✅ Trump Re-Elected President In 2024
Quisque Velit Mutari. Donaldus Solus Est Qui Adducere Potest. Nos Non Debet Satisfacere Stagnatium. 🪙 Everyone Wants Change. Donald Is The Only One That Can Deliver It. We Should Not Be Satisfied With Stagnation.
(Melania Trump, First Lady of the United States of America, 2017-2021,
& soon to be again for 2025-2029)
🎵 Stan Bush ~ The Touch (Transformers Movie, 1986)
🤖 Aside from the obvious, I chose the above track also for a play on words since MIGHTY MAGATRON, Donald Trump galvanized his political career back on top
Below allegory is The Democratic Woke Machine mobilized against Trump and The Republican Party, trying to defeat him. Click the image to see the video.
So this next video is an allegory of Divine Providence saving Donald Trump, restoring him, giving him new Warriors, and setting him off to defeat
The Democratic Matrix.
TRUMP WON. This is exciting, and as always I have perspectives on how each Candidate ran their Campaign I’ll share later. I’ll like to congratulate EVERYONE that got out there exercising their Civil Duty to make this possible. VP Kamala Harris has not yet conceded. Mail-In Ballots are still being counted, but there is a clear Winner here. He ran the better Campaign and I’ll tell you why later.
📣 See Below Link Of The Results
I had some technical issues earlier, against pressing time as well why I ended up posting this real late, but anyway, the above photo is clickable as it shows how on Election Night, DNC Senior Advisor Cedric Richmond came out and spoke to the Crowd at Howard University saying that VP Harris is not conceding and we won’t hear from her. And watching this Broadcast in the moment, I thought how great that Brother looks staying strong amidst disappointment.
So Tomorrow arrived and Vice President Kamala Harris conceded and you can hear her Full Speech on the above clickable photo. I’ve been listening to some of the commentaries people are making, looking to find blame for her loss and they forgot certain things I’ll explain later. It’s really not her fault. I was keen not to make certain comments that might influence either side and watch what comes of each Candidate. It was only fair because my ideas are too good. I knew who I liked and preferred as President, but The Other deserved a Chance.
I had technical problems before trying to post the below content in a timely manner to be doing it the following day, and stay tuned for the rest of this report later.
Today is Thursday November 7th 2024. The above clickable image shows President Joe Biden speaking after Kamala’s defeat. And I’ll formerly address POTUS 46 when the time comes as promised in a previous article, but for now I’ll simply say that no one can really be too sure that he would have lost to Trump. When his name comes up in these talk shows, the sentiment in some answering is quick to dismiss any possibility of that. So it stands to speculate what if you all had just let it be under Old Joe, instead of trying to change the course of it that late in The Race when such a thing was never done before. You had enough time to change him out well before it got to that stage. Pulling Kamala in at the last minute so fresh off The Sidelines to run at an unfair advantage against Trump after recovering from The First Assassination Attempt showed desperation, more so than a necessity, and people saw that then.
So you can click the above image to view Trump’s Victory Speech a couple days ago. Look, he had to win this, and as promised, I’ll state more on my perspectives soon. For now, take a moment to imagine what could have happened. If Kamala won, The Other Side would be saying no way they cheated, recount the Votes, and so on. Plus, in reality it would not have been a fair win, since Trump was expected to beat Joe Biden; not face off against a new Opponent the last few months. Had she won, that would look tragic to them, and seen as proof of tyrannical practices on the part of Democrats. I know that Michael Moore about a couple weeks back challenged Joe Biden to do the right thing by using his Executive Powers to remain in Office ongoing and fulfill the list of demands Moore had written here in his news article to benefit The People. Ya’ll promised a peaceful transfer of power though, and Red America will hold you to that. Now, what are you afraid of with Trump why Democrats far and wide who were in on it, conspired so cruelly against a Man, Fate kept in Providence?
It’s Friday November 8th 2024, and today was when I planned on uniformly addressing each Candidate, including Kennedy & Biden and due to some lunatic(s) sending racist text messages to random Black People, I have to digress and discuss that. It’s terrible that when a nice energy surrounding a person or event is marred by a Crazy Person(s) looking to disrupt things. And I think that incident or something similar would have happened had Harris won as well. I reason things a little differently than Others because you have to look at a few things like technology, how it works and the access to it, as well as Motive. Many “untraceable” services are actually traceable to some degree, the patterns of people’s behavior, time, access to resources and so forth. Someone putting that hatred out there might also be a disgruntled Black Person getting back at Society for voting for Trump. It could also be Rogue Elements in our government doing that. A White Racist Person somewhere orchestrating that alone or in a group is ignorant to do that as if it helps Trump’s Image or The Party, causing an unnecessary issue, and that mentally-ill activity to get attention is not wanted by anybody or needed. The people who got the text message were basically called by name and were told to report to a plantation to pick cotton and what Lettered Group they belonged in to await pick-up by an Executive Slave in a Brown Van. It’s stupid and the message seems written by Someone thinking a bit too hard about wording The Subject Matter, targeting decent Colored Folk out there and they didn’t deserve that. The FBI is reportedly on it, but I wonder. Know what I mean. Listening to the languaging by one person in Law Enforcement recently interviewed as seen here, he already determined it to be a harmless prank iterating how The System might view it as not exactly crime-worthy as if he might have already interpreted it to be a PsyOp. A Redneck popping up doing that out of the Blue when everyone was still celebrating his win, is out of place. The Phone Spam sent from different numbers psychologically & emotionally affected some while others were un-phased. Remember The Opposition did not want TRUMP back in Power. When you look at the Energy from within The Republican, Conservative & Moderate Democrats & Independent Parties, the only hostile Faction were Liberal Democrats.
Today is Saturday November 9th 2024, and in regard to Vice President Kamala Harris, she did the best she could under the negativity of her own Party amidst the Haters outside of it as well. I was determining whether to Vote or not, entertaining my own thoughts on the subject as well as rehashing why a lot of people don’t. It became a conflict between do I choose I who like of the two for America Right Now, or forego that in favor of race-baiting and use the chance to Vote for our First Black Woman President. Well, the latter would be great had the conditions been right. It certainly was not presented well for you this year though you still had a right to run and you needed to run for all of Us. I was more seeing 2028 The Year for you and what would be best is if you stay in Politics and get into a strong Post doing something that makes sense, like a Leader-In-Waiting. There are strategic things you can do, and ways of Operating in some Office that can fulfill the needs of your Party while in this Leadership Role, like a Boot Camp onto landing the full Presidency. And speaking of Boot Camp, in my comical mind I imagined in the past, you and Cory Booker as Military Police whose other job involve training New Recruits, and ofcourse they are The American People in this Comedy Sketch within the enclave of The White House since in my mind you were actually Harris-Booker, POTUS/VP having that Drill Sergeant attitude towards the angst of The Media disrespecting you, blowing a strong whistle and saying aloud, “Sit down! Respect the rules up in here!” And Cory looks on with steel eyes and a baton in hand. Catch my Vibe? Although the nice Corporate energy you radiated, the political correctness, the non-aggression, the smiling and laughing, and whatever, none of it really helped you. Prior to ever being elected as Vice President, you seemed different, you know, more like you. There was no glitch in your character. No apparent flaw in your Persona. What did those people do to you? Had they left you alone, that would have been better. When you first stepped into that Role, there were signs of issues with other Black Females who worked directly with you leaving their job, and out there talking about how bad it was dealing with you each day, and then I wondered what they meant really, because I’ve worked for all kinds of people in The Corporate World with attitudes, and strange ways they did things and so on, and no matter what it was, you kept your job for a good while dealing with it and established a rapport with The Person. And with the high visibility and making history with you like that, you don’t go out there lambasting a coveted position. So I wondered what really happened. I altogether dismissed it because it all comes with The Territory, and you just play it. What your Party did was allow a misconception of You in concert to Biden that did not work well throughout your term, like you’re some Fool. NOBODY gets a come up or rise in their Career like that being incompetent, especially having the kind of qualifying background. The sentiment your Party emoted was to agree with Your Republican Haters and cast you aside, looking about for someone else to run in place of Joe Biden. How Crazy and disrespectful. That is why I made the commentaries I did in my online content because you deserved a chance, and other Blacks felt the same. The optics of how this Society was Handling you was not fair as a Black Woman in that Office. So a decision was already made in their mind where they were managing you like a Prop. Are you kidding me? Like Joe Biden. Now you grew up in the time of The Black Panthers and a couple blocks away from It and do you remember how they thought and what they said and what they wanted to do? Well SISTER, you got The Closest to it since Barack Obama, who took The President for Everybody route. As The Black Woman Mother Goddess, indoctrinated in the Concepts of The Universe, and the plantation way they were treating you there, it would have been very much in your ability to shrewdly manipulate the organization of that HOUSE a certain way that would UPLIFT your People. They were using Identity Politics to present you a certain way to benefit THEM, as if it could not be used another way. There was SO MUCH that could have been done with that, including connecting with the concerns of People living in The Eastern Part of This Empire. The People that would know what to do were not available to help you and part of that has to do with a Government working against Itself. When a person or persons are tied up dealing with their own problems, either at the highest or lowest levels, that too can compromise the best interest of The Country. Though as Denizens we benefit in some way from either Party in Office, the deciding factor for Individuals comes from this view I have instead or that offer I can only get from siding with them. It’s either Red or Blue, right. Will how about White? That Individual had a right to consider and re-consider what was best at this time for him or her. It does not mean you should just now fade into obscurity. It was just not your time this round, even with the sudden surge of interest in you, the funding and support. Take your Body of Work and translate that into something formidable and be effective. Let people see your value, your potential. The reason why after being cast aside, many after a while flock back to you, has something to do with being The Lotus Flower You Are as your Far Eastern Spiritual Bloodline exemplifies. Re-ignite THAT, have faith and trust It. Like The Occultism practiced in The West, had THEY bothered to take your potential seriously from the start, they would have seen what an Occultist like Myself saw to use in their agenda, and not mock It. Stop pandering, trying to prove ANYTHING to these People. Be a MASTER like any Yogi of The East, in tuned with The Inter-Worlds, unburdened by what has been. These people should not be commanding you, but YOU them. And no I didn’t Vote for you this Election due to reasons your Third Eye can see. Take Care.
Today is Sunday November 10th 2024, and my message is to Barack Obama, POTUS 44. You were the First Black President sworn in under The Constitution of The United States of America. The energy, the light, the beauty, the positivity, good vibes, music, and so forth that inspired your Campaign was lacking in Kamala’s Run as it was not the same experience for her. Your process was a progress through time, following the traditional manner, going out there to The American People, doing the speeches, meeting people, being on Talk Shows, attending Events, and so forth. Kamala at least did well in her First Official Debate. She won actually. She was doing well with the small amount of time granted, but the weight of the past slowed her roll. The Border Crisis, The Bad Press Coverage, people that don’t like her, and so on. You had Haters too, but you overcame their Power. What was wrong with Kamala’s Experience? All THAT! It came at a unfortuned time. To Elect Our First Black Woman President, the conditions and vibe have to be right on the road to getting there. She has to be formidable! Unstoppable, like TRUMP. The gender and race problem you were chastising Black Men for is not really that. Yes in some Circles that issue exists, but like how Black Women support our Men, they too support our Women. It just was not the Time. The Country needs Trump Policies right now moving forward. It worked in The Past. When Joe Biden was pulled from his Election Run, and replaced with Kamala, late in The Game after Trump’s First Assassination, it looked unfair and odd to do. Biden was expected to lose and hindsight had they left it that way, depending on the hysteria here and there with the twist and turns of Politics, it would be shocking if Biden happened to do it again. That UPSET would have sent The Right REELING! It’s true that President Biden has health concerns The Party tried to cover-up, which sad sightings of it prompted a need for a New Candidate, but he displayed an interest in really wanting to go on and The Staff around him might not have minded it, but would it have been proper to keep doing? You see America has never been so ridiculed and perceived in such a light before. When a certain air of VIGOR struck Biden, we see him animated at times, saying the right things, being professional and projecting the right energy as a Man who is Commander-In-Chief of the Most Powerful Country in The World. It needs to be seen at all times though, even if THE MAN is a Woman. Even The Muslims, Trump was known to bar out of The Country saw that he was The One to Vote for. The way he commands respect and wields power, in prior, you commanded the same strength in a Barack way. People need to see that you’re right for The Job. Even in Trump’s defeat in The 2020 Elections, The Country saw him regrouping amidst all kinds of legal restraints, rebound to Excellence despite the trifles along the way. Now Kamala has to transition out of Power and decide if she might run again, and pave a way for herself. It has to be a path well thought of, unique, and one she creates definitively on her own to trod. People like to see progress. They love to Witness a person like Rocky Balboa in training, exhibiting stamina under duress, and continuing, chiseled, fit and ready for battle to win The War. Kamala is not a Man, but you get my drift. She would more be The Female Form of that in my analogy. People are skeptic. They see what they want to see already exhibited in Trump. It was a tough Call to choose her above him for America Right Now but it’s not a tremendous loss as The Democratic Party Supporters are making it out to be. It’s a time for diplomacy and to get to work. Peace.
Today is Monday November 11th 2024, Veterans Day. Now The Candidate who would have been logical to Vote for would have been Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. At the time, he was in The Democratic Party and they did not want him there running. So he left declaring his Independence. Now look how it turned out. It was a miss. Had they not created the Cancel Culture Environment that affected him within that Party, he at some point most likely would have been The Nominee. Despite the Negativity, he was doing really well, and then they tried to keep his name off The States Ballots. Well, none of that helped The Democratic Party at all. People were seeing how unstable it is. Had they left him alone IN THE RUNNING with them, they would have had a better chance at winning, now he’s over there with The Republicans helping Trump, along with Tulsi Gabbard who herself is effective and they tried to Censor as well.
So now I’ll address RFK Jr. It’s great that after your campaign run, you eventually received a position in The Trump Administration. Restoring the Health of The Country is important. Other Nations have done something already about Bad Food entering their borders. They are trying to keep their People safe from toxic chemicals, cancer inducing additives and so on in our Meals. Quite a number of years ago, and attempt was made to solve Trans Fats in food much to the dismay of people who like the heavy saturated tastes of fried fatty foods. They were interviewed on TV News Programs at random, and the idea of trying to cut the taste of that Happy Meal offended them. So Bobby, you’re tasked with HOW are you gonna keep people healthy while making the meal taste good at the same time. You’ll find resistance with people not wanting to be told what to eat by the government. They like their re-constituted junk food. If the federal mandates say it can’t have this ingredient or stop preparing the meals this way, it can cause registered recipe problems where an aged old formula or trade secret must now change on account of YOU. So these are things to think about. Most recently in New York, when somebody caused the issue of using an electric stove versus a traditional fire lit one, it affected certain pizza restaurants when trying to prepare that meal authentically using the ovens. It did not taste exactly the same. In other Cultures with great ethnic food and how we prepare it, that you can imagine would pose an issue also. It just does not taste the same without the saturated fats. Now I’m an Omnivore and can prepare meals in different ways where it still tastes great as if I used unhealthy ingredients because I can Cook using healthier substances. A lot of people are not privy or have an interest in experimenting with flavors. They know what they know in their youth, and continue to eat what they eat, and carry on with their routines daily. This is why they have Insurance so at a later point they can correct the poison through medication. NOW, your plan to Make America Healthy Again, might disrupt the Pharmaceutical Industry causing a tremendous loss to their inventory and revenue. All this has to be taken in account before making too much of an abrupt change. Sure people need to be healthier. I agree, but The Stakeholders involved in that BIG BUSINESS might not want those changes and will view you to be hurting the Country’s Finances and Global Interests. Think of all the Corporations here and Abroad involved. How are you going to bring them to the Table to discuss that?
Today is Tuesday November 12, 2024, and it’s time to address the Vice President Candidate.
Nicole Shanahan, Attorney & Entrepreneur. Many people are not familiar with you to have been chosen by Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Running Mate and that unfamiliarity casted some doubt, not so much on you, but on Kennedy. It became quizzical to wonder why he chose you. Trying to derive what the impact is got lost. Did he need a Woman VP Candidate? Was there a position to Vote On that was only exemplary in connotation to you? The times we saw you speak on The Campaign Trail did not come through with any impactful comments people remembered, or fire to drive them towards you. Defining more of who you are, what you represent and are about, will help to propel your future in politics.
Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota. When you were first mentioned as Kamala Harris’s Running Mate, on Face Value, it seemed like a good choice until days later, The Media in opposition found fault with you and began exposing what they knew. Suddenly it became ‘Tampon Tim’, for allowing many years back, what was meant for Biological Women to use during that time of the month, be placed in Boy’s Bathrooms as a fixture to appease the minds of the then growing LGBTQIA+ Community. So people saw the issues you were presenting with Kamala to be more of the same Biden Policies your Opponents are fighting against. When you make sideline, marginal issues a central point to your Campaign, you alienate Prospective Voters who otherwise might not have cared too much had you presented a plan addressing their own personal non-gay issues, except for suggesting about a $25K grant for Real Estate & Copying Trump’s No Tips Tax, neither You or Harris came forth with any more concrete long-term solutions to excite Working Middle Class Voters’ Upward Mobility.
J.D. Vance, Vice President Elect & Former Marine. Not a lot was known about you, till you began telling your story. As offensive as some of your Conservative Commentaries are to sensitive Democrats, it’s typical coffee table talk, bar chat, and the kind of stuff you hear people say in The Streets somewhere. You either agree or not. What matters now is whether you were a good pick since you’re replacing in this Second Round, Mike Pence, The Former Trump VP.
Today is Wednesday November 13th 2024, and this segment is directed at Former VP Mike Pence. So you removed yourself out of the Running claiming it was not your time, when is? In this Round, you probably could have beaten Nikki Haley and Kamala Harris, perhaps Robert Kennedy Jr., not so much Trump, but maybe depending on the twists and turns of The Politics and what you stir up in people. You were criticized in the earlier stages of your Run for not being exciting enough. Now with an alleged Public Hanging from an “Insurrectionist” MAGA Crowd on January 6th 2020, and you can decide whether the fixture they had there was a Prop or a device that would actually work, that episode was exciting enough to spin and play into something you read about in Novels and see on TV Shows and in The Movies about a Christian-like Hero trying to make the right decision according to your Faith, but is besieged by a sense of duty to Comrade and going against their Status Quo might be seen as a betrayal, and so you made the correct choice only to be turned on by The Pack, and so now a Lone Soldier must exit the Brotherhood of your Pseudo Roman Political Friends and venture on an unknown Path looking back at your beloved American Rome and contemplating what new military strategy can you employ to gain new Allies from Dissidents across The Empire, and one day Seize Power.
Today is Thursday November 14th 2024, and this segment addresses POTUS 46, and as he heads out of Office next year, I’ll formerly address him again. So Joe, you got vindicated. When they yanked you out of being The Frontman so publicly and shamefully calling you unfit to stand Office, casting you aside, look how it turned out. It would put a pep in your step with a grin on your face. Would you have really wanted to continue though for another 4 years under that Presidential Stress?
Isn’t it nice Joe to meet with a Friend again despite The Dirty Politics.
Nuff Said.
Today Friday is November 15th 2024, and this segment celebrates Team Trump. Here’s to all you Trumpsters GREAT and small everywhere who backed Trump and kept backing him all the way. WE WON. The Endurance, Hardship, Dedication, Labor, Integrity, and Hope, paid off to finally receive Our JUSTICE.
Trump is Electing Eclectic Cabinet Picks consisting of RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Matt Gaetz, Kristi Noem, Pete Hegseth, Vivek Ramaswamy, Elon Musk, Tom Homan, John Ratcliffe, Lee Zeldin, Marco Rubio, Elise Stefanik, & Karoline Leavitt, so far. These 13 Characters are like The LEGION OF DOOM turning Democrat Heads, but are more like THE SUPERFRIENDS. He had a nice Set of People the First Time around too. You need a Team that can turn The Country around. Here’s a Shout Out to all the other Targeted and Persecuted Persons out there likewise dealing or had dealt with unwanted probing and bizarre intrusive cybernetic tactics aimed at discouraging your protected Civil Liberties. I know Trump recently addressed that issue publicly. Some of us are intuitive enough to recognize certain things, and choose a logical side to be a part of and should not be Subject to attacks like that. And NOW certain democratic factions in The Media and Political Sphere have doubled-back, realizing there is an air of positive change here.
Today is Saturday November 16, 2024 and this section will feature our Former and soon to be again First Lady Melania Trump. Just days ago as you know, she was invited to attend a Function at The White House hosted by current First Lady Jill Biden and she turned it down. WHY? Well look, that raid last year at Mar-A-Lago, rummaging through her closet, and also going through Barron’s Things was completely unnecessary. Now this latest incident is just coming after the one where Jill Biden snubbed Kamala Harris at some event there after her loss, not even looking at her to about a week later with this snub by Melania. So now The Liberal Media continues to make a 180 changing their tone towards Trump and are now displaying articles figuratively showing Kamala in The Shadows as this Cast Off person who lost The Election and is sulking about The Corporate Palace Grounds while tidy moves are being made for Trump’s Transition.
Check Out Melania’s New Book. She’s Continuing To Make The Rounds Promoting That. Here’s Her Fox & Friends Exclusive Interview A Month Ago.
Barron Trump has come a long long way since his younger days in The White House when he looked like a shy rich Monopoly Kid to now TOWERING over everybody in The Family. He’d graduated on May 17th from The Oxbridge Academy in Florida and now attends The Stern School of Business at New York University. About 21 years ago, I completed in 1 year, my Masters Degree in Teaching at The College Level from there at the Steinhardt School of Education, graduating Magna Cum Laude due to their odd politics, though I deserved Summa Cum Laude as it was when I came there with Top Recommendations from my Catholic College, being an English Literature Major at Saint Francis in Brooklyn. So I wish Barron luck.
I got to post this on time on my other platform, but had difficulty just now logging into this one to make this same post I previously wrote.
Today is Sunday November 17th 2024 and here I’ll address THE WINNER, President Re-Elected, TRUMP for POTUS 47, to Serve The People of America again 4 years after since being POTUS 45. Oh Trump, WE ARE SO BACK! And I’m here to continue being a wise voice to The People back at my Station as enjoyed before compromised under POTUS 46. I’ll continue to be forthcoming with my honest perspectives even if it might offend some. So going into why you won The 2024 Election, it also has to do with being TRUE to who you are and uncompromising with presenting that. You either stand for this value or purpose, or not. You did not flip flop or whimsically change a view. If anything, you entertained and filtered different points of view to discern or re-evaluate your stance like any functioning thinkable person debating a topic to avoid any unfavorable consequences from being too rigid. Why you won also was being likable. You transcended different walks of life also appealing to The Less Privileged over The Candidate that made more sense for them to feel akin to. You won also due to your willingness to Work! Getting up day after day with a busy Campaign Schedule going here and there being active and accessible showed people you’re excited, ready and willing to do the Job. You even donned the Outfits of the Working Class being an Employee at McDonald's, and a Garbage Man, both Apprentice Style, and your Team Won. You were willing and able to go on Talk Shows, Debate Venues and Alternative Media Platforms to discuss the issues, be visible to The American People, and take questions. You went through ongoing LAWFARE designed to stymy and undermine your continued political growth and progress, but your popularity outshined that. When you looked to be down and out with convictions, you persevered. Tell me that’s not a move from a Brother from Queens, New York, specifically JAMAICA, and the Sisters too! You kept going, trucking through all those problems till you made it. And this tenacity is not exclusive to only us, but also a shout out to any of you from other interesting places in and out of this Country with people like that. Though you have some Haters out here drinking The Democrat Liberal Wine, your True Supporters Voted for you here where you came from standing in line and finally casting that ballot. And I’ll keep to myself for now the specifics of that as I continue to think about and enjoy The Good Omens that occurred that day you would only see in a movie or read about in a story, as that Peace followed me. It came after the prior day of contemplating whether I should or not since I did not Vote for You or Biden the last time due to The Politics since I live in a strong Blue State and it would not have mattered. And it still did not matter much this time even though you campaigned in Long Island, New York. What was different for me this time was introspect as it was fair to you this time around to make a point given my ordeal under The Biden Administration with their Cancel Culture, Big Tech & Big Brother attacks against anyone of either Party they deemed a threat to their Agenda. I was fair to them though and was not deserving of that. Ultimately the cyber-attack operation apparently was coming from an imbecile I know within The FBI over-extending his privilege from becoming a little too familiar with me as a person. But anyway, more on that in a later segment of this article. I caught your recent short Political Video Ad on that and how you will institute new policies concerning those problems. Some Powerful Voices have been calling for the dismantling of The FBI as there are Criminals operating within. One only needs to do a basic search to find how many of them are getting caught doing illegal stuff including predatory proprietorial behavior while investigating a Subject or a Target who owns an Asset, and prosecutorial misconduct on legal cases, and crimes extending to the feat of Mob Bosses. This is not only an FBI problem, but other agencies they work with like Local Precincts, The CIA, and others. Extensive work needs to be done to root that out, and while you are choosing Persons to Pick To Serve Our Communities, I Am also available to partake in some Capacity as I Am well endowed in certain faculties worthy of Appointment by any Government to help their Nation Rise. You only need to look at the last few years, the weight of the hateful energy that came against me to tell the kind of power I have, and all I am doing is just writing articles, so imagine actually APPLYING these philosophies in real life. My Foreign Intellect might be strange to the sensibilities of some but I know which Americans are reading and feeling It, and more on this later, but for now, let’s talk about HATE. You were also The Subject of that, so much so that you endured the Vitriol of a lot of bad Liberal Media Coverage defaming you where it extended to the whims of persons legally targeting you. They tried to take away your Family’s Legacy, The Buildings you owned in legal judgments against you. This was the level of CRAZY American Politics descended to as The Global Community watched, and you showed them an aged-old elegance of endurance from a prior generation you grew up in, having the wisdom and stamina to push on through despite The Scandalous, The Absurd, The Kookiness, The Political Witch Hunt, The Libel, The Slander, The Hatred, and so forth as you held on to The Fibers of Hope, and you won. You ARE The Comeback Kid. If there was a Candidate to lead America right now, it had to be YOU. The Concept of America should be exemplified in Its Leader. That’s why we like certain Feel Good Movies like ROCKY and grew up watching Cartoons like G.I. JOE, a Real American Hero, because AMERICA is also a BRAND that represents a philosophy, way of life, a character, particular values and so forth, and you maintained all that despite The Liberal Press beating you down. The Downtrodden identified with that. It became a contest between Ultra Liberal Values versus Tried And True Wholesome Ones. WE WON because reality is Reality. Right versus wrong. What Works versus What Is Not Working. You kept a Common Sense language reaching even the dumbest in The Kingdom to get up and Vote for The First Time and make a positive difference. Why Kamala didn’t win has more to do with the current policies of The Democratic Party than HER as a Person because even The Members of a Contending Party would have Voted for a Democrat Candidate if they wanted to maintain that Status Quo. People are trying to get ahead, get their come up, stabilize their situation, continue to improve each year, finally have the finances to start a business or buy a home and so forth. They don’t need a strange bureaucracy making policies keeping them trapped below the poverty line, or treading water at the poverty level, or living stagnant and stuck at The Middle Class level, or barely holding on to being Upper Middle Class, or just still being basically Rich instead of Filthy Rich and so on. America used to be prosperous for everybody. A BUM here was still considered to be living better than a BUM anywhere else. You’d be surprised how offended certain Non-American people might be pointing this out to them like they can do better. Well some of these Foreigners will stand there and argue with you about what their Country offers they think is better while still choosing to be here instead of there though (laugh). So President Elect TRUMP, soon your Honeymoon with The American People will be over as you go through this familiar process again as Our New Incumbent entering into The Oval Office and fulfilling promising changes in your First 100 Days. You needed to WIN over Kamala for the sake of Many because we need you. You have Fallen Comrades who lost so much including their Wealth and their Freedom under a Biden Administration where The Pervasive Federal Liberalism even affected HIM and His Son Hunter. The January 6th 2020 Fallen MAGA Warriors exercising a core Constitutional Right were captured by The Government, Tried and Sentenced to perish and are now awaiting to be your Soldiers of Fortune, liberated and allowed to bask in The Glory with you. Sure some terrible things happened that day as some were injured and a few lost their lives, but WHO is really responsible? Which Agencies had The Intel to stop it before hand? The Blame Game. Maybe things would have worked out different had PROUD BOY, Enrique Tarrio been left alone over that Pride Flag burning incident exercising his Free Speech & Freedom of Expression Protesting Rights instead of Government Officials intercepting him and throwing off The Future to potential CHAOS. Nowhere he ever was leading his Movement resulted in a WILD and uncontrollable situation of that magnitude. Even if you entertained a Conspiracy Theory saying Enrique was somehow a Cointelpro Puppet working for The System, that day would have went better. It’s more like they planted some people there to HIJACK his Movement The Proud Boys, and also The Oath Keepers, which was led by Stewart Rhodes. So Trump, despite what People may think, you know the Rules of The Game and Play it well. As a Player, you understand The Loopholes and The Tricks, to beat The Game at Its Own Rules why you deserved to Win. As I watched your Political Career over The Years I kept what I noticed to Myself as it was a quiet Joke because I was wondering at the time WHO you reminded me of because your character, your behavior and your attitude resembled a 80s Cartoon Character I like and then it dawned on me, MEGATRON from The Transformers. It’s true when you go back and look at those episodes, let me explain. The Command you have over Robotic Troops. The things you say and how you sound. How your mind works. When people explain this or that to you, your brain immediately grasps how something can be otherwise used. I’m the same way too. And yes the Character was a Bad Guy, but imagine him as a potential Archetypal Good Guy though. A Strong no nonsense Leader managing a trifling situation trying to set up a Cybernetic Civilization from Rubble. He’s capable and can maintain it into an Empire. I’m not saying no other possible Robot in The Series could have done that, but WHO would be more exciting to watch doing it? Even when Megatron lost in these good versus evil episodes, in a way he won if you thought about it practically, since he technically won a good number of them if One were to employ those strategies in real life. So when I think of Trump in his Role carrying on the way he does, I’ve been privately amused, calling him Magatron. You were well on your way to winning this against Joe Biden then came that First Assassination Attempt, when he spoke to The Press, concerned about your Well-Being. Then after he stepped down or was forced out rather, in favor of Kamala Harris, but what it still came down to in some people’s minds was seeing a current President having difficulty climbing a flight of stairs lead The Country or choose a Former President who got shot, then stood up pumping his fist to The Crowd letting us know he was alright and telling us to keep fighting. Kamala now being his new Opponent did not erase the momentum of that, and not enough substance was their among The Democrats to enable The American Public to choose HER over you. Even if someone were to view this whole thing as a SCAM as your Haters argue, to manipulate people into electing you for an oncoming wave of bad series of legislations designed to confine people into a political agenda for 2025, one can argue that it was a good show for a while. It mobilized and inspired people, and such a fraud can backfire where One or More among The People exemplify The Real Thing, becoming Heroes of a Democracy. So it really does not matter. Congratulations Again! There is a lot of work to be done to clean up that mess the last Party left. Take Care.
🥂🍾 Cheers to Eric & Laura Trump, Don Jr. & Kimberly Guilfoyle, Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner, Tiffany Trump & Michael Boulos, and every last TRUMPSTER On The Block, Family, Friend, & Associate who’s ENERGY made this all possible,
M. A. G. A.
Today is Monday November 18th 2024 and this discussion, yes you know, will continue my expressed dialogue concerning my issues with Big Tech & Big Brother in context to that FBI Dude I began telling you about in July 2023 where these issues escalated since October 2021, December 2021, and all through 2022, 2023, and now 2024 with their latest attack, and their new Recruit I mentioned in my last article. Now my last segment was long, so I’ll try to make this shorter by concentrating on core points since if you have been following my saga, then you know all about my cyber dilemma disclosed already in over 30 articles. So I do that to show a few things. Remember way back in the day and even now, The Hustlers in The Streets and Online marketing themselves, setting up one or two sites, switching names, dissolving their own brand and so forth like everything is temporary? Well that looked like a scam or fraud a bit right? Well fast forward to what we see and know now. Suddenly that behavior makes sense. It’s harder for a Joker or Hater to target you or pirate your brand and certainly much cheaper since a brand does not matter and you can skip about under different identities and disappear. The Whole point of building a solid trade name was to establish trust, safety, brand identity, all that commercial stuff for legal purposes why you go through the trouble following the government steps paying for all that stuff and that should matter, right? WRONG! It seems like a waste of time and money since now the focus, time, energy and money is going into the nonsensical brand registering and defending legal matter, rather than the purpose of having it in the first place. It benefits the government having that service in place but you The Client is carrying the weight of the defending. The Street Hoodlum operating online does not have this problem and because the societal values are NOW twisted, what he or she is doing is more legitimate compared to many of these established businesses with all kinds of registrations you find. My point is, most of us are established in some way carrying some degree of that to not really need to go all the way further unless you want to because you are now going to do this or that and will need this registration from that one to pay for, only to find in this day and age that it is more an illusion than the validity and protection you thought you had, nonetheless, some people get it just to say they have it, and what’s sad is how their commercial entity only lasted a few months with all that labor, registered trademarks, investments, licenses, certifications, expensive real estate, large advertising campaigns and other big spending and so on. My Shit lasted well over 20+ years as a business without all that, like some of you, I only got just one or two necessary things. When this and that happens, then I can now expand as intended. Some of that got started prematurely though due to you know, a Hater fucking around my stuff in a personal vendetta, like I did something to him. And keep this story alive and well till I receive Final Justice, cause there’s more to it I might share. I’m still engaged in some ongoing legal remedy. You must realize that back in 2020 during The Pandemic A LOT of businesses died. These are people who had either some business they just started or a long-term one that could not hold on any more and had to close their doors. Many of their stories are still accessible online. The Programs they had for Business Owners to apply and collect funds was not enough and a lot of people simply did not qualify under those parameters to receive any relief, so you either floated or sank. And you can imagine whatever issues or problems the person was already dealing with prior to The Covid-19 Pandemic that contributed to their downfall during that time or just coming out of it and still struggling. It’s sad and I felt bad for them, and looking at some stuff a couple years later, people are still feeling the after effects of that. Really BIG Business Chains are closing due to post pandemic issues. I study a lot of things on the side in my own time and I attribute some of their losses to not hiring the Right People. I’m qualified in A LOT of ways, but the attitude of some Recruiters is to base their hiring practices of theories they have concerning Human Resourcing and you can listen to some of that stuff online and see if any of that really makes to you. It’s the same old corporate subjective nonsense I left behind many years ago. I had my own theories you see me employing. It even attracted some of the BIGGEST, MOST POWERFUL PEOPLE looking for inspiration, noticing me and my work, observing and monitoring my activities online, wondering about me and the potential of my humble little FERRELUX Websites I so craftily built and manage a certain way. To be so overwhelmed by my genius to want to now capture It. I repelled these wanton corporate rogues as they are among THE GIANTS in Information Technology, and you know them. What they should recognize is that all things fair well, and they come at fortuned times. I may not be the person they think belongs a part of their Spectrum, but the whole thing is not their Vision. It should be of no surprise My Coming forth at this time.
Today is Tuesday November 19th 2024, and it’s time to wrap up this article, as the topic of Donald Trump will carry over into my next Thanksgiving article. Today is Tuesday November 19th 2024, and it’s time to wrap up this article, as the topic of Donald Trump will carry over into my next Thanksgiving article. Some other Characters like Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon & Guo Wengui also suffered legal blows backing The Trump Machine. It was nice seeing Steve Bannon back out talking to The Press and being impactful about his ordeal and that Capitol Insurrection thing. Rudy Giuliani was ordered by a Judge to turn over almost all he owns to 2 Black Female Poll Workers in Georgia he mercilessly harassed. Guo Wengui is a self-exiled Chinese Billionaire awaiting Sentencing soon in 2025 for alleged financial crimes, earning profits off investments. Though his political concerns are over a more Democratic China, The Justice System under The Biden Administration preferred to target him really for being a part of MAGA as well, with his influential role in those Circles. So many are looking to be VINDICATED. We saw in the past few years A LEADER handle insurmountable problems, elegantly addressing his Supporters far and wide and his message reached those it was meant to intimate while facing those struggles, as you were a Teacher showing Us how to fight these things and win. SO SIR, I SALUTE YOU!
Lhisa Mrklon