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LHISA 😍 Feel Like Making Love

Bad Company Cover

One of my favorite Bad Company songs, and I like Paul Rodgers’ voice. So this video was done back in December 2019, and I was in the process of planning some new stuff, applying to be an Act in a few places, looking at Auditions, sending my work around to Producers and then The Corona Virus Pandemic Hit stymying mine, and everybody elses future at that time. It pissed me the fuck off because I was on a role. There were Theatre Projects I was a good fit for to play a character in a Play. Once something gets thrown off course, it’s the end of that opportunity. The Cruise Ship Shows eventually got cancelled too. We were in the Covid-19 Lockdown dealing with that shit like there was no tomorrow and it affected me in certain ways as some of you following my content have read in my 2023 articles explaining it, particularly The FBI one I wrote in July of that year. Basically my interest shifted from all that stuff onto doing more Scholarly work taking up Law, mining certain cases I was drawn to, and getting even more versed as if I was in Law School. And incidentally I was looking at my chances at that still, already Graduated with a Masters Degree in Teaching from way back in 2003 and I found 2 potential expensive Colleges I would have considered attending if it were possible to add to my career, one in NYC and the other in Albany. I love The City, but thought for that exorbitant price, I might do better in Albany, and then at a much later time during the hustle and bustle in my life, I realized that I was lucky to forego even thinking about that, since My Stalker lived somewhere up there, which was unknown to me at the time. I can say that among the list of occupations I wrote down to be when I grew up, was a Lawyer because as a Child, people saw that in me also why I still took certain courses having to do with Law Enforcement if it fitted my Major in a way, since I had an interest still studying that kind of stuff on the side and my Administrative Corporate Work included assisting Attorneys at certain Firms. And there is more, but I’ll keep that to myself for now. I also enjoy The Arts and have found someway to incorporate that into my style of life.

~ Lhisa Mrklon

You’ll notice in these types of tracks, I make it a point to showcase my natural voice for booking purposes. Some people are able to fool a Casting Director to pick them for Projects by synthesizing the track, and them not knowing that they booked a Fraud. They seemed like the right person until reality sinks in that they chose Someone who is not a Versatile Singer or able to take instruction well or is willing to be trained in the preferred style of singing for The Production. I’m showing how I can change my appearance as well as my style and tone to match what they might want.
This track was done back in September 2019.




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