Mihi Placet Fabulas Quae In Re Vel In Realibus Characteribus Radicatae Sunt, Sed Mea Pars Ventus Actu Mundum Creans ubi Fabula Erit 👱🏼♀️ I like stories that [are] rooted in reality or real characters, but my favorite part is actually creating the world where the story will exist 🎥 Halyna Anatoliivna Hutchins
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Mihi Placet Fabulas Quae In Re Vel In Realibus Characteribus Radicatae Sunt, Sed Mea Pars Ventus Actu Mundum Creans ubi Fabula Erit 👱🏼♀️ I like stories that [are] rooted in reality or real characters, but my favorite part is actually creating the world where the story will exist 🎥 Halyna Anatoliivna Hutchins