Mihi Placet Fabulas Quae In Re Vel In Realibus Characteribus Radicatae Sunt, Sed Mea Pars Ventus Actu Mundum Creans ubi Fabula Erit 👱🏼♀️ I like stories that [are] rooted in reality or real characters, but my favorite part is actually creating the world where the story will exist 🎥 Halyna Anatoliivna Hutchins
(April 9, 1979 – Oct 21, 2021)
I chose the above movie song depiction to encapsulate what I’m projecting in this article for October as the material is relevant in Today’s Time in an Occult sense as we head into Ragnarok. Variations of the name Hela include HEL, Helena, Helene, Helen, & Halyna. And ofcourse, you should not want to end up in HELL. The pageantry of my former relevant articles leading up to this, shows the progression of a story as I sometimes use what’s happening in The News with people and events to present in some ways my perspective on what’s really going on in Society, and in relation to me also as expressed in my own special way.
So you see the word. For October 2024 I’m starting the month off discussing some scaring things having to do with the deceased Halyna Hutchins, mysteriously killed by the “intentional” carelessness of Someone on Alec Baldwin’s RUST Set, and I state it that way because it is suspicious, despite him winning his case. And my other Halloween discussion include the Storm Helene, as it grew into a deadly hurricane taking out many. Also in this discussion is the growing global terrors concerning Ukraine, Iran, Israel, and America right now and talk of World War 3. All these things relate in a horrific way as we head the next 36 days into the spooky holidays and finally, getting ready for The USA Election and seeing who our Next President is, The Day After on November 6.
Today is Monday October 7th 2024, and this is the one year anniversary of a huge horrific Arab attack on Israel since The Holocaust of the 1940s under Hitler. So this date is now commemorative of The Jewish Souls that died and or were taken hostage by Palestinian Marauders fighting for the Liberation of Palestine as a whole Independent Muslim Country in The Middle East and the elimination of Israel as a Home for Jews which was designated to them by Western Politicians at the time, according to The Holy Scriptures. So now The War continues with the skyline over there teaming with bright enemy missiles lighting the skies at night. And now that I got the temperature of some people finally seeing some intel I saw a year ago but held back to myself due to the raucous of some other people. So now I can reveal it without consequence. At the time of the attack when Benjamin Netanyahu stepped up to the plate to face off against The Arabs for his people, I got an inkling recognizing him as The Man For The Job, but The Press saw otherwise dogging him and Biden kept trying to hold him back. So I figured, Am I Wrong, because my senses is telling me otherwise. Then I started hearing a bunch of stuff about how his people are blaming him and how they hated him before the attacks, and I was thinking wait, is all that true? So I kept quit and followed everything. It’s their Culture, maybe they have a point or know something I don’t but from the Vibes I typically go by, I saw him being right for it and his people can settle whatever internal political excuse they have against him after. I saw nobody else fit rising to the occasion and now it got out where some Pundit interviewed the other day is liking his handling of the War so far to Winston Churchill. As these attacks go on, some are already seeing and likening certain shadowy imagery they see plaguing the skies over there as DEMONS coming through. And because it is also a Spiritual War, the way my mind works, I reasoned it would make sense that they kept someone on board with a name already having to do with God (Netan-Yahu, God Gives) and Benjamin means (Son of the Right Hand or Son of the South). Omens ARE important. Pay attention to things like that. I study many things to draw inferences. And where Arabs are concerned, they carry similar attributes as both Hebrew & Arabic Cultures in more respects agree than disagree. Both sides apparently have rights there, one more so arguably than the other depending on whose side you’re on to debate it. The biblical story was about Two Brothers, Israel & Ishmael, yet Muslims call it Palestine. Perhaps changing the pronunciation to Israel (Ish-Ra-El) might solve it like how both brothers eventually did, evening the score and putting away the bitter past between centuries ago, since both people can freely live as bonafide Citizens with full rites in the same territory as one Country under One Covenant sharing the same bloodline as Ibrahim, recognizing the same Hebraic God. So the fighting for over 76 years now is Someone’s Lifetime, still unwilling to negotiate an amicable treaty between both sides to secede in Unity for a Greater Peace.
And now today is Monday October 14th 2024 Indigenous Day, or as the rest of you non-socially conscious people call it, Columbus Day. It was truly a day of Bad Omens for The Native People as their world would never be the same. Celebrating the enslavement and genocide of aboriginal people far and wide is barbaric. If people actually studied the language of the full intent of Europeans at that time, with any conscience, holding such a holiday would be sacrilege. It would be better had they celebrated Amerigo Vespucci instead since he was more noble. He was an Italian Explorer who was literate and knew what he was doing and was respected why his Voyages were funded by his own Country. HE “discovered” America first, saw the dark-skinned native peoples, noted his records of the place, and went back to Italy relating his findings with no malignant agenda or hateful banter. Cristofo Columbo on the other hand was seen for the kind of soul he was and Italy never funded his ambitions and so he went to Spain, telling them shit, trying to take advantage of their status and exploit their need to maintain sovereign power a the time and so they funded his expedition. And you know what happened. Very little to none of that history is anything you should be proud of. We should be celebrating nobility. A part of ME sometimes feels Italian, and I would want to celebrate AMERIGO VESPUCCI whom The Country is said to be named after.
⛺ https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=indigenous+day+2024
On another note, yesterday, I was following reports that came in first from Sky News Australia that there was a third assassination attempt against Trump, this time in California, which took slow like snail mail to hit American News Circuits. I guess they were still trying to determine if it was real or not. A “Sovereign Citizen” guy was driving with fake plates in the Coachella area where Donald Trump was and before he could ever get a chance to enter the rally, a Trooper spotted his suspicious vehicle and flagged it. Inside he had all kinds of weaponry. Hours after, Trump eventually ended up in Arizona, where he conducted his campaign speech as usual, all in the days work, being a fortuned and promising Candidate.
🙁 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUOkUvNCqdM
😕 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajh11t2XQqo
Today is Monday October 21 2024, and before I go any further with covering the Current Events, as a new issue seems to pop off after the last one too frequently sometimes, the main point of this article needs to be made. Now, I started off mentioning Halyna Hutchins because it seems like she will not receive justice when she was “murdered” this date on a Thursday three years ago at age 42 while filming On Set for the Alec Baldwin Movie Rust. Now you see the numerical parallels. At the time, the whole things struck me as a possible Sacrifice for the symbolic activities of a popular illuminating Cult within Hollywood and outside of it. A lot of people are aware of these coinciding incidences since years back and have been revealing suspected ones and for what purpose they thought it meant. What’s unfair are persons innocently chosen. This might not be the case with Hutchins, but I entertain occult stuff and it fits. We may not be aware of the extent of the purpose. On a regular, October is another month where you find particular odd things happening as well. What we’ve observed through the onset was a strange deference in the management of the legalities of it as if her life should be forgotten about. Simply being a specified age at the time and having a symbolic name for their purpose, and whatever else could cost you your life in Hollywood and other parts where these people Practice. And I know that there are people who don’t believe these Secret Societies exist or that there is any Shadow Government or unethical spiritual practice at play which is WHY they can continue and get away with it in a public way. These people are all around you. Some are apart of them while others are not, who have other ethical spiritual practices and they are the safer ones to be around. Is it fair for her to have been selected and set up in such manner? Trusting her Employer to have been lured out to that desolate destination to be shot at? Is The Armorer being blamed truly guilty? Or was she set up too to take the downfall? What does she know? When Alec Baldwin was found not guilty at Trial and let go, Hannah Gutierrez’s Legal Team sought to get her conviction for it overturned but it was denied. She was sentenced to serve only 18 months. Now all this is symbolic and revealing. It looks like a cover-up. Someone else is involved. We’ve seen enough Movies to know how easy a slight of hand is when one or more persons are distracted. Even if we went with the narrative of The Careless Armorer, a problem still remains. Alec Baldwin is known to be vocal against the usage of guns and gun violence, yet he’s making a Western Film and was comfortable pointing a weapon at someone. His excuse was feeling no need to check it since he trusted Hannah Gutierrez, his young and inexperienced hire. You see what’s wrong here. So as I go on, I’ll continue to make other points and tie HALYNA into it as we head into Halloween with these spooky Current Events happening in The News and pay attention to how they correlate.
Notice how I changed the header picture to a photo showing Camera Woman, Halyna Hutchins. It will be the final set image for this article going forward into the next ten days covering the rest of the issues this month.
Ooh, Today is Thursday October 31, 2024 HAPPY HALLOWEEN. I’ve been awfully busy these past weeks over several things. I do these blogs and videos at my convenience. So anyway, a lot has been happening in The News to briefly mention. About a week ago there was an assassination attempt on Benjamin Netanyahu, atleast it seems that way with a drone sent to his home where it crashed in the window, but he was not there. The Arabs are trying to get back at him for killing HAMAS Leader who happens to have a symbolic biblical name, Yahya Sinwar, who executed last year that unprecedented attack on Israel. And as a few more days go by, I’ll add more and touch on a few other relevant political topics. By then, you’ll know who the next President will be. For now, I’ll call your attention to symmetry and the way I do things. Remember last year this time, the topic was on Russian War General, PRIGOZHIN, well, this year I chose a Ukranian name HALYNA, so put it together. Halyna Prigozhin. It could be the name of somebody being a useful light. The name Prigozhin is East Slavic Surname meaning suitable or useful, while Halyna is derived form The Greek Helen, meaning Torch or Light. Now, with the ongoing ceremonial activities you see going on in The News in certain places about strange topics here and there this month, and leading up to it in the last month, my choice of what to call my Articles and talk about is very much inline with The Works of certain Secret Societies and not by design but by Spirit. You see, we are on the same page. And it’s strange how we sometimes come up with the same THEME, completely unplanned. Now it is no coincidence that 2 very destructive Storms that recently took lives were respectably names Helene and Milton, also a male and feminine pair that could be someone’s name, Helene Milton. Now Helene means bright or shining light and Milton, just means Mill Town. So there might be some significance, and of course a famous Author name John Milton, wrote Paradise Lost, an epic poem about Satan’s Rebellion & The Fall Of Man. Is all this a coincidence? I don’t think so. It’s setting the Stage for Armageddon, although I pointed out in a previous article that this is about a century too soon and fits more into the category of a Dress Rehearsal along with other parts of it. You see in Literature and in Real Life sometimes, just before a Climactic Event, there are signs of it beforehand, a Foreshadow, and this is IT. They are preparing you and HAVE BEEN preparing you. Get Ready. It’s all going to unfold and come upon you and there really is no reason to hide it. Some of you are seeing stuff already. Believe it. Not everything is AI. There is another World. Some already interpret what CERN is doing is trying to open another Dimension when they turn their Machine On. And recently, some people doing Artwork have been going around to several Towns building Gateway structures for show. Well, in a couple articles back before that news blew up in The Public, notice how I intentionally used an image showing one also from The Show Me State which has several Mill Towns. Now how could I be so ON IT like a rhythm? I’m certainly not a part of You People doing these things. And I have no access to you or your plans. I’m just Gifted in The Paranormal.
It’s now Friday November 1st 2024 and we’re also in Diwali, which started Tuesday October 29th this year, and is scheduled to end this Thursday on Nov 3rd. The 5 day East Indian Religious Festival is about the victory of Light over Darkness, Good over Evil, Knowledge over Ignorance.
Coming off of yesterday All Saint’s Day, today’s Saturday November 2nd 2024,
All Soul’s Day, and it is important to remember these after Halloween, as the vast majority fail to mention them.
So today is My Birthday November 4th 2024, and I turn 49 years old, still looking more like 25. I’ve have been experiencing technical issues the other day to post what I wrote in full to now reconfigure a bit here. And on top of my other responsibilities with the advocacy campaigns, staying abreast of legal stuff with the politics out here and so forth, I also take care of an ailing Family Member. And in theses Blogs, I am consumed with a ton of information I’d like to report and things I want to say and I don’t always get time, and at a future point I may add to some of this a bit more in another article. I could have dropped a piece of work at an earlier stage of this article writing in real time, but I feel that each of you have to decide on your own who to vote for tomorrow as it affects you. I realize that some of my content is influential and the choice should more be based off your own personal situation. I said enough in many of my articles for people to gain alternate perspectives. And you can view my 8 minute video here talking about The 2024 Election and also Cyber-Safety. No matter WHO turns our to be the next President, certain factors may or may not change. Take for instance The Marauders in The Streets, organizing the attacks in posh stores and stealing designer items. Well, these are people who probably realize that crime pays in comparison to being a good hardworking person. That phenomena never existed before. The idea of foregoing using your skill and intellect to earn revenue and trading your time for money. Those ideals got interfered with by a corrupt justice system and the fruitlessness of working for an Employer as a way of moving up in The World. If you can just simply walk into a place and take what you want with little to no consequence in certain parts, then that is more productive in many common thinking minds. We don’t have a proper functional Society and we know when that Period of behavior happened. Simply blaming the people for having no values is not their fault, it’s a condition. There are numerous JOBS out here if the majority of them are in fact real but if you look at the Current Events, that’s not enough. Recently an FBI Agent, and no, not mine, at least not yet, got caught running a criminal operation involving guns out here in Queens. And you can find numerous other news articles of corrupt Federal Agents doing stuff out here that should make you wonder aside from collecting a stable government paycheck because apparently The FBI does not have a foolproof psychological evaluation process or Support Group to help these people from veering off like that, and what I think it is also is when they are on the inside of The System with unbridled access to information, the one among them more susceptible to committing a crime mis-using their Authority, falls suit and their Agency Brothers (and Sisters) have to now arrest their own. I don’t think any of that will change. So when they are complaining about the SMASH & GRAB Bandits out here why Big Retailers are closing their generational long standing Stores, remember it is also an inside the system problem at the highest levels. You know who is Making WORK Desirable Again, appealing to the Common Man? TRUMP! He looked great in both his McDonald’s Outfit and The Garbage Man Truck Campaign Footage. Re-igniting an interest in types of Working Class Jobs in Middle America and Urban Cities is not just a Campaign Ploy, but a reality that needs to sink in with people who have lost Faith in The System. And I know that people are still trying to recover from 2 horrendous hurricanes with FEMA under question as always in these matters accused of not being forthcoming enough in helping distressed and displaced people. And a lot has happened recently in The News with the latest Election Campaign moves. Now I didn’t think certain comments were appropriate in Madison Square Garden as they come off ignorant and a bit racist, but expected with the people following Trump, but The Democrats are no better though with The Policies. I appreciated The View’s Sunny Hostin’s comments right back against The Comedian who made the disparaging comments about Puerto Rico. Remember too that groups of people get manipulate easy where Politics are concerned if they seem to be trying to Press your buttons. Biden responding calling Trump Supporters Garbage, understand that’s real commentary. He was fluent telling you his opinion and animated too. Both sides are offensive, let’s be real.
So what else happened in The News fairly recently, up pops a case from about 35 years ago about The Menendez Brothers, represented by Attorney Mark Geragos are getting their case re-evaluated for re-sentencing due to new evidence now being admitted, and some talk about the possibility of them being released. The case even has Kim Kardashian and Rosie O’Donnell advocating on their behalf for some time now. I remember watching Eric & Lyle Menendez’s case unfold back then with the temperature at the time, resulting with them being seen and portrayed as cold heartless killers, murdering their Parents for money and it turned people off to dismiss them as that. Now, with the climate of this time, their initial testimony of their Father molesting them, and The Mother seemed like she knew, has colored their case to gain a new perspective on why they shot their Parents from a Victim Standpoint. And the discussions around their case continues.
Also in The News last month, though quietly under The Radar, guess who also won a re-sentencing of his own after losing 3 Big Cases back to back,
Michael Avenatti. A few weeks ago in October, he lost an Appeal concerning his New York Case concerning Stormy Daniels, but a week later won a re-sentencing on that California Case where he was initially sentenced to 17.5 years. He had his case in Appeal fighting the unfairness of The Ruling, and his Honda Jet was sold to satisfy a Judgment. He now reportedly has 14 years to Serve on his record which he’s still fighting to successfully Appeal.
So if you all have been following My Saga in these past articles and the prior couple years, and you are paying attention to the things I’m talking about the timing of certain ones, then you would know about a particular commercial on The Airwaves running ever so regularly. At the onset, it got my attention,, MSC Cruises, “For A Greater Beauty”. Well, when it came on TV last year I ignored it, and it ran and ran, and ran for me to finally comment on it now due to MY timing in context to what I want to say with the recent development of things. When I began building my webpages for Ferrelux decades ago, I used music in the background that was classical or jazz and one long standing one that sort of became the symbolic theme of the site was a tune in 1997 by The Verve called “Bittersweet Symphony”. That at the time made sense for me to use being innovative though an odd thing to do back then given other choices. So given the controversy around me and my site brought by Big Tech & Big Brother in October of 2022 where the blunt signs were there to notice en route to an agenda against me, it was interesting to see and hear that commercial pop up all of a sudden during my recounting of that ordeal in 2023. It is STILL an odd music choice given any website or Ad this day given the other choices. What makes it work is that it sounds great, applicable and makes sense. And I can tell that Someone is either thinking on the same wavelength as me having similar taste, or the persons inspired by me and my work got curious and went to check The Wayback Machine to see that archaic wonder. My other longstanding song I used after that was a track associated with British Airways TV Ad from 1989 called Aria on Air by Malcolm McLaren that still played years later. I eventually used other cross genre tracks as I am a Music Lover and to this day, still feature tunes on my site as well as games, interesting links, Ads and other features as a staple. It showcases my vibe, personality and interests. And ofcourse, the site developed differently in other ways as time went on. And my Audience over the many years have been mainly Fans, not Haters, following the content, and we’re talking well over 20+ years of deciding to turn an idea into a business, growing over time. And you read my prior articles about my recent issues. Writing a Blog was not my End Game. It would have more been a side feature. This is a turn in The Process. Signs of what I was trying to do are there, but on a small scale. I would need some serious Backers, Investors and so forth to build the kind of thing I had in mind. And although it is much easier to give my ideas to someone, something tends to look better on The Person who’s idea it is since he or she is so infused on it and it shows. I had in mind certain things to append and offer on the site that did not quite go well at the time due to The Market and other people abandoning their own businesses so a lot of opportunities dried up and I still see that happening in some circles decades later with other companies who should have done well and remained Today. They too are dealing with struggles. Now just figure, I’m not doing quite what I’d like with this platform as it is limited to Writing right now and some other stuff in the periphery, and you see the kind of reach and notoriety I have so far that compelled Attacks from Haters as explained in over 30 prior articles where I mentioned it. That should tell you the kind of power I have where my vision for certain things might go except that my ideas were meant to be fulfilled here with no issue. I never thought that it would attract some Weirdo & his Team operating within The Government hating on it and this coming from simply making an FBI Report that should have been handled more professionally instead of becoming a nonsensical ongoing problem for over 14 years following my life due to that Agency’s practice of singling out unsuspecting persons who don’t fit a criminal profile to trifle with for Sport. This goes back to what I mentioned earlier about Corrupt Agents too. An easy job designed for a White Male to get, working a 50 hour work week, all expenses paid and with Benefits, earning $80K as a Special Agent in the FBI is not enough for some people. With access to all kinds of things, they may want to use their Clearance to track the progress of certain people to see how their business activities developed, then try to hijack, pirate and steal their work. Other Criminal-Minded Agents do better by not getting involved with stupid stuff like that eventually leading back to them. And what’s dumb is fighting someone for a domain name they never came up with or have a right to use from a person using their own brand for decades with authority. Only a Malignant Narcissist is that Crazy to try something so asinine despite all the online history and offline information in all kinds of Circles that can be retrieved, including that same FBI report I made many years ago. And I also have some other information connected to my Business Trade Name I have not revealed yet and maybe someone with a brain could figure that. The latest ATTACK on me had to do with That Person stalking my expired Ferrelux,co Domain had under Getdotted.com/co.uk which I planned to re-activate at a later stage. I only had the main extensions anyone would ever need which were the .com / .net / .biz / .org / & .us, and back in the day, when you saw that, you respected a brand and the only real access you had was some permitted relation with It or The Person to associate with or use, like being a Business Partner or Affiliate for example. These cyber-attacks began on The Wordpress Hosting site which I here are NOW in legal conflict with Automattic’s Owner Matt Mullenweg and battling over a plugin, which is interesting since my expose. Remember my issue concerned re-developing my own in-house Ad Program I was leaning more towards as a revenue stream instead of relying on the fickleness of Affiliate Ads. Now this is a standard business model that was known well before the internet ever existed when you got a newspaper or magazine and viewed the Ad Section. Why it seems new to The Millennials or the type, running Big Tech & Big Government is because as obvious as that is to still find in Today’s Time in use by some Company. The Hysteria behind a Black Person coming up with a marketable idea of any kind that can help you and your Community is something to stop. Now remember something I said earlier about FLASH MOBS hitting Stores and why they do it, The Local Criminal in your neighborhood is not convinced that being a “good girl” or “good guy” is worth anything in The System. America is not like other Societies around The Globe with certain values at the forefront. Even so-called Shithole Countries still respect a decent person trying to lead a clean life. So when they see you did everything right, and The System failed you, then it justifies being a criminal and look, it even extends to your Local Law Enforcement Personnel within The System also doing wrong where their job is not enough. And what separates you for them is an ethereal thing called Morals, even of you waver a bit. That’s what keeping you from descending to depraved practices. So what that person in The System did to harass me was somehow swipe my Ferrelux.co which I used privately for legal correspondence to now try and sell, without my knowledge where The Getdotted Hosting is concerned giving excuses where Godaddy is involved. And I hold another domain with them I bought a Service through to maintain and they were informed of this domain theft crime where I still had rights to it they are ignoring. All this covert mentally-ill attacks on me simply because in recent years, somebody on account of my activities, finally figured out that Ferrelux was another way of saying Lucifer and they have been seeing the light and beauty I emanate in my work and like the name and are engaged in narcissistic psychotic behavior to try to capture it, using their FBI resources while an Audience is fully aware of the person’s mental sickness. He has to be, to have net me with my own Identity many years ago I came up with in Middle School based on something I have not shared with the Public yet, since that is my own private concern for a much, much later date. And putting together these Articles a certain way is a private work. It’s not meant for a fucking crazy person to follow. I bet if things were different and that person harassing me stumbled across Ferrelux and it was a Pro-Black, Anti-White hating site like a good number of some odd blogs out here, and is spoke ill of Jews and had some dark Satanic trappings about it, I know it would turn him off since he and other bigoted Whites can’t stand these types of Blacks out here and there have a right to carry on like that. All of a sudden the vibe of that word would not interest him, and he would respect it like any Black Male on Youtube and Facebook he stays the fuck away from. And after circulating complaints to Sources, I eventually got back into my Lhisa666 Facebook Account by the way reaching out to some Folks, but during the Closeout I discovered other options. So anyway, what I radiate doing this work, is My Light. I’m using my sensibilities to explain certain profound concepts in a concise way. It’s different from other people’s work. This only became a problem when an unscrupulous person began reading my private email correspondences in Google, seeing Affiliate Ad Engagements with Sponsors approving me and how they look on my website and seeing my interest in setting up a Marketplace and other things. Now a greedy FBI Agent with no proper values having access to some financial resource might see all of that and figure, hmm, let me try to trap this person’s brand and attempt steal their livelihood and I needn’t worry since I can see all emails in Google and do deep cross searches to read what he or she might be sending a Lawyer and contact the hosting and tell them a lie and open and delete files and use my access on other platforms, even Microsoft to reach into his or her computer and play around, and because I Am The Law, and I compromise Myself immorally with people within my Agency to stay protected, I can keep doing this with no consequence, right? Understand how I do things, this is the type of News that rarely ever gets out and you can only find reading works like mine. What was annoying was that person read too much private stuff to have lost his mind blowing up over it trying to get my attention to the fact. I have the advocacy campaigns I run also and the free legal assistance I offer, big deal. That was the same studious stuff I was doing years back online, only more developed. You’d think that the attacks were based on actual criminality like writing a Blog supporting Terrorists on how to build a super atomic weapon. I don’t think anybody still does that anymore so openly. If I was a Secret Agent Man working a case following lovely old me, I would have ended the engagement within 30 days after reading and seeing that there really is no further issue on the case I reported way back and leave it at a closed status and moved on whether the person was cute or average looking. Using a case to hold on like that to the point of negativity is sad compared to guys who would have done better and can get women without issues attached to it. And when you’re in these types of attacks, you get to feel the angst and see the psychology behind the person. He also was offended that I was using LATIN as if it were a crime. And so he began to tinker with it in The Search Engine and the Translator Tools. The Bylines I create as phrases on the site is an Old School Motif, reading documents, literature, and so forth that is not so much in practice now. Back in the day, it was not unusual for a Teacher to get up on the board some topic and open a lesson with some quote from a Philosopher or talk about some phrase or word that had it’s roots in Latin or Greek. So I kept that as a thing when writing these Articles. I have to explain that, I’m sorry that you were not exposed to certain edifying things. I just do them in my own way. I also won Scholarships back in my School Days being a brilliant Writer and also taught at The College-Level a little later in life. So if I am incorporating all that stuff in an interesting way, that is not unusual. I have other talents too. Most of us are born with multiple talents as Children. If you had about 10, then they start to die off if you don’t develop them. You’re lucky to still have at least 4 you kept doing. And in my case this goes deeper because I may never reclaim some of the others. You see I was one of those Kids born with something Supernatural going on about me. And I won’t say much, but English was not my native language as a Toddler. I had an Affinity for Latin and things having to do with that World as I grew up, then it extended to similar ancient cultures I also gravitated to. And I won’t share much for now since there were other anomalies about me, but sometimes when Parents think they are helping you, they sometimes set you back though they meant well. And it has been a quest for me to uncover something for a very along time now. If I underwent a Past Life Regression or something, it might help clear that up. Back in the day I read and viewed cases like that, but now in our Present Day, more of this stuff are easier to find online and some of these cases out here are similar in part to mine. Parents should leave their Kids alone if they are special in anyway doing paranormal stuff and nurture that. I have basic to intermediate understanding of other foreign languages, able to speak, read and write them. And like The Royals and other Educated Classes, practicing to communicate in other languages is useful even if you are not all the way fluent. I have a knack to pronounce things well. When I did some multi-lingual videos a couple years back in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Czech, Slovenian Scottish Gaelic, French, Spanish & Haitian Creole, I made it a point to really circulate them around in their respective circles to see if anyone Native criticized my pronunciation or how I said something, and nope, not a peep. So I am trying to tap further into something and re-capture what I once had fully and used, among my other hidden talents. I’m mainly a Creative Arts persons, but I a Scientific & Technological side as well. I was supposed to be an Astronaut at one time being obsessed with Space reading all the books and going to The Planetarium, and so forth. We all know who we are at some time born into this World and sometimes the memories fade along with the abilities if you are not careful, but a destiny may remain as your fate unfolds. And like I stated earlier, when people are engaged in Writing or other Art, it’s personal. Someone not reading that and making sport of it to cyberbully someone simply because of your prejudice against a person using a language you don’t think they should be using is very ignorant of you, especially when dark-skinned Slaves or Free Persons in America use to speak it. And going further back, Persons who were Romans from Carthage (Africa) also spake Latin moving about The Empire. All this is common knowledge to people like me who studied history. Latin only became a “dead language” a few hundred years ago though a few still speak it or remnants of it in The Romance Languages. And being a linguist, Latin exists in other languages people don’t typically associate with it. And I’ll go a step further by stating that Latin may have come from The Ancient Egyptian Language and I am still exploring that. So when my Harasser was playing around with The Translator I had on the site at the time, removing the official Latin and putting latin in parenthesis next to some odd modern slavic language was not only wrong but he was trying to hurt the productivity of my site as the feature was there for multi-cultural Readers. If someone gave me a small exam to translate something written in Greek or Latin to make out what it says, I can do that. I also study some Russian to see The Latin in it and figure out what is says. I’m also intuitive and have strange dreams. The Harasser recently stealing my old domain Ferrelux.co and going to Dan,com to sell it and them acting and doing shady stuff as if a crime did not happen shows how sick you people are threatened by a Negroid Female writing a Blog and using your resources and money to try to obstruct a beautiful work. And I’m presenting all this to The Public to show how crazy American Politics is and corrupt. It’s a National Security issue when an Agency acts a fool over a blog. A Russian, Chines or Arab person seeing this can gain a perspective wondering what the hell is in this blog that is causing an agency like The FBI to or one Agent at least using their resources to bug out, because prior to this, all the Blogs were just SIMPLE and CUTE, POIGNANT Material talking about Current Events and my views on it, then in October of 2021, I wrote a long charming story entitled Avenatti’s Marvel Universe, DC and it went around in limited circles and the energy was positive. And I had every intention the next year if all went well to do another story written in real time for Halloween using another literary take on a Popular Culture and that did not get a chance to happen. And these Tales are not just a random story about this person or that issue, it also incorporates particular high-minded concepts whether you catch that or not. It’s certainly not meant for a Whack Job to read. And anyone Overseas following American Politics and so forth, reading my material can catch a glimpse of the lunacy that goes on here sometimes. How an unstable person can read something benevolent like that, and over-react to it calling to undue attention to himself sub-consciously exposing jealousy, hate and guilt doing all kinds of crazy things and continuing, getting Sav,com involved since I have domains there and the guy who owns that hosting site is involved in a political group in Chicago and also own a Translator Service. Do you see how crazy you are? And creating a situation with Godaddy to try to hurt me and my brand as if I did anything to you shows how WEAK this Country is with the types of petty things that goes on that would have been clipped from the get-go in other Nations since The People are more mature. And all this has to do with a word I came up with in Childhood. Well, in High School, College and beyond, I came up with other names and ideas inspired from deep within the confounds of my intellect. A UNIVERSE. Do you think I am going to want to release any of those ideas too much? I was supposed to do them here, but Ferrelux and my other complexities look great on other nations as well. I did not plan to expand to other Regions until I got this or that accomplished first. So I don’t know why this guy is trying to manage me or my company when he has absolutely not a damn thing to do with the conception of it or me and is a Stranger to me hovering around inducing problems and harm into my life. He’s a criminal with a badge. He serves no purpose. When other people do some kind of Cointelpro work in their locality atleast their lives are substantially improves by this case or that. A Corrupt Cop in The Neighborhood would not have been exposed like that. They are smart enough to establish a decent relationship with someone and can call him or her. Listening to some Former FBI Agents, Whistleblowers speak on these issues confirmed some of my suspicions going through a process myself being an “Agent” myself. I don’t totally agree with what some of them say and watching their shows, I can see why The FBI got rid of them viewing their content a certain way from their perspective. And I have fair understanding of both sides, but my case is even more unique. It does not fall under their jurisdiction much yet they follow my work and clumsily too. And The Wayback Machine was offline for a good time with all it’s history due to some legality. And prior to that in his zeal, there were signs that the Stalker FBI Agent bothering me had to have visited my old site pages to get the idea that I’d call my business Extensive Enterprise at first before I changed it to something more unique a few years later as if other companies don’t do that. And then he began doing stuff under The Wordpress Hosting sending odd messages trying to get me to use an old hosting software platform I use to use many years back before I changed to something better. All that shows a person with no proper way of knowing how to communicate with Females and is just being a nuisance. A White Person with Privilege targeting a Person of Color who did not get certain opportunities though qualified and has made a way of their own that he’s trying to trivialize in a Classist, Agist, Racist, & Sexist way even though he’s married to his own and lives a few hours away from me. I’m not flattered. Let this be a caution to any of you where simply reporting something can lead to an unnecessary ongoing issue, especially if you are Black. I am being an Example, where first hand content like this was out here for me to read at the time. And some of you are smart enough to piece together the subtext of what I mean. And when you are out here dealing with them as an Opportunity, some know what they are doing and you would have no trouble, while others are trying to make an issue and because of that your power lies in being uncooperative. Your other lively means should outshine it. I advise against becoming a Citizen particularly if you are a Black Immigrant as the harsh realities of being in this Country rears its ugly head from time to time that your quality of life in general only slightly improves. And knowing where you come from and the nuance of that, certain things are not practiced there and they simply don’t go on. You only notice that here. Your experience differs from mine, but I hear more negativity than positivity coming from people and once a line or certain lines have been crossed, that’s enough. That’s why I don’t mind it. It’s not a great loss to me. I don’t mind packing up and rebuilding my life elsewhere. After about 4 decades being here in America, the later stages became turbulent with little to no recourse and I left The Country before when I felt this way in Mid Stages. It’s Cyclical. It’s tied to The Wealth of my Knowledge and Skill I can offer any Nation the kind of sound Advice I’ve been expounding here in these Writings in a mild way. Evaluating some of these Nations and their Leaders, just making this one move, can lead to a come up. You’d be surprised hos much easier it is to mange another’s problems an issues better than your own because of the objective effect. I’ve been managing my issues just fine, but can readily see solutions for others. I’m not at the high-levels of Government to say to The Person who really is controlling America to do this or that, but obviously my Blogging has reached some people. It’s easier getting to the upper echelons in some government systems faster though, especially when they don’t have some Fool there who’s not put in check. And in studying certain parts, the potential for them to be a World Power is there that it is surprising they did not make this or that move to emerge as one. I also did well in History Class. I’m just an informed Visionary person with BIG ideas. I have solutions. And I’m expecting this and that to happen. I’m keen on not revealing any more information on prophecies yet like I did months earlier, as it is only fair to give them a chance since IT won’t last. And I’ll reveal why when that time comes as I touched on it before in those articles about my Seership. Since they progressed to new low, they added to the weight of their problems with The One Deity governing it.
Hmm, with what’s going on in The News in the excitement over our next President, it’s no wonder why there are technical difficulties in getting on here to post what I wrote.
And now the time is here, Tuesday November 5th 2024, Election Day. And as the results are still coming in throughout the day, let me take the time to wrap up this article instead since at this very late hour, it appears that Trump is coming in strong and in the next article I’ll say more.
So I called this article HALYNAWEEN showing the optics of The Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins who was slain last year in early October on the Set of RUST, now seen here filming a story in real time, and that happens to be these creepy events she’s missing out on due to her untimely death. And The Horror Movie shows we are living in even more uncertain times. Notice the backdrop of Norse Mythology with the Goddess Hela, who rules The Realm of the Dead and how Halyna herself looks like the Marvel Comics depictions of her. And she might just get her revenge of course with her trusty hell hound Fenris. And I can relate to this WHY I decided to do this in the first place with all I have been telling you in past articles. I like Halloween, and if my Dog was with me, dressing up as the Dark Nordic Hel & Fenrir, who are Marvel’s Hela & Fenris, would be a suitable Costume for us. A doggy also suffered an untimely death, and sentient creatures are deserving of Divine Justice. He was robbed of the extra time he could have had around his Family. This is true of Halyna also. You know when Rogue Elements in a so-called Civilized Society are allowed to bring their damaged goods self to Others wreaking harm into their lives, its no wonder why in time things attorn in favor of The Just, and not only judgment in This World, but The Afterlife where measured out is a bitter Cup of Retribution.