from the start, it would have been done better. You let slip from you a Master.
Last June Professional Kickboxer, Business Man, & Social Media Influencer Andrew Tate, won with his Brother Tristan Tate, due to their legal issues, with News Personality Tucker Carlson being a close second. I don’t do thirds since any of the other topics arguably deserve it. The Runner-Up this year is Haiti but due to the on-going issues facing that Country to be assessed further in the future, cheapening the subject matter here, dismissing the seriousness of it with a few mentions of this or that problem in a segment as it unfolds, wouldn’t be proper. It deserves on-going observation, scrutiny and action given how appalling all of what is going on out there is. And when I do this light-hearted event, it is meant to inspire, not bring you down. I did significant articles on Trump last year too. So he’s had his stage. This year, given what occurred with him legally, I decided to make him The Star in this because he deserves the positivity. Biden did the best he could on the debate stage and he’s now experiencing the aftermath. Trump won. Every effort was made by certain Democrats in Office to stymy the Trump Campaign, to derail the money machine, to lower the morale, and still, Trump was able to somehow use all that to his advantage. And we’re seeing the third political stage of Trump, the first being his process of running for Office when he went down the escalator with Melania at his side and campaigned in unheard of parts of America as a strategy reaching those forgotten about and winning their votes, the second being HIM in Office as our President, making radical moves and commentary that actually worked protecting the people of America to the ire of some Democrats, and now third, him being “removed” from power due to a still hotly debated Election Process where some found proof of fraud with the voting machine used at the time. And Trump is out there dealing with Lawfare and has been threatened with new suits. Despite that, he’s been able to secure funding, maintain his Properties, Pay legal bills, acquire new Democratic Voters of all demographics feeling his issue and seeing him as the viable Candidate to be POTUS 47. He radiates a ready and able energy. People like him, and show up to his rallies. They leave, feeling good and regenerated. His political Rock Star Life, shows the kind of energy he gives off to The American People. The promise of renewed hope and fulfillment. He moves and behaves like a young person. Now, what particular Democrats were trying to do for Joe Biden, was not good. It made things worst. The collaboration on trying to GET TRUMP, coordinating legal cases in different States all more or less happening at the same time to convict him so he won’t qualify in the eyes of The American People to be electable, is sad. Did you really need to go there? He became President already. We know what to expect. The quality of many people’s lives will dramatically improve overnight with his policies in place. And I know The Feds, seem against him, but when he was in power, you were subservient to him because you had to be. And now, you’re serving Biden. If Kennedy gets in, you are required to Serve & Protect HIM. Now why would a federal agency be comfortable with Biden in Office still? And you just convicted his Son on 3 counts, like you did Trump with 34 charges. So who is really The President here? You’re supposed to just be an Agency protecting the best interest of The American people here and abroad since you have Offices there as well in other parts of The World. Is The President supposed to be just a Stooge? Who is controlling him? I tell you what, if something bad happens or goes wrong in this Country, it’s all your fault because of your policies. Trump is practical. So is The Independent Candidate RFK Jr. who’s also being sidelined from appearing too great in the political picture though people like him as well. You guys actually hurt Joe Biden’s chances by doing shady stuff you thought would work for the Democratic Party. Sometimes people don’t really notice certain things until you make a move for them to pay attention. No one really cared much about Biden’s issues until you started attacking Trump too much for them to see what’s really wrong. Biden will still have his die-hard Fans out here holding him up politically, but The Writing Is On The Wall. So who will it be, KENNEDY or TRUMP?
Now I’d like to end by taking this moment to recognize the excellence of some Politicians and Others in enduring alongside Trump’s Battles with that New York Hush Money Case concerning Stormy Daniels when they appeared in Court, and outside talking to The Press about this issue. Among them are: Judge Jeanine Pirro, Mike Johnson, Andrew Giuliani, Vivek Ramaswamy, Matt Gaetz, Ken Paxton, JD Vance, Byron Donalds, Tommy Tuberville, and Others. I’d also like to thank his Attorneys: Alina Habba, Todd Blanche, Emil Bove, Susan Necheles, and Others. I’d also like to point out that one well-known and very powerful Attorney who won many notable and difficult cases, all of a sudden lost his life at age 48 in November 2022, when he made a move wanting to Represent Donald John Trump. This Attorney was also Someone I researched prior in context to Michael John Avenatti’s cases at the time. And he was also an Attorney I took a liking to for his expertise, record of success, and not being afraid to take on The Feds. Well, I reckon Somebody did not want him available to Represent certain people’s cases and win them as he always does. And that Attorney’s name is John Charles Meringolo. Whatever happened to him to explain how and why he suddenly died should interest The Public.
Lhisa Mrklon
👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 U P D A T E 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉 👉
Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt on Saturday July 13 2024 in Butler, PA by a crazed 20 year old name Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was shot dead by Police. Moments prior, while talking at his rally, Trump sustained an injury made by the bullet grazing his right ear. As The Secret Service ushered him off the stage trying to protect him, Trump raised his fist in the air letting his Supporters know he was alright and encouraging us to fight. Potus 45 was then treated and later posted on Truth Social a message which included his care and concern for another person injured at The Rally whom died.